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“Caleb? I thought you had that conference thing and the rainforest petition?” I asked the first question that came to mind

“Clearly you thought so” Caleb looked at Maximilian from head to toe and then looked back at me with those puppy dog eyes. He pursed his lips together and dropped his bag on the couch.

Maxi couldn’t seem to know how to take a single clue because instead of going out of the door he chose to sit on my couch smirking as Caleb ran towards our room.

“Caleb? Caleb?”

If anything was happening right now, one of those things I didn’t want was Caleb getting upset over that jerk sitting on my couch at the moment. I walked past the framed art pieces in the corridor and went directly into our room.

He was currently wrestling to pull off his shoes. He finally pulled it off without untying his laces and he pulled off his socks. He threw it on the newly polished floor and he walked towards the wardrobe and started pulling his suitcase out of it.

“Caleb? Talk to me”

“Why? It’s not like you talked to me about getting a new Australian boyfriend”

“He’s Italian” I instinctively answered and that didn’t seem to go well with him

“Oh I’m sorry if I’m getting his nationality wrong” he turned away from the suitcase and looked at me with the tears pouring out of his eyes uncontrollably.

He stuffed a few more shirts in his bag before he grabbed the small globe with the preserved plant next to our bed. He threw that towards his bag and it shattered on the floor. I went to help him with the clean-up but he wouldn’t have it.

He picked up the first piece of broken glass while he cursed under his breath. The plant that had been preserved for a few years now was soaked in the preservative liquid. His eyes could shoot daggers from the way he was eyeing his own mistake. I wanted to leave him alone and get in line to what he was feeling, but its Caleb. I’m more terrified of what he won’t do rather than what he will do.

“Caleb, you have to listen to me. You’re over reacting” I tried to reassure him, but he wouldn’t have it.

“I’m overreacting; I walked in to find a guy in the living room. I was only gone for three days. The beginning of the weekend till today, and you’re already engaged?” Caleb ranted on and turned back to pick up the last piece of glass when the blood began to drip in the water. The liquid turned pink in an instant, while its contrast darkened.

Horror. I felt my instinct kick in but what could I do? I could hear the bang and I turned around only to see Maximilian standing behind me. When did he get up the stairs from the living room? I looked at him in confusion and shock. He had this blank expression like nothing happened. His eyes brows perfectly lined and his jaw clenched.

“I’ll take him”

“No, she can call a cab”

“Suit yourself”

“Yeah, it’s just blood. It’s not like I’m going to bleed out” Caleb answered while clutching his hands with the cloth soaking all the blood gushing from the palm of his hands

They both had an ego that they couldn’t keep in check. Caleb seems to want to bleed out before Maximilian can get him in his car.
They had been eyeing each other for the past minute while I made sure that I had grabbed everything and Caleb’s including wallet.

Within their argument they seemed to have forgotten the fact that I could drive and I had a car. I grabbed the car keys and opened the door for Caleb to walk through. He was almost reluctant to let Maxi walk after him. I internally rolled my eyes and opened the garage door. I opened the car door and Caleb walked in while I made sure that I had locked the front door.

“Do you love him?” Caleb whispered while we drove towards the hospital

“Huh?” I answered confused

“Do you love him?” he asked again

“You jumped to conclusions again Caleb. Do you seriously expect me to do this to you?” I looked at him.
He was staring out of the window at the contrasted difference in the autumn leaves.

“Look at him; he has all the money in the world. He is Maximilian freaking DelCarlo” his insecurities began to surface

“Caleb, I’ve been around men with money all my life. I know what money does to them. I didn’t even know who he was when he walked in my office” I looked at him but he was still staring out of the window
“I love you Caleb and him showing up to the house was one of his games”

Silence dawned in the car while we approached the hospital. We walked in the emergency room and they ushered us in when they saw the little green towel that I had given him to soak his wound had turned a dark burgundy colour.

I had to stay with him while the nurse tended to the wound. It wasn’t that deep but it was deep enough to need stitches. I could see that he wanted to cry; he was only hissing and grunting. Maybe he wanted to show that he was a real man and that he could level up to Maximilian. He has to realise that there isn’t any competition.  We’ve been together for almost a year and a half now.

“TAYLOR, IS EVERYTHING ALRIGHT?” I turned around to look at the woman huffing and puffing. It looked like she had run all the way from the car park to the emergency room.

“Everything is alright mum, I’m alright, it’s Caleb, he cut himself with a piece of broken glass” I looked at her while she hugged me tightly, we walked away from the corridor and into the room where the nurse had just placed a plaster over his stitches. He looked up at me with a blank expression obviously not knowing what to say. I didn’t want him to say anything.

“Oh, Caleb darling. Are you alright honey?” My mother rushed to his side and hugged him. His head lay on her chest while she patted his back. Leave it to my mother to try and make everything better with a hug. She pulled away from Caleb and he had tears welling up in his eyes.

“What’s wrong honey?” my mum wiped away his tears

“I don’t deserve her” Caleb lowered his head “I don’t deserve your daughter” my mum looked at me confused and walked towards me

“What happened dear? Did you guys fight? Is that why he cut himself on a piece of glass?” she looked at me while trying to stay impartial and non-accusatory

“We weren’t fighting mum, we got into an argument about something stupid” I lowered my voice and folded my arms without thinking about it “his water globe fell and he went to pick it up while accusing me of something I didn’t do” I looked at her when it finally dawned on me

“Wait…how did you know that we were in the emergency room?”

“You’re a Longard and Caleb is your boyfriend, our family has a strong relationship with the Remington hospital” she said with no pride, nor prestige.

“We’re going to be alright, it was not even that big of an argument”

I tried to reassure her
It’s better to tell her what she wanted to know now before she could pull it out of you. Her intentions were in the right place. Her intentions are always in the right place.

Sometimes I forget why I fell for Caleb in the first place, and then he bares his heart. Once he does that, I can practically see in his soul. He is literally an open book. He wears his heart on his sleeves and that is admirable about him.

After I promised mum that everything will be okay, she made us promise to come by for dinner in a few days when Caleb could get out of the house without opening up his stitches


Picture of Caleb

Dealing With A Delcarlo *Book I* [COMPLETED✔]Where stories live. Discover now