That Fleeting Glimmer Of Loyalty

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"Your names Ambrosia?"

I narrowed my eyes in annoyance.

I was young, at least ten and the dark eyed boy before me was a spitting image of the boy from my previous memories, just younger.

He was as young as me by the looks of it and he wore a goofy smirk, a lopsided grin that made his eyes twinkle.

"I've known you for how long now and you only just realize that my name's Ambrosia and not Ambrosie?" I shook my head, trying to be mad. But his smile was infectious and soon I was smiling.

"Isn't ambrosia said to be the food and drink of gods? It's believed that whoever ate it became immortal. What a stupid myth..." he laughed.

I picked up a pencil and threw it at him.

"It's not like your name is much better," I scowled.

"It's so much better!" He laughed.

"Jackass," I muttered, "Yours is still the name of a Greek hero isn't it?!"

He stopped laughing and scratched his head.

"Huh...I suppose it is. But at least it's modern," he said and then he went back to laughing.

"Not so much! It also belonged to an Ancient Greek hero!" I protested.

"Hahaha it's still more modern than yours," he laughed.

I scowled but his laughter soon caused me to smile, it was so happy and playful.

"Amb? Amb, you here?" Thomas asked, putting his hand on my shoulder.

"Oh yeah sorry. I was just daydreaming," I said, smiling as he took my hand.

"About what?" Thomas asked, giving me a lopsided grin.

But unlike the boys', it wasn't infectious.

"Just a silly childhood memory," I laughed, waving it off.

Thomas smiled and his eyes flickered to the base of my neck before they darkened.

"Where'd you get the necklace?" Ha asked casually, although I could hear the danger in his undertone.

"Oh this old thing? It's a family heir loom," I said, smiling at my joke as I covered it up.

It was the black diamond necklace;I had thought it would be ok to wear it.

"It is?" Thomas said, a confused look in his eyes.

"Yeah. Just an old thing I found in my drawer," I said, my breath steaming up.

Thomas looked down at the snow as we walked, the whiteness long stained a murky brown.

"I won't ever lose you will I Amb?" He asked, his voice quiet.

"What? Of course not," I replied.

"That's good Amb. Because I love you," he murmured, kissing my cheek.

I smiled widely, falsely, the necklace beginning to weigh a lot more and burn into my skin uncomfortably.

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