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Serenity. Confusion. The tongue rolling jerked me out of the darkness. A hand immediately placed itself on the side of my face and I jerked up from the lying position that I was in. Bright blinding light. I looked up and saw the blurred features of a man looking at me.


His face came into focus and spun as I took in my surrounding. I was in a dimly lit room and a ray of sunlight was streaming through the curtains. The walls were of wood. Where in the baby zucchini am I?

"Ciao Bella (Hello beautiful )" another voice said and I looked away from DelCarlo staring at me

"Ciao? (Hello )" The warm smile of the woman assured me that I hadn't been kidnapped and locked in a wooden crate or that I wasn't in hell

"Where am I?" I asked placing my feet on the ground and feeling Max shift from his position. I made an attempt to walk and he was immediately by my side holding out his hands so as to prevent me from falling.

Somehow I don't seem to be able to hold myself up properly and the banging in my head has taken a drastic and uncomfortable turn

"You need to rest" he tried to get me to go back on the bed

"No, I need to get home" I winced once I felt the pain pang at my side. The events that led to such a pain finally surfaced and I locked eyes with the man who was standing with a mask of guilt on his face

"The doctor said that resting is..."

"You did this to me!! Before you walked into my life everything was fine. I hadn't been shot. I had a fully functional boyfriend and I had a house without a damn freaking hit man after me" I took a second to breath and bit back the pain

"Taylor? You're hurting yourself" He looked at me concerned

"No Max. You, you hurt me" I can't believe this is happening but a tear rolled out of my eyes involuntarily

"Get some rest, we'll talk once you're better"

He gave what he meant to be an uncomfortable, comforting and sad smile. He pressed his lips tight together and walked out of the room in silence.

I lay back on the bed and the tears rolled out of my eyes. The Italian woman also walked out and closed the door. My chest burnt more than the pain in my side, the pain in my side was bearable because I knew that it would go away, however the one in my chest, I know that antibiotics can't really fix it or numb it.

The ceiling did wonders to remind me of all that happened in the span of months. From Caleb moving to the rainforest in Brazil to being 'advised' into marrying a billionaire bad boy, my house being invaded by an assassin no doubt hired to kill me by the DelCarlo and finally the cherry on the ice cream, getting shot.
If I don't wake up from this nightmare, who else will do? This is what I do. This is what I'm supposed to do. Fix everything.

I stepped off my bed one foot at a time careful not to pull any stitches. I grabbed the side of the door frame and walked into what looks like a lunge room and at the end of that door I saw Maximillian looking at the ocean. Ocean? Why didn't I hear it before and why are we next to the ocean?

The reasonable side of my brain was telling me not to make a big deal out of it. I hissed as I stepped away from the doorway and immediately realising that there wasn't anything to hold on. As if hearing me Max woke up from the position he was in and came to hold my hand. He was about to scoop me in his arms but I gave him one look and I think I heard him chuckle.

I felt drowsy when I woke up and I'm guessing I was on some sort of pain medication because I could feel the pain coming back slowly and surely. He directed me towards a chair next to his and he looked at me with scrunched eyebrows.

"Staibene (Are you OK)?"

"Yes" I answered and for a second he looked at me with a smile.

"Why are we here?" I asked him not giving him any space to ask a question before I do

He scratched the back of his head and he looked around us. He wasn't cocky but he was vulnerable, for a second it looked like he was scared.

"I don't know. Padre (Father)" he whispered the last word

"Your father? What about your father?" I asked clearly pulling at some nerves on my side

"I don't know why we are here. I woke up a few hours before you and found myself on this island" he said looking at me in my eyes
He looked worried. He wasn't angry or happy; I couldn't point out what he was feeling. I couldn't ask any question before he was kneeling in front of me.

"Midispiace (I'm sorry). I know I was a jerk before, I thought it would be easy to woo you and get you to be my wife" he grabbed my hands and looked me in the eyes and I could almost see his soul pouring out of his clear orbs "We're truly in danger now, if my father is behind any of this then..."

He huffed in annoyance. He looked around and his grasp on my hands increased.

"Then what?" I asked him trying to figure out what was going on in his head

"Non lo so ( I don't know)" he looked baffled for a moment before he woke up from the kneeling position he was in and sat back on his chair looking at the blue waters gracing the fine particles this island calls sand.

The wind could make anyone forget about their troubles, the peaks in the distance showed that there are other islands in the vicinity of this one. The blue skies were a painting of the purest of paint.

"Do you know where we are?" I asked him and he looked at me puzzled

"I already asked, no one will say anything and there's no phone or computer in this house and I doubt if there's one on the island " he looked at me with guilt masking all his features, he seems more mature now "Fanculo (Fuck)" he yelled at the sky and kicked the sand

"We have to do something, we can't seat around and do nothing" I said in between the pain that I was bounded to now

"Cosapassiamo fare? (What. What can we do?)" he half yelled

"Possiamo provare qualcosa. Qualsiasi cosa (We can try something. Anything! )" I yelled at him

He brushed his hair back and looked at me clenching his jaw.

"Taylor che cosa possiamo fare? Sei ferito e hai bisogno di guarire. (Taylor what can we do? You're injured and you need to heal)" he said in a strained voice

"First we need to know where we are" I sounded a little too hopeful in this situation

"Any brilliant ideas?" he arched his eyebrows

"If Caleb was here he would know what to do" I whispered without realising it

He scoffed and looked at me "where is he anyway?" he asked me "I thought you guys lived together"

"He got some big grant from some company in DC, something like Partly Sunny or something"

"Partly Sunny?" he asked his eyes increasing in size

"Yes, that's what he said" I answered feeling the sweat starting to find itself on my forehead

"Fuck, fuck, fuck!!" he turned back from trying to pull his hair off his head "that's a DelCarlo company. My father must have been planning this for a while now. Where is he supposed to be going?"

"Brazil" I answered

"This is it, this is how he's going to force you to marry me" he said with the look of realisation crossing his face

"I thought you'd be's what-"

"Taylor? Taylor?" he grabbed me off the stool and I felt my body go limp and I could smell mint as my back collided with a soft material. I felt helpless, helpless from pain. I heard him yelling help in Italian and another female voice in the room. I felt a sting in my arm and after a few minutes I saw the darkness for the third time today, or is it in two days.

I'm trapped. I can't really do anything. I'm injured on a bed. In the custody of the DelCarlo's and Caleb, he is-

Darkness; the bitter drug.

Bonus Chapter for my lovely readers.. xxx don't forget to vote

Dealing With A Delcarlo *Book I* [COMPLETED✔]Where stories live. Discover now