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I was walking through a beautiful garden with full of roses. Fragrance of roses and sounds of nature was calming my nerves. I was barefoot and moist of grass didn't felt unfamiliar to me. It was like I am used to it and I was blending with nature easily.

I heard a twig snap behind me. I turned around to see a black wolf walking in my direction. Instead of being scared and anxious I walked towards the wolf and knelt down with lot of difficulty because of my pregnant belly.

"Hey... had a nice run? Where is others?" I petted wolf's head and it licked my face. In a blink of moment wolf was changed into a fully naked man with enormously sexy body. Suddenly i was pulled into a black hole. I turned around to see a dark figure stalking towards me with a metal whip.

"No..."My eyes shot open as I gasped for air. I was panting heavily and tears were falling. "What happened?" I turned towards the door to see boys standing there with confused face.

"I... I just had a dream..." I informed them. "Come downstairs... we were having breakfast... you were sleeping soundly that's why we didn't wake you up" DO smiled at me. "Okay... give me 5 minutes" I returned his smile.

As I went downstairs I was still thinking about the dream and about the naked man. His features looked familiar. Aish... I cant his face, it too vague... But I'm sure I'm familiar with his features. Who was it?

"Cupcake... cupcake" I saw Baek-hyun oppa waving his hands in front of my face. HUH... when did I reached downstairs? "Huh... Just thinking about that dream" I walked towards the dining table and sat between Chen Oppa and Luhan Oppa.

"What was the dream about?" Baek-hyun oppa asked as he took his seat across mine. "Werewolf..." I said. "Werewolf???" Chanyeol curiously asked.

"Hmm... I was walking through a garden suddenly I heard a sound and saw a pitch midnight black coloured wolf walking towards me" I looked around and saw Kai and Suho oppa with a shocked expression and others with curiosity.

"I tried to kneel down but was difficult... that's when I noticed that I'm around 8 months pregnant and my belly was huge" This time I looked towards Kai and saw him smiling and smirking like he won some lottery. On the other hand Suho oppa was shooting daggers at Kai.

"Interesting... Then what happened?" Chen oppa was really curious about my dreams details. "I was petting him and with a blink of an eye that wolf changed into a man... a fully naked man" Kai who was drinking water suddenly chocked as I said that.

"What is there for you to think this much about this dream? Oh... are you still imagining that man's naked body?" Baek-hyun oppa teased me. To which Kai again chocked.

" No way... its just that... this is the second time I'm having this kind of dream... I mean about the werewolf... and one more thing is... even though I didn't saw that man's face... I'm sure I'm familiar with his features" I said.

"You are just imagining things... just forget about it... Everyone have you breakfast and be ready by 10 AM. We have a schedule..." Suho oppa announced. He stood up fro his seat and walked towards his room.


EXO is currently doing an open studio interview. I was waiting in their green room still thinking about that man. I looked towards the TV screen placed inside the room and saw them happily answering their questions.

'Cant he always smile like that? why do he always wear a grumpy face?' I thought as I saw Kai's smiling face. DUG DUG... DUG DUG... 'Aishhh... again... what is this feeling?...' I placed my hand on my chest.

'Yaah... think properly... he is a Jerk... he doesn't even trusts you... then why are you falling for that idiot?' my thoughts got interrupted by a phone call.

"Why do you always interrupt my thought?" I asked my phone before answering it. "Hello..." I answered the phone. "Is this Hae-won?" a man with deep voice asked me.

"Yes... may I help you?" I asked him politely. "Help yourself girl... Cancel the petition you filed... don't make me send you to see you mother and brother..." he threatened me.

"Who the hell are you? I'm not gonna do anything... you want to kill me? then do it. I don't care... You bastard..." I yelled at him.

"Don't think that I'm going to be easy on you just because you are a girl. I will destroy you and all those are around you... you want that to happen?" his words were giving me chills.

"What are you going to do to me? Let me see... what you are capable of..." I provoked him. "You will regret this girl... I will show you what I am capable of..." he napped back which only boiled my blood.

"Yaahhh... you coward... You cant even come face to face to threaten me... what are you gonna do more than this? I will wait and see what you are capable of you creep" I yelled aloud but I was shaking badly.

"What happened cupcake? Why are you yelling?" I turned around to see EXO on the door with worried face. "Nothing... Just some prank call" I hung up the phone and tried to give them a smile.


'Who could be that? Why did he threatened me? Will he do something to my family' My eyes wandered around. After the death of my mother and brother my adopted sister was everything to me. I lived for her... but now I have an even more bigger family... EXO...

Sometimes I feels like a mother with 12 naughty kids to look after... I looked around to see Suho oppa on the couch reading some book calmly. He may look like a model student, but he loves to pile up his clothes everywhere. Looks can deceive people sometimes...

Then there is lay oppa who is currently sleeping near by Suho oppa's couch on a carpet. He may look handsome and sexy while performing on the stage, but one of the most innocent person I have ever met.

I turned to my right to see Beagles who were currently messing around with DO oppa by teasing him. Even though Sehun is the youngest by age, if we calculate age according to mental growth it will be hard to find who will be the youngest among those three.

DO oppa is only one among the members who appears to be most normal... that too 75% not more. He is always calm and composed, but our beagles can annoy any normal person and turn them into mad. Like now... I smiled a little when I saw DO oppa chocking Baek-hyun oppa using his jitsu skill.

And then there is game addicts couple who is always fighting and noisy... like Tao oppa and Kris oppa, who are currently arguing about their game. On the other hand we have bubble tea couple... our Luhan oppa and Sehun. Who enjoys to chill in a corner along with their favourite flavour bubble tea.

Xiumin oppa is as always silently munching his food and watching TV. He is always silent unless other members untidies the place. He keeps nagging about cleanliness and health for next 2 days. Then Kai... our gaze met...

'oopss awkward... I should escape before he starts asking about me staring at him' I realized after a good 2 minute of staring. I stood up from couch and walked towards the stairs... but suddenly I felt like someone hitting me from back and darkness consumed me.

EXO: INCEPTION Where stories live. Discover now