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Today was a harsh day for EXO, each and every newspapers and websites are flooded with articles about them. Unfortunate for them, someone shot the incident of them fighting in make-up room three days back. To add oil to fire there was chanyeol's injured hand and chen vomiting blood after the concert. Above all, it was clearly visible in their concert that they fought.

Even though everything was my plan to bring them down and it worked out nicely... when it is really happening my heart is feeling burdened with guilt. I never wanted to hurt them physically. but unknowingly Chanyeol and chen got hurt because of me.

"hae-won shii..." one of the manager called out. "yes..." I walked towards the door of cafeteria. currently EXO was meeting president and I planned to have one coffee during that time. "you have a parcel" he hand me over a box.

I opened the box and saw a card which made me smile. It was from my angel. after my mom's death my life was a total mess. At that point of time, I was thinking about death. My angel or my sponsor came to my life in the form of a gift box. I have never seen him, but I love him like my elder brother.

I unpacked it with wide smile and saw a crying emoji inside it, which confused me. I opened the card and inside it there was a quote: "What you see may not be the full truth...there is something beyond...go down to the depth before hurting someone innocent... I am totally disappointed in you" those letters pierced my heart like an arrow.

I felt sad and my guilt feeling increased... I shouldn't have done something like this... I even played with Chen's life... even chanyeol got hurt because of me... how can I be so cruel... I was getting depressed... I should get some drinks to calm myself...

After 3 hours: 3rd person's POV

Hea-won was fully devastated and drunk, she was stumbling her way towards the dorm. she could barely walk without stumbling. she lost her footing and fell down and passed out.

After 1 hour

Exo's caravan entered the compound. "who is that, lying on the ground?" chanyeol noticed hae-won. "it hae-won... what happened to her?" beak-hyun said. "ah... she is reeking alcohol" sehun said as he picked her up in bridal style.

"I will bring some water..." DO went to kitchen... sehun placed her on the couch and stepped aside to make room for DO, who brought water. DO helped her to drink water...

"Oh! EXO is here... I'm here too... but my angel is not here... he is angry with me" her tears started to shed uncontrollably. "my angel... is a... good...person... if he says... I should apologize... I will" she added between her sobs.

"who is this angel?" kai asked curiously. "after my mom and brother left me... I was all alone... my father is a useless drunkard... he never cared for me... but my angel did... he took care of me... send me birthday gifts... he is like a brother to me... a warm loving big brother..." she explained.

"oh! I think angel is her friend who cared for her after her parent's divorced" beak-hyun assumed. "How did you know her parents were divorced?" xiumin asked. "she just said na... her mom and brother left... she also told us that they lives far away..." he gave his explanation.

"oh..." other EXO members said in unison and then awkwardly turned away fro each other. suho was staying away in a corner watching everything. "I'm... sorry guys" hae-won tried to stand up, but in vain. she tried to stand up again, this time luhan helped her.

"I'm really sorry guys... I was wrong..." she tried to bow down causing her to stagger but luhan was fast in helping her again. "sorry? for what?" beak-hyun asked curiously.

"for what I did... it was me..." she confesses her crime making everyone speechless. "what the..." Kris's was totally surprised. "I'm... really..." hae-won falls into luhan's hands before she could finish her sentence.

"oops... she fainted... what now?" Chanyeol didn't tried to hide his curiosity. "we will wait for her to wake up... we should get some explanations for what she has done... right?" everyone nodded their head in agreement with kai.

"I'll take her to her bed... she is running high fever..." luhan carries her inside leaving others in living room. "Did she really meant what she said?" chen was still confused about the whole situation.

"I think so... that means... we were fighting for nothing... Everything was planned by her" sehun concluded. "then why are you guys still taking care of her?" kris was fuming... "hyung... we cant even fully blame her for our fight... we just lack trust" DO added.

"I'm the one who should be blamed... my anger ate my conscience... I should have trusted suho and you more... I'm sorry guys" kris apologized. "its okay kris... if I were you, I would have done the same... leave the past behind" suho patted his shoulder

"me too hyung... and chanyeol hyung... I'm sorry... its because of me you got injured..." tao started crying. "its okay tao ah... it was just an accident..." chanyeol hugged him... "ahh... tao ah... careful... you are hurting me" chanyeol cried out when tao hugged him tightly making others laugh out loud.

"I think we should call police... she made such a huge mess..." lay who is usually silent said. "lay ah... we should wait for her to wake up... she has her own reason for what she had done..." suho said. "suho... if you know something... tell us" xiumin asked. "its not my story to explain... wait until she wakes up" suho stood up and walked out.

"I'm positive that suho hyung knows everything... but why isn't he saying anything?" kai voiced his confusion in suho's behaviour. "if he is not telling you anything, that means there is a reason why he is hiding it... just wait until she wakes up" luhan said to which others nodded in agreement.

After 1 hour: living room

"Don't you think kai is getting attached to that girl... even after what she did?" chen came downstairs and sat near chanyeol on couch. "kai? really? what makes you think like that?" Tao asked.

"he was always yelling and avoiding her... after what happened today, I thought he will kick her out right away... but he didn't even uttered a single word against her... now when I was coming down, I saw him taking care of her" chen said.

"what? he never gets attached to anyone like that... is it because he likes her?" sehun asked. "then its not good... firstly she hates us... secondly its against our law... to love someone who is not destined for us... when we goes back to our world it will create problems for him" kris added.

"may be we are worried for nothing... she is ill... may be kai is taking care of her out of humanity... more over even though she had done all these... I don't think she is a bad person" chanyeol voiced his opinion.

"what makes you think so?" beak-hyun showed his curiosity. "she saved us many times... remember... she even got hurt saving DO... even if it was all to gain our trust she doesn't have to go down upto hurting herself... I think she did it out of her instinct...she is a selfless person" chanyeol said.

"may be chanyeol is right... we should hear her side before judging..."DO added. "Guys... its getting late... go to bed" suho instructed and everyone went to their own rooms. suho walked towards hae-won's room.

kai was sleeping soundly near by hae-won. suho noticed bright light under blanket. he pulled up blanket a little and saw kai's and hae-won's interlinked hands and kai's symbol shining brightly on his wrist.

"no way... how can this be possible... this is... its impossible" suho was utterly shocked...

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