Necter of The Divine

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"C'mon Ambrosia. Wake up."

The voice was hollow as if those words were one it has said countless times.

"Ambrosia. Get up. Don't make me dump water on you again," the voice took on a slightly playful tone and something poked my arm.

I squirmed, the male voice beyond familiar.

A gasp/laugh filled the room and the person poking me continued.

"C'mon Ambrosia. Just a little more. Just open your eyes. Please," he said.

A rough hand suddenly enveloped mine, squeezing it as though it would wake me up.

My eyelids fluttered but they were much too heavy for me to lift.

My lips twitched, desperately trying to form words.

"Ambrosia..." the voice seemed to have lost hope and I felt someone lean against my side, resting their head on my stomach.

Somewhere far off a door opened and the sound of footsteps filled the room.

"Thomas..." this voice was higher, less familiar. Yet I could still recognize it.

The person the other voice has called Thomas lifted his head off my stomach.

"She moved Zak...I know it. Her eyes fluttered and she squirmed...she is so close to waking up," Thomas said,his hand squeezing mine again.

"It's just reflexes. She...she can't wake up Thomas. You heard the doctors," the voice called Zak replied.

A ruffling noise filled the room and Thomas' hand disappeared from mine,coldness filling its place.

"Screw the doctors. They don't know Ambrosia. Not like I did. They're wrong about her, she's a fighter. She'd never give up. Never," Thomas said, anger laced in his tone.

Someone sighed and I presumed it was Zak.

"Listen Thomas I'm not saying you're wrong, but I just don't want you to get your hopes up and then she doesn't wake up," Zak sighed.

Thomas said nothing and I felt the unease in the room.

Thomas was the first to break the silence and the room filled with a ruffling sound as the edge of my bed dipped and his hand took mine again.

"She's going to wake up, Zak. She's going to. Just you wait. She'll wake up," he said,patting my hand as if to reassure me. But his tone told me he was having trouble reassuring himself and his protests were just wishes.

Zak sighed again and the door opened,followed by footsteps and the sound of the door closing.

"I meant it Ambrosia. You're going to wake up. You have to. Prove them wrong Ambrosia," Thomas muttered.

Then he put his head down by the edge of my bed and began sobbing.

All the while I lay powerless, my own body fighting me.

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