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Suho jolted awake feeling someone's hands on his shoulder. "Yaahh... what are you doing with that blank book?" Wonbin hyung asked him. 'Huh? Blank book? Is he playing with me? Cant he see all these writings?' Suho flipped its pages and saw Chinese characters fading and only remaining script was EXO planet one. 'What the...'

"Hyung cant you see these writings?" Suho showed him remaining script inside the book. "How can... woah... when I got this book it only had blank pages..." Wonbin hyung was totally flabbergasted. "Hyung... where did you got this book?" Suho asked.

"Uhhh.... that... I... I took it from Archaeology department" Wonbin scratched his nape. "How?? Don't tell me you stole it" Suho looked at him accusingly. "No... I didn't... I just paid someone to steal it..." He answered embarrassingly. "Its still same hyung..." Suho sighed.

"Anyways... what is in that book? Have you read it?" Wonbin eagerly asked. "yea... I read it... Its about us... curse and our second reincarnation... lets go to dorm and talk about it..." Suho walked out along with wonbin.


"SURPRISE..." EXO greeted Hae-won. "Its nice to be back... I missed you..." She looked around. "Where is Suho oppa?" She asked. "Here..." Suho along with Wonbin walked in. "Come on guys... lets have food..." DO walked inside first to prepare table.


"I'm full... I missed DO oppa's food a lot... Hospital food was really bad..." Hea-won said. "Now you are here with us... I will cook whatever food you want to... promise" DO hugged her. "Hyung... Don't make Kai jealous..." Sehun warned.

"Kai are you jealous?" DO gave him a Satansoo look. "N...nooo...I... I'm not Je... jealous" Kai stuttered. "Whoa... even I got Goosebumps... satansoo" Baek-hyun rubbed his arms.

"Guys... I... listen... I have something to tell you all..." Everyone turned their attention towards Suho. He placed the journal which he got from wonbin's library on the tea table.

"What is this?" Chen picked up the journal. "PROTECTOR OF THE REALM: THE MAN OF TELEPORTATION... Oh! a book about kai?" Chanyeol who was sitting next to Chen asked after reading journal's heading.

"Who wrote this? Looks really old... Who ever wrote this book has similar handwriting to Suho..." Xiumin was fast to catch. "I wrote it..." Suho announced. "What do you mean by you wrote it? when I got this book you was only 13..." Wonbin reasoned.

"Hyung... its true... I wrote it... In my previous life... I mean 1st and 2nd generation reincarnation suho ... he wrote it... its about our life, curse... but it is incomplete" Suho explained. "Chen read it..." Kris ordered his younger brother to which the later complied.

"But hyung this is only our 1st generation life... and its written in EXO planet's script" Chen said after reading the journal aloud. "I know... even I'm not sure why I'm the only person who can see the second script... though it isn't complete" Suho sighed.

"May be... you sealed it with your power... now that your power is gone its hard to open the seal even for you... if you want to open it... you will have to find your power back" Wonbin sighed. "Hyung... you told us you read some part of it right? Tell us about it" Baek-hyun asked.

"Actually I didn't read it... I time travelled... I think the other Suho used his power in such way that he took me there... I experienced it..." Suho told them. "At first I saw Chinese characters... suddenly someone tapped my shoulders and it was Kai wearing a Hanbok... He said he found his mate... everyone was playful and happy..." Suho smiled to himself.

"Then I was dragged to somewhere else where I saw Sehun and Chanyeol playing with snowballs... The suddenly Baek-hyun came running and I found myself inside a house... He told me someone died... Then without realising I was running along with Lay holding some books... That's what I saw..." Suho added.

"So... one of us died..." Luhan asked. "I think that's why we failed to break our curse... only thing that I saw inside this books ending was... One of us died and 6 of us became nefarious and killed other 5..." Suho said with a devastated voice. Even thinking about loosing his brothers was really hurtful for Suho.

"How will can we find out our whole story?" Tao voiced his doubt. "We should find other 11 books... that is hidden somewhere in the Earth..." Suho sighed. "But hyung... why do you have to do this in a hard way? You could have wrote everything in a single book and placed it somewhere without any seal or what-so-ever" Tao sassed.

"Yaahhh... when one of us breaks our curse Evil Princess will be freed... And if I writes it in a single book and places it without any seal it will be easier to find it out and use it against us..." Suho said. "As expected from our Genius Guardian..." Hae-won expressed her amazement in Suho's intelligence to which he just gave her a smile which didn't reached his eyes.

'Why is he sad... is he hiding something from us?' Xiumin was sharp to notice suho's change this time too. "Everyone its really late... Go to sleep... tomorrow onwards our new member will join us here in our dorm... so be careful about what you are talking... if you want to discuss anything discuss it somewhere safe then inform others... we have to keep our secret safe..." Suho announced.

"New member? why am I not informed about this? I know someone is joining us... but...." Hae-won gave kai 'I'm gonna kill you for this' look. "Ah... I forgot... I was too happy that you woke up and totally forgot about this..." Kai gave her a puppy dog eyes.

"Kai... take her to her room... everyone disperse..." Suho picked up the journal before walking towards his room. He stops and turns around to see everyone happy and smiling and playing with each other.

"I'm going to protect you all... I will protect my family... I will find a way about before something bad happens..." Suho sighs and opens journals last part where 'KAI became nefarious' was written in bold letters using blood.

Suho closes his eyes and takes a deep breath and imagines that evil eyes he saw in the dream. 'KAI' was the only name that came to his mind. Even though he didn't saw his face he was sure about his brothers eyes... even if his innocent once were replaced by evil one, he will never mistake it for someone else's. He knew Kai was the one who tried to kill him... in his previous life.

"I wont allow that to happen... trust your hyung... I will save you... I wont allow your innocent eyes to become evil one..." Suho promised himself without noticing Xiumin who was standing near by...



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