Every Pulse Is A Lie

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"Your smile is beautiful."

"You're pregnant."


"I thought we were just saying things that weren't true. Although with that stomach, I'm not so sure..."


I laughed and poked his stomach.

"So is it a girl or a boy?" I asked putting my ear against his stomach.

"Well young lady,"he mocked in a shrill voice and stepped back, putting his hand behind his back and his other hand on his stomach,"Its twins if you must know."

"Are they gonna be named Fat and Chubby?" I questioned.

He gasped, feigning surprise and I laughed.

"How did you know?" He gasped.

I gripped onto imaginary fat on his stomach with my thumb and fore finger.

"It kinda gave everything away," I shrugged.

He put his hand on his stomach and nodded.

"Ah. I see what you mean," he nodded.

I burst out laughing and he grinned.

"We should go for ice cream. Before Fat and Chubby arrive, because we both know how kids ruin trips to the ice cream parlor. 'I want Bonilla!' 'I want cherry!'" He mocked.

"Bonilla?" I laughed.

"Banana and vanilla," he said, puffing his chest out, not missing a beat.

"You're so strange," I laughed as he draped his arm over my shoulder.

"What? I like banana and you like vanilla-or was it toffee? I think it was toffee," he said, thinking.

I laughed and tipped my head upwards, kissing his cheek.

His grin widened.

"It was toffee," I smiled.

"Then we shall get toffee Mi lady!"

I opened the door, my breath still steaming from the coldness outside.

The little bell tinkled and I sat down at the same booth from my previous memory.

"What can I get you?" A waitress asked, a bubbly teen obviously working for extra cash.

"Uh nothing yet thank you," I replied, smiling up at her.

She squinted at me, as if she was thinking.

"You're that Ambrosia chickie aren't you?" She said, straightening up.

I smiled fakely.

"Uh yeah," I said, fidgeting,"Word really gets around doesn't it?"

"Yeah! Well...uh congrats on waking up. I mean after what happened, everyone was surprised you woke up. A whole year in a coma? Everyone says it's a miracle you were still breathing by yourself-"

"Thanks for the recap sweetheart. But in case you forget she lived through the whole thing," a smooth male voice said.

The girl whipped around, surprised.

Percy smirked coyly, his hands stuffed in his jean pockets.

The girls eyes widened. "You're-"

"I know my own name sweetheart. But thanks anyway," he said, sliding into the booth,"I'll have a black coffee and she'll have an iced latte."

The girl stared at Percy with fear and a hint of admiration.

Percy raised his eyebrow. "Well? Shoo," he said, waving his hand in a shooing motion.

"Uh-ok yes. Coming right up," she squeaked, scurrying off.

"You know her?" I asked, watching her. Her hair was plaited delicately and shone blondely.

"Who, her? Not that well. But she sure does like to gossip," Percy said, looking at me blankly,"The people in this place have no tact whatsoever. They see even a potential story and blow it up a thousand times."

"Everyone knows I'm awake now," I noted.

Percy shrugged. "Small town."

The girl brought our drinks and gave Percy a dazzling smile.

"Anything else?" She cooed.

"No. You can go now," Percy said.

"Nothing? Not even my phone number?" She asked, batting my eyelashes.

I clenched my fist, unsure why I was so mad at this girl flirting with Percy.

I expected Percy to grin and make a smart remark like he did with me, but instead he laughed.

"Go give your phone number to some desperate guy. Cause incase you didn't notice, I'm with somebody," he laughed, gesturing to me.

The girl pursed her lips and glared up at me.

"What're you still doing here? Aren't there other customers?" He said, sipping his coffee.

The girl humphed and stormed away.

I took a sip of my iced latte, smiling at the bitter flavor.

Percy watched me, sipping his black coffee.

"You like that stuff?" I asked, setting my latte down.

"Hate the stuff," he said, setting his coffee down.

I laughed and he grinned.

"You always were buying stuff just to look grown up," I laughed.

We both stopped and stared, the words had had a familiar pang to it as if they were a memory. But now it was gone.

"Wait here," Percy said, standing up. He went over the counter and took his wallet out, paying.

I waited until he walked over.

He smirked and grabbed my hand, dragging me out of the booth. He raced towards the door and ripped it open, almost running outside.

"I wanna show you something," he said, dragging me along.

I laughed and followed him into the cold.

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