How Misfortunate, It Seems You Lost It All

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I glanced into his eyes, love and warmth glowing in them.

"You're beautiful," he whispered, taking my hand.

We stepped slowly in a circle, staying in time with the music, even though it was punk rock.

"And you're quite obviously blind," I replied, blushing and looking at the floor.

He laughed loudly, the music almost drowning him out as hundreds of drunken teenagers danced around us.

"No comment on how handsome I am? Or how dashing I look in a suit?" He grinned.

"That would be like saying a muffin looks salty," I joked.

He laughed again.

His left hand was on my waist, his other hand held mine away from our bodies and we stood close, with very little space between us.

"A muffin can't be salty?" He asked.

I nodded, all serious.

"Just like you can't be dashing and I can't be beautiful," I nodded.

I expected him to laugh and shrug it off with a grin.

Instead he pulled me closer, eliminating the space between us.

My eyes widened in surprise as he leaned down, his lips stopping at my ears.

"You're right. You can't be beautiful. I'm sorry, I was wrong about that. You may not beautiful, but you sure as hell are stunning and by far the most attractive girl I have ever seen," he smirked.

I stared up at him, his blue almost black eyes shining.

"Percy I-"

"Ambrosia! Ambrosia where are you?" A voice called out, barely audible over the music.

I dropped Percy's hand and stepped back, shaking my head and blinking.

"I-I should go. Thomas is looking for me and-" I turned, preparing the run off.

His hand grabbed mine and my head snapped back.

His eyes were bright in the flashing lights ,and solemn.

He said something inaudible and stared at me.

I bit my lip and turned away, my hand falling out of his.

I pushed past people until I saw Thomas.

"You ok?" He yelled, trying to be heard over the music.

"Yeah I'm good," I replied.

"You wanna go?" He asked, smiling down at me as he laced his arm around my waist.

"Yeah," I smiled.

"And here's your coffee," Thomas said, handing me the cup.

I took the cup, the warmth spreading through my hands.

"We going to the lounge?" I asked over my shoulder, heading over the couch.

"Well it seems you're already there!" He laughed, sitting next to me.

His arm rested on my shoulder as he pulled me closer and switched the Tv on. I squirmed, unsure.

"You ok?" He asked, looking down at me as the Tv started.

"Yeah...yeah," I averted my eyes to the Tv avoiding his gaze.

He stared at me for a second then went back to watching tv.

My eyes wondered to a blank spot on the wall, where a picture had obviously once been nailed up, as I remembered Percy's inaudible words, ones I may not have heard but definitely knew.

He said something inaudible and stared at me.

I heard his words, saw his lips move and squeezed my eyes shut.

You don't belong to him Amb. Just remember that.

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