Falling From The Sky, Landing In Hell

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"Hey hey! Hey wait that's mine!" I laughed, trying to push past him.

"Nu uh uh Sweetheart! You gotta say it first!" He grinned, leaning further over the edge.

"Oh come on! That's no fair! You're holding my converses hostage!" I protested, reaching over the ledge.

The boy's smile grew as he dangled my worn black and white converses over the balcony edge.

"I gave you my price," he smirked, shrugging.

I huffed and crossed my arms, staring at my converses dangling by their laces.

"No," I said firmly.


"No," I agreed.

A smile tugged at his lips as he shrugged.

"If that's your answer then I'm afraid you haven't payed the ransom," he joked.

"No wait you can't-!"

I gasped and rushed to the edge of the railing as he let go of the laces and the shoes fell.

He laughed at my horrified expression and laughed even louder when I mockingly punched his arm.

"You jackass! " I gasped, watching them fall.

"It's only 5 stories!" He laughed, holding his stomach.

"Only 5?! Those were my best pair of shoes!" I squealed, crossing my arms angrily.

He laughed and kissed my forehead.

"It's ok Amb. We'll just go and get them. It'll be quick-" We peered over the edge just as a "Hey!" Sounded from the bottom floor.

"Oh shit!" The boy ducked as I peeked over the edge.

"Amb what are you doing?" He asked, barely containing his laughter.

"Sorry!" I called down.

A teenage boy stood on the bottom floor, my converses held in his hand as he rubbed his head.

The boy glared up at me before I was pulled down.

"Amb shhhh..." the dark eyed boy next to me laughed," Or grumpy down there will find us."

"You think he'll be made we dropped my converses on his head? I mean with everything going on..."

"Aww Amb. What does it matter?"

"I want my converses back!"

I smiled, slipping my converses on.

"Knock knock," Thomas said.

"Oh hey. I'm almost done," I said, tying my last lace.

Thomas waited at the door, his hands stuffed in his pocket.

"You sure you wanna go to the party?" Thomas asked as I stood up," I mean you did only come out of your coma a week ago."

"It's better this way. Plus the doctor said that as long as I continue my physical therapy I should be just fine. There's no use staying at home and sulking," I said, grabbing my leather jacket.

Thomas shook his head and laughed when he saw me.

"You look good," he said, slipping arm around my waist.

"Thanks," I murmured as he kissed my cheek.

"I love you Amb," he whispered, squeezing my waist.

I cleared my throat and stepped away from him.

"C'mon. We're gonna be late," I said, racing down the stairs.

Thomas gazed down at me sadly, then followed.

"Amb shhh..."

I opened the door, recognizing the boy who had been at the bottom floor, the one who had held my converses.

His brown hair and green eyes had been unmistakable.


Which meant the boy who had said I love you wasn't him.

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