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Hae-won's POV

I was walking through the street towards my home. Our province was not that much crowded. There were only few people on the street.

"Noona...let's have some ice cream" hae-jin came running towards me. This is where we usually meets. And on the next intersection mom will join us... This was our routine.

"No... You want me to hear mom's nagging???" I asked him. We walked past the intersection but mom wasn't there. "I think she is late... Let's walk" I said.

"My kids... My mom ran towards us from the other road... " omma..." Hae-jin hugged her..."you are behaving like...we haven't met for years" mom smiled.

"Let's walk..." Mom said as we walked towards the signal. "Its green... Come on" she crossed road and I was following. Suddenly my phone fell and I bend down to pick it up. I heard a car screeching and I was pushed aside.

"Omma...." I screamed aloud. I could hear some people calling my name... I was wide awake... But couldn't focus my eyes because of my overwhelming emotions. I hugged the person near by me, who was patting my shoulders just like my mom

"Hae-won shi... Its okay... Calm down..." The person whom I was hugging said. But his voice was blurry...

Once I calmed down I looked up and met with eyes of members which was filled with concern. I turned towards the person whom I was still hugging.

"Sorry..." I suddenly removed my hand from baek-hyun's waist. "Its okay... Are you alright???" He asked to which I just nodded.

"What happened... Why did you screamed aloud" Kris asked. "I dreamt about my mom and brother... It wasn't a dream... It was a memory" I wasn't ready to explain about their accident now... Not now...

"If you miss you family... Go and visit them..." Luhan said. "I can't... They are too far away..." I said trying to control my tears...

"Can you guys... Please leave me alone for sometime... I want to stay alone..." They just nodded and went outside. "Hae-won shi... Thanks for saving me" DO said with a smile before closing the door

Next day: Hae-won's POV

I woke up with a bright light pouring through the window directly into my eyes interrupting my slumber. My head was aching badly because of yesterdays crying episodes.

I walked into my bathroom and looked into the mirror. I was looking terrible. My eyes were puffy, red and swollen. I did my daily routine and was about to go out when I heard someone knocking my door.

"Hey... Good morning" I came face to face with chanyeol. "Good morning" I wished him back. "How are you feeling now?" He asked me still smiling. "I'm okay..." I replied back.

'This guy is always like this... He is always a mood maker... But I wonder... Didn't he get muscle cramps smiling this widely always' I thought.

"Sorry to disappoint you... I don't really get any muscle cramps..." He said as if he read my mind.

"Can you read my mind..." I asked with shock. "No... I can hear you... I'm not deaf... you know... And my ears are too big that I can hear even small voice..." He winked at me.

"Did I say that aloud... That was my thoughts" I blurted out. "What...? Really...? In your place do they usually think aloud... Like this?" he started laughing. "Sorry..." I mumbled.

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