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My life never went the way I wanted it to be... 5 years before I never imagined my life will take a huge turning point that will lead an innocent bubbly Hae-won with a lot of dreams into someone who only lives for the sake of revenge.

              I'm Park Hae-won, today I'm joining SM entertainment as EXO's manager. If you think that I'm excited about that... Then you are wrong. I hate EXO. I will always hate them no matter what. "Hae-Jinah... Noona is going to take revenge on them... I will bring them down..." I held my brothers photo and hugged it tight.


           "Hye-soo yah... I'm going to join SM today..." She said. "Hae-won-ah are you sure you want to do this... It's been 5 years and revenge won't bring back what you have lost... Moreover SM is an influential company. If they finds out about your​ motives... They will destroy your life..." Hye- soo  warned her. "I know hye-soo... But this is the only thing I can do for them" one tear drop threatened to fall... She tried to control her tears.

       "Every time I think about that day my eyes wells up and guilt built inside me... Its eating me up slowly... If I don't avenge for what happened... I can't live my life freely... If only it was me instead of them..." Her tears started to flow down her cheeks. "Hae-won ah... I won't stop you anymore. I'm always with you. Remember that..." She assured.


             "Excuse me... May I know where I can find HR room???" I asked security guards who were staring at me. Why do they keep staring like that?  "Don't try to fool us little kid... You are not allowed inside" he gave me a hard glare and said. "Hey... I'm not a kid... I'm here as new manager of EXO... Here you go" I showed them my ID card. Security allowed me to go inside.

            I was walking towards EXO's practicing room on 4th floor of this huge building. I was totally mesmerized by the interior of this building. If you don't have a proper map, then its easy to get lost. 'Hae-won-ah... You will need a lot of effort to learn all these ways and routes of this building ' I reminded myself as I examined the map that receptionist gave me.

            I saw EXO's name board on a door across the hall way. As I walked towards door, I could hear them singing and sounds of footsteps inside... That means they are here, practicing. As I was about to knock the door someone opened it revealing EXO's leader Suho. Even though I'm not a fan... I knew each and every details about them. 'You should know your enemy better' that is my policy...

           "Why are you here? Did you lost your way or something?" He asked with a sweet smile. "No... I..." I was about to introduce myself when kai rushed over to the door glaring at me. If glares could kill... Then I'm already under 6ft.

           "Can't you just give it a rest... Don't you think we are humans too and need some privacy? Stop stalking already... At least leave us alone in our practicing room, so that we could concentrate. Just get out of here now" kai shouted at me. "Kai ah... You are too harsh" xuimin commented as he passed the door.

        "Hyung, these type of girls should be handled harshly..." Kai stated. "These type of girls? Huh? Who the hell do you think you are? Huh? You are just an idol... Not a god. Even though you look sexy, doesn't implies that every girls would be your fan..." I shouted back.
         "Did you just acknowledged that kai is sexy, even after he shouted at you? Ahh... These girls" baek-hyun came outside and looked at me with a smile. "Me... Never... He just looks like a aggressive hormonal teenager" I retorted back.

           "I dont know about you...But... One thing I know... Every girls thinks that he is a god... Dancing god... May be that's why he behaves like one" baek-hyun joked earning a glare from kai. "Not a good time for my jokes I think" baek-hyun just gave kai a puppy eye.

           "You understood with one glare? Wow... That never works for me... I should ask kai to teach me..." DO stated as passing by.

          "Yahh... That's because you look funny when you glares not scary..." Baek-hyun started laughing out loud. "Yaah... Stop bickering and go inside." Suho commanded like a leader. 'Woah... He looks cool when he behaves like a leader'. "So tell me why are you here" I was pulled out of my train of thoughts by suho.

          "Hello... I..." I started to get cut of by kai again. "Hyung, what are you doing? Call the security" kai said loosing his patience. "Kai ah... Stop... Let's first ask her" suho tried to calm him down.

         "Oh! Thank god, there is someone here with some sense... Afterall all idols are not idiots like someone" I said looking at kai directly in his eyes. We glared at each other until we heard someone clearing his throat to gain our attention. I turned towards suho who was waiting for my introduction.
          "Hello... I'm Park Hae-won. Your new manager. Its nice to meet you leader" I held my hands forward for a hand shake which he took​ and we shook our hands. "Nice to meet you too hae-won shii. Come inside and meet the other members..." He opened the door for me. "Don't be so judgemental" I warned kai before I entered the room.


          Its been 2 weeks and everything was progressing smoothly. My first mission was to gain their trust. And I think its pretty much done.

       "I think God is with me Hye-soo ah... Last week when we were on a concert someone entered their make up room. But I was too quick to find her out" I was on phone talking to my sister... actually adopted sister.

          "Then two days before someone hired same coloured vans. Members almost entered them but I noticed its number..." I informed her.

       "Where are you now?" She asked me. "They are doing a stage program at Seoul now... Its over and I'm waiting outside for them to come out... Ohh... They are coming... I will call you later" I hung up before she could reply.

        I saw EXO coming down through escalator. There was only 11 of them... That's when I noticed DO was missing. I looked around to see DO was surrounded by some fans and was unable to come down.

         "Guys... Wait here... I will go and get DO" I ran upstairs towards DO even before I could see the reaction of members.

     I walked towards DO and the crowd fans was creating around him. I tried to get through them... But in vain. Then I pushed and squeezed through the crowd and reached near DO and helped him walk down stairs. We tried to walk towards the van... But was pushed towards wall instead.

           "DO shhi... What will we do now?" I asked him. "Call for bodyguards" he said calmly. How can he be so calm even in such a situation? I pulled out my phone and called the guards who were outside. They came and started to remove fans.

         I saw a girls pushing from other side towards DO and that's when I noticed a nail behind his head. I placed my hand on that nail when the fan pushed us even more and nail piercing my hand making me hiss in pain. Within no time guards pulled us out of the crowd and we walked into the van.

         "Are you okay?" I asked DO who just nodded his head in reply. "We should head back to SM building first and then back to dorm" I informed them.

      "First we are going to a hospital" kai announced. Even though we have been in talking terms... Its still awkward around kai and me. I think he still don't trust me. But its OK 11 is enough for my revenge. I will get you through them. I mentally smirked.

    "Why? Are you hurt?" Suho asked with concern filled voice shaking me off from my thoughts. "No... I'm not... But she is..." Kai said. "Me... No...I'm not" I said. 'Is he really concerned about me? Why?'

          "Isn't that blood all over your jacket?" Sehun pointed at my jacket. That when I realized I was bleeding badly. I injured my hand protecting DO from the nail.

           "Oh! Its a small wound... No need to go to hospital. And moreover you guys can't go to hospital with me... It will create unwanted scandals" I said. "She is right..." Suho said. To which I smiled at him.

    "I will... I..." My eyes were becoming blurry and everything around me was spinning. Members were worried and started calling my name. Before I could answer I passed out.

EXO: INCEPTION Where stories live. Discover now