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I got away from a ruthless man that I had been living with since I can remember only to get back in bed with another one. I want to say that I don’t want the case, however my firm needs to progress and the only way for it to do so is by getting rich influential people to pay for our legal services. My assistant needs to get paid and the three more lawyers that I have also need a pay cheque.

The drumming began. Tapping my fingers on the wheel; I used to do that all the time but I was sent to therapy to find the source of the drumming. This wasn’t any ordinary drumming, I can’t stop once I start, I start to drum on anything visible in my path.

From the Four Seasons to my office everything seemed to have changed. Click. Click. Murmur. I know this sound. They had finally left me alone once I claimed that I had nothing interesting for them to take pictures of. I barely pulled in my parking space before they attacked the side of my car.

Trapped. In a car like processed tuna. They each had their own agenda but the most important thing they wanted to know was; Will I take ‘The Great White’s’ case. The case is like green salad; green, leafy and bland but drop in some pepper bells, then you have yourself a combo combination of a mixed salad. Add a DelCarlo in any situation then you have yourself a shit load of baggage coming your way.

I never thought that I’d be back in this chaotic world; however leave it to daddy dearest to make sure that I do. I wanted to give up sitting in this car. I’ve called Maggie a minute ago and she was working on a solution to get me out of the pickle I was currently in. I leaned my head back on the head rest and closed my eyes for a second, trying to block out everything. I need to get my priorities in order. I have a firm I need to run and I have a boyfriend at home. He is the one I should be worried about. He can’t really do much with his hands at the moment so he is the one I should be taking care of.

Mid thought I opened my eyes to realise that something was different. The door that I was to get out of the car was a bit clearer. I opened the door to be graced with the different camera waiting for me and I saw Maggie smiling brightly at me. I walked towards her and turned back to see why they had moved away from the car. A lean muscular guy was moving them away from the vicinity and Charlotte from the criminal department was threatening to litigate.

We walked into the building, the security guards smiled apologetically obviously unaware of the situation. Even if they wanted they couldn’t get away from their post because their responsibility is to look out for everyone in the building not outside of the building.

I got in the same elevator as Maggie however no one else got in the same elevator; the lean muscular man went back to work- in the mail room, and Charlotte just happened to be going out for a consultation with a client.

“Nice work by the way” I smiled at Maggie when the door to the elevator closed

“Thank you, I figured in this sexist world a male figure was one of the only thing that was going to send them running” She smiled and shrugged

“I meant nice work for both things; landing that male figure and getting him to help” I answered

“I know right, he is super-hot. He could be the hottest guy that I’ve ever been with and I can’t keep my hands off of him” Maggie breathed
“I think I know what you mean. Make sure you’re doing that off premises because that is a law suit waiting to happen” I looked at Maggie who couldn’t stop smiling.

Caleb makes me feel like this sometimes, he would always make me feel that this at the beginning. I guess that’s the spark of a new relationship, now I’m at the marriage part; where we care more about each other’s well-being that we do ourselves. 

The elevator door opened and we stepped out on our floor.

“Hey. We should get a cocktail sometime, it’s been so long since we’ve had a girl’s night” Maggie said before she headed back towards her office which was the place with the best décor on this entire building floor. Maggie had an eye for art and anything that could create a trend, sometimes I wonder why she isn’t a creative director or an interior decorator somewhere.

I walked into my office and pulled open all the files, now that I finally accepted the case I can start filtering all the law suits that the DelCarlo company lawyer had handled over the years and I had to make a phone call.

“Hello, is this Mr DelCarlo’s office” I asked

“Who are my I speaking to please?” a gruff male voice asked on the other side of the phone
That’s strange a few days ago, Sally called to request that I join Mr DelCarlo out for lunch.

“I’m Taylor Longard, is Sally around?” I asked out of curiosity rather than interest
“I’m sorry ma’am but no such person by the name of Sally ever worked for this office” This is strange. No this is more than strange, are my the one going crazy or does it sound like Sally had been erased from her ever existing to work at that office?

The male character from the other side of the phone transferred the line directly to Maximillian and I couldn’t wait to give him a piece of my mind. He answered the phone on the first ring and I could hear the movement of paper in the background.

“Maxi- what happened to Sally?” I asked assertively into the phone

“Hello, Taylor. How are you Maximillian? I’m fine Taylor” He did the conversation piece of sarcasm from the other end and I wasn’t amused

“Maxi I’m going to ask you this one more-“

“No one named Sally has ever worked here” he answered before I could threaten him, however that will go

“You know why I know that answer is complete crap? The fact that you suddenly sound like a robot from the future” I had stopped pacing and my hands were holding the back of a chair and it was taking all of my anger

“Is there a specific reason why you called Ms Longard, because I’m sure you didn’t call to talk about an employee that-“he stopped for a few milliseconds “that may or may not have worked at my office”

I think I can see the veins in my eyes. My face heated up and I wanted to scream, I wanted to grab that smug bastard by the crook of his neck and throw him somewhere far away where I wouldn’t be able to see or comprehend his face. He pissed me off to no end.

Why was I calling him? I don’t remember, knowing his family Sally could have literally been erased from existence and a similar copy of her drawn in some river with a few bullets in her chest. I turned off the call and threw my phone on the table.

The amount of paper work with the name DelCarlo on them disturbed me to no end. Before I knew what was happening I had already wiped my hands all over the table and all the papers with the DelCarlo holdings and all their legal details were now residing on the floor in my office.

I grabbed my purse from the couch and locked the door, Maggie heard the ruckus and everything falling from my table and by the time I had locked my door she was already looking at me with a confused look on her face.

“Should I get the cleaning lady to clean all that up?” she asked me obviously worried or confused about my action

“No, leave it to gather some dirt, Dirt and DelCarlo works well together” I took out my shades and the elevator door dinged. I need to get away from all this mess before I go crazy.

THANK YOU FOR READING XXX As from now on I will be updating every week ✌

Dealing With A Delcarlo *Book I* [COMPLETED✔]Where stories live. Discover now