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I am finally doing this. After one year of dealing with a DelCarlo I am finally going to do it. I will walk down the aisle and I will finally be connected to the man that I tried to avoid for a year. From dealing with him I would then have to live with him. I looked at myself in the mirror once more trying to believe that I’ll be doing that. I’ll be walking down the aisle towards a man that I had barely known for almost a year.

The knock on the door pulled me out of the reverie that I was in, I looked at the phone, but nothing was showing on the screen. I pulled the curl away from my face and breathed out in fear of what comes next. The knocking became a bit more haste as I could almost hear the violinist etching closer to the strings of their violin and I could almost feel the silence that had fallen over the crowd of people assembled in the semi-open hall.

The phone finally lit up and I walked out of the room. Maggie and Amber were waiting for me with my mum trying her hardest not to ruin her makeup.

“You look beautiful honey, your father is waiting for you outside” she answered and I smiled, I simply smiled

“Mum?” I looked at her “Whatever happens, just know that granddad will take care of you”

“What?” she answered confusingly “What are you talking about baby girl”

I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes. I turned away from my mother who was still in confusion and I walked out of the small house we had all been occupying and the person in charge of all the wedding preparations finally the orchestra began to play. The music pierced the air and I could feel my heart beating out of rhythm and out of my chest.

Maggie grabbed onto Devon’s arm and they walked down the aisle together. Amber grabbed Sergio’s husband’s arm and I grabbed my father’s arm. My mother walked and sat in her place in the very front and I clutched onto my father’s arm to be given away to a man standing at the altar in a beautifully tailored blue suit.

He was standing with a blank expression on his face but his eyes were slightly bigger than usual and he was trying his hardest to breathe calmly through his mouth

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He was standing with a blank expression on his face but his eyes were slightly bigger than usual and he was trying his hardest to breathe calmly through his mouth. His lips were pink and his orbs in his eyes were nothing more than glittering with some sort of adoration. I am finally doing this.

I turned around only to find that Luca DelCarlo was here and he was sitting on the groom’s side with Maximilian’s mother in his arms. She looked at me with a blank look and she nodded telling me that this was it. This was the right choice.

The long walk to be attached to a man forever finally ended and the strings all echoed from being rattled with friction. The dress that fitted me perfectly almost felt like it was suffocating me and I found myself breathing faster than I thought I would be. Sergio was looking at me with a smile of admiration and he nodded encouragingly. I had to smile. I had to smile like I mean it.

He grabbed my hands

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He grabbed my hands. My cold empty hands graced his warm hands. The priest began the ceremony.

“Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to join the matrimony of a man and a woman-”

“I object” I turned around only to find a man standing at the end of the aisle with a smirk on his face

“I’m sorry this is not when you object, however we can take the objection-"

“No we cannot” Maximilian clenched his teeth

“On what grounds” I turned around to look at the oddly familiar man standing at the end of the aisle

“On the grounds that I wasn’t invited to the wedding of course” he smirked and started to approach the altar, he sat down in an empty chair on the DelCarlo side and then turned back to look at Marlena and Luca; Maximillian’s parents “Hello mother, father”

“What are you doing here Francesco?” he squeezed my hands a little too hard

He looked around the room at all the relatives and all the setting. The room had all the charm of the nature intertwined with ribbons. The decorator truly did an amazing job in putting my dream wedding in reality.

“You really expected me to miss this day baby brother?” he laughed an all but irritating and taunting

“Francesco this is not about you” Maximilian moved away from the altar and towards his brother

“You’re right” he laughed again with more humour than intended “It’s not about me”

“Then we can continue the ceremony?”

“By all means” he answered and Maximilian came back to the altar.

“Wait, actually I believe this day is not about you or her”, he looked at me and at that moment I could hear it approaching. The helicopter and without warning they trooped inside the ceremony and they cuffed him.

A slim woman in the blue jacket walked in with the suited man next to her. “Don Longard, You are under arrest for the murder of Janette Vasquez, embezzling money, anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law, you have the right to an attorney-“ my attention turned to the other man who was now cuffing Luca DelCarlo with the crime of laundering money and kidnapping people.

My heart elevated from too much happening at the same time.

“What? How is that possible? Mum. Tell them he is innocent” Maximilian rushed towards his mother as the agents asked him to stay back

“Don’t you get it little bro? It was your mother who incriminated him” Francesco asked

“What?” Maximilian looked at his mother in disbelief and started to walk away from her and towards me

“Oh, think again, your bride was the queen of the operation” Francesco said with a smirk playing on his face

My heart could shatter into a million pieces as his face crumbled and tears welled up in his eyes. The legacy of his family was crumbling before his eyes and somehow the fact that I did it was what was troubling him. He looked at me trying to form words however the only thing that came out was tears.

“Is that true Taylor?” My mum asked and my father looked at me from under his eyes

“He shouldn’t be allowed to ruin anyone’s life; he doesn’t get to murder people and get away with it. I went upstate to see the man that took the fall for him. Turns out prison is worse than he would have imagined” I answered

“You could have come to us-” mum began

“No he was watching my every move, I had to make sure that he believed I wasn’t onto him and I had to make sure that no one could tie the connection between Maximilian’s mother and me. She was the one who found us after we were sent to disappear, it’s because of her that I can stand here right now”

I looked at Maximilian but he was still in shock and he couldn’t seem to move from the position that he was in

“What does Saul have to do in all of this?” my mum asked looking at grandfather who was looking at his own son from the corner of his eyes

“He will take care of all the financials mum, it’s over, we can finally be free from all of them, Maxi you can open your ice cream shop” I smiled.

“Hell it is, you ungrateful brat!!!” the gruff voice yelled and all I could hear and see couldn’t change what happened

My father reached for the gun. Trigger pulled. Bang. Maximilian ran.  And the world erupted in that of screams of agony, pain and thick red liquid making its way towards my Vera Wang dress.

What now?


Dealing With A Delcarlo *Book I* [COMPLETED✔]Where stories live. Discover now