Chapter 9:GAME OVER (Part B )

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He went to the windows and made sure that all the blinds were closed.

“What do you think you’re doing Max?” my eyes followed his move. He switched off the lights in the living room however left the one in the kitchen on but we stayed in the living room.

“Stop talking. Someone is hunting you d-”

Crash! The windows in the kitchen and something or rather someone barged into my house. I ran up the stairs and grabbed the phone calling 911- that Italian prick clawed the phone out of my hands and chucked it down the stairs and the piece of technology shattered into their individual pieces.

“You son of-“Gunshots howled in the house as they pierced through the ceiling and the concrete.

His hands found its way on my shoulders and he pushed me on the hardwood floor that he was already dripping on. He pointed towards the bedroom and we rushed towards the bed. He pushed the door and blockaded it with my dresser. Oh my dresser.

“Hell no-“

“What? Do you want to die here?” He asked

“No, but I certainly don’t want to die down there also”

“It’s a game of chance” He shrugged and pulled the sheets off my bed “Who the hell gets floral sheets anymore?” He pulled a face and tied the sheets together.

“They’re very pretty” was all I could say

He tied it to the sill-the door rattled-gun shots. The attacker bursts through the door and I was on the grass in my back yard; once I heard the gunshots no one had to tell me I needed to jump down

The outside was worst, the rain was ploughing through in the field and we were ploughing our way towards the highway. I could hear the gunshots after every step that we took.

Maximilian pulled us in Mrs Waldo’s driveway- the house in the neighbourhood that everyone seems to avoid. Peachy!

He pulled open the back gate, which was unlocked and he ran us into the yard.

“Hey Mrs Waldo” He yelled and the woman in her warm living room waved and smiled at the two people running in her yard

I stopped dead in my track. Sitting on the yard was nothing other than a helicopter. He gestured for me to jump on. I wanted to decline and swear to never get near a DelCarlo asset however there was someone trying to hunt me down with guns and at the moment he was my best bet.

We got on and the helicopter found itself in the air and away from my house. My hands began to shake. My life has been compromised, the realisation finally hit. I looked at Maximilian and I couldn’t talk, I couldn’t breathe. My life has been compromised.

The fear in his eyes seemed to cover from something else. He looked at me and his arms wrapped around my shoulders and I fell limp in his arms. His voice trying to call out my name was the only thing that I could faintly hear.

I woke up with a banging headache and my sides were bitching like a tavern waitress, I think I’m hallucinating because I’m thinking about western movies now. A brothel. Cow boys.

My vision had been blurred and I could still hear the sound of the helicopter. We were still in the helicopter and a radio was chattering. I felt strong arms around my body and I wanted to move away from another man’s touch, especially Maximilian.

“Hey, hey” His voice was soft and he was looking at me with worry clouding his eyes

“I I I I have a boyfriend” I found myself barely whispering. He chuckled.

“Yeah, I’m well aware of that fact” he brushed his hands on my forehead and pulled some strands of my hair away from my face

“I shou…” I couldn’t complete the sentence while a jolt of pain found its way back in my sides and I couldn’t make any attempts to move

“Harley, are we landing anytime soon?” Maximilian turned his attention away from me, he talked to the pilot

“We’re a few minutes away, sir”

“Can you step on it” Maximilian asked

“It’s a helicopter sir, not a Mercedes” Harley answered with a hint of sarcasm behind his tone

“She’s losing a lot of blood”

What? Who’s losing a lot of blood? I grabbed onto Maximilian’s shirt and tried to hoist myself up

“Stay down Taylor, you got shot” He looked at me searching for something from my face
“It’s going to be okay” he answered

“How do you know?” I strained out

“Because you’re the strongest woman I know” He answered with an encouraging look on his face

About what felt like hours, the helicopter landed. A few suited men in blurs approached the helicopter in a rush. Darkness.

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Dealing With A Delcarlo *Book I* [COMPLETED✔]Where stories live. Discover now