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“It’s totally normal to ask honey, yes, that’s really my face” her lips pulled to reveal white bleached teeth, everything about her screamed elegance, silence had never dawned on us since I'd met her; she was a sight to behold.

I found myself unable to create any coherent and cohesive sentence, her jewellery not too much and not too little; the movements of her hands daunting, however of great stature. The light in her eyes hid everything she was thinking and anyone daring to go against her in a game of poker is surely a man wishing for death. I don’t see how I can fit in this family.

Why I’m I thinking of joining this family anyway? I think the outside air is messing up all my decisions and any coherent thought that I may have. I looked around and for once more I found myself a stranger in a life that I’m being bullied into. A small knock from within my skull warned me that I may be thinking too much.

I looked up from the table cloth and across the table where the two character of rugged beauty sat. Everything about them screamed power, money and strangely Amazonians. If they were in the superhero world they would be the superior species however this wasn’t such a world, this is the real world where everyone tried their best to move forward one way or another.

Although her linen dress was bright white I could almost see the blood of the innocent that they had to walk all over to be in the position that they were today. Those Greek sandals seemed to be made out of gold and any woman in their right mind wouldn’t come to the beach in such attire, well that unless you’re a DelCarlo.

“Mother what are you doing here?”

“You’ve been absent, so excuse my nurture for wanting to find my son” her voice velvet as velvet could get floated over the moisture of the wind
“May I ask to why you are here on this island and who that woman who hasn’t stopped staring my way is?”

“It’s all father’s doing” Maximilian began and his mother answered almost immediately

“I’m quite aware of such a fact my dear” she placed her hands on the table and her frame stood taller


“Did I stutter?” she raised perfectly plucked eyebrows without any scars or marks “I’m quite aware that your father is punishing you for something that you executed, however what he didn’t get the time to disclose such pretexts before I boarded on the first plane to this rock in the middle of nowhere”

I wanted to wake up from the chair that I was sitting however her presence was so captivating that I found myself staring more and more, the more she said the more I wanted to know what was next.

“Mother. Father is wrong this time” Maximilian began obviously trying to get his mother trying to see his side of things and to take his side “He is forcing Taylor to marry me and into the family”

“What?” her whole character crumbled as she dramatically pulled her body from the chair at the table and looked towards the sea with a distressed look on her face

“It’s wrong for him to do that, that’s exactly what I told him”
The conversation seems to have shifted towards me and I wasn’t participating. I looked at the two 6ft and more characters standing in front of me and for a second they both turned in unison and scrutinised my sitting frame.

“Her?” the seconds of silence broken as his mother’s voice directed towards me with disgust and disappointment

“What’s so special about her?” she asked and I felt my self-esteem losing value.

“Everything ” my heart sped up when Maximilian uttered that single word

I wanted to smile however my time in the middle of this family drama was over. I pulled myself from the chair and placed my chin in the air to prevent the show of lack of confidence but rather that of an elegant young independent wom- gosh! Why did I have to be clumsy this very moment?

The blood rushed to my face as I pulled my hands from the sand that I had fallen on. I tried not to look back and continued my strut of confidence towards my room. I could hear footsteps coming after me and I opened the wooden door to my room. I sat on the bed and looked at Maximilian in the door way. He closed the door behind him and sat next to me.

Our breath was the only coherent sound in the room for a minute.

“That was my mother” he cleared his throat

“No shit Sherlock” I found myself awkwardly laughing and looking at Maximilian, he looked at me with the most caring eyes and a sad smile pulled at his lips

“I’m sorry. I know I’m at fault for everything that happened in your life for a while and I don’t want to be the guy who came and ruin everything, and please don’t read into what my mum said just now, she’s just protective of me”.

My tummy did a double flip and  I looked at the man sitting next to me. He wasn't the same man that barged into my office, he was different, somehow he changed in my line of vision for the past few months that we've been stranded on this island and from a technical point of view, it was time for us to go home and see how his attitude will change. I don't want to marry him yet however I no longer hold the strong urge to murder him in his sleep.

Thanks for reading xxx

Dealing With A Delcarlo *Book I* [COMPLETED✔]Where stories live. Discover now