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The next few days I found myself refusing any form of solid food. I would be forced to eat some things when I am at the office from Maggie and once in a while, Caleb will drop by with some food and he would insist that I eat something.

I couldn't bring myself to do so when I know that my father and the DelCarlo's are out there planning a wedding that I wasn't attending. I gave up on the case and I gave it to Charlotte. After I handed over the case and I informed Mr DelCarlo that I wouldn't be taking up the case anymore, he didn't insist on it.
Charlotte informed me that everything was going well in the case.

"...Taylor?" I finally looked up hearing someone from a distance calling


"I've been calling you for a few times now" Caleb snapped looking up from his logistics "Your phone is ringing" he pointed towards the device vibrating on the floor.


"Hello Ms Longard, I've been looking forward to when I get to talk to you" the unfamiliar voice on the other end said

"Who is this and what do you want from me?"

"Well let's just say that what goes around comes around" The voice on the other end chuckled and the line went dead.

I woke up from the position that I was in on the couch and grabbed the keys in the plate by the door while I yelled for Caleb to follow. He grabbed my coat and his by the door while I threw him the key and asked him to drive while I clutched the phone tightly in my hand. This was not my first rodeo.

The person that called must have been someone that I've put away in prison or was sued from my law firm and as a lawyer this was something that is bound to happen. I told Caleb what the guy told me on the phone and he drove us to the station immediately.

The phone call couldn't be traced.
I fell back on my bed that night thinking about everything that was happening to me at the moment. A DelCarlo walks into my life and everything that was already upside down does 360 degrees turns and messes everything up. I was finally getting a firm footing in the firm and I was doing well.

Whoever was on the phone; I know that they couldn't really do anything. The house that I was living in was nothing short than fully secure, no amount of mission impossible could get them to reach me when I'm inside the house, however I would need to cut off any outside activities in my life for a while. I didn't know how to feel about that.

For the next few days I worked from inside the house and all of my case files that I had been working on were sent to the house. Caleb left in the morning on Monday for Brazil; he finally got the funding from a huge company in Washington DC with the desire to further his research and his Environmental strategy for the sustainable management of the rainforest and the native community residing within such a biome.

It's Monday night and the house had settled. No sound only those of the television and the small drizzle outside. The rain had been falling since early afternoon and I was getting myself out from the pile of case files and I popped in one of Caleb's fictional Science fiction movie. The first 10 minutes of the movie already said that the movie was of a dystopian future.

Bang! bang! A loud knock pulled me from the movie that I had been watching. I grabbed the bat next to the door and looked though the peep hole. I couldn't really make out who was outside because of the darkness however the person was not standing like he wanted to kill me, he was shuffling and he looked wet.

I opened the door only to be met with a sight I thought I'd never see; Maximillian was dripping wet like the first time we met only this time it didn't look like he had a choice.

"We need to talk" the only thing he said before he walked in the house still dripping wet
The shirt that he was wearing highlighted his muscles with all the water dripping from it. He wiped the water dripping from his hair and pulled the jacket away from his body.

"You're in danger" he looked around frantically and slammed the door shut.

Dealing With A Delcarlo *Book I* [COMPLETED✔]Where stories live. Discover now