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"Ummm... that..." she looked at kai who was waiting for her reply. "Ah... who changed my clothes?" She looked around for an answer. "She is avoiding his question..." Baek-hyun whispered to which Suho who stood near by him nodded his head.

"Ummm... that... I... you... sorry..." Kai looked down. "Yahhhh... you idiot..." she stomped her feet and walked towards her room. "She just dodged Kai's question..." DO sighed.

"Hyung... last time too I told you about my doubt. But none of you took it seriously... I still think... Its Shadows..." Sehun said. "Hmmm... I think so too... we were too careless..." Xiumin agreed with Sehun.

"Guys... I think first we should bring her down and cut the cake now... About shadows... we will think about it tomorrow..." Luhan said.

"Come on... lets surprise her" DO picked up the cake and walked towards Hae-won's room. Suho knocked Hae-won's door. "Surprise......" EXO greeted her together when she opened her door.


"whoa... THANK YOU..." her smile widened. 'God let me be with them until the last day of my life... help me to keep them happy and safe' she blew the candles after making her wish.

"Time to cut the cake" Chanyeol handed her a knife. She cut her cake. "Come downstairs... we will have our dinner..." Suho walked outside along with Hae-won and others.

After dinner they all gathered inside living room. "Thank you so much guys... This was one of my best birthday..." She smiled widely.

"I know it was hard for you guys to prepare this for me... especially sehunnie..." she smiled at him. "Huh? What about me?" He asked innocently.

"It was hard to follow me around whole day... right?" she pinched his cheeks. "AHHHH... It hurts... How did you know?" he was surprised.

"Thanks for picking up my presents early morning Chen oppa, Baek-hyun oppa, Tao oppa... Thanks for driving them Kris oppa..." She said surprising EXO.

"Thanks for the cake Lay oppa... Spaghetti was too good Chanyeol oppa... and Seaweed soup was tasty DO oppa... I loved it. And Thanks for the decorations Lu oppa, Suho oppa and Xiumin oppa... And I know you had schedule still you too time for my birthday celebration... thanks a lot Kai" she added.

"How did you? Did you heard us discussing" Suho was totally flabbergasted. "Hahahaha... its too easy..." She said. "Tell us... please..." Baek-hyun showed his puppy eyes.

"Okay... I knew Kai had schedule and I saw sehunnie following me around wearing mask and cap... and that weird t-shirt of yours... I could spot it even from 1 km away..." Hae-won explained. "Aishhh... i forgot to change my t-shirt" Sehun face palmed.

"And as for spaghetti... I know it by its taste. Chanyeol oppa makes the most tasty spaghetti in this world..." She hugged chanyeol. "Awww.... my sweet cupcake..." He hugged her back flaring up Kai's jealousy.

"That birthday cake of mine had a lot of weird but cute drawings all over the cake... Anybody could say its Lay oppa... And DO oppa is the only on who knows how to make seaweed soup..." she smiled at them.

"Was my drawings too obvious?" Lay asked with a surprised face. "Yea... it always looks weird... But what about us?" Baek-hyun asked.

"You three weren't here today morning and Kris oppa was absent too... As you three doesn't knows how to drive... I Guessed..." she said.

"Awww... my Cupcake is too intelligent..." Suho patted her head. "Then lets see how much she knows us...." Luhan announced suddenly. "How???" Xiumin asked. "Guess the Gifts... You will only get it if you guess it right..." Luhan had an evil smirk.

"Nooo... cupcake... don't do this... its pure torture" Chanyeol shuddered remembering his past. "If she is afraid to... then..." Baek-hyun added oil to the fire.

"I will do it... who is afraid... bring it on..." she was full of confidence. They placed all their gifts on the table. She picked up a gift with pink wrapper and opened it to see pink sneakers.

"Too obvious Chen oppa.... everything is pink... too much pink..." Chen just showed her his pouty face.

"Idot... How can you be so obvious?" Tao asked. "Yaahhh... Call me hyung... I'm older than you" Chen whined.

"Oh! This one is Tao oppa's" Hae-won opened next present while two of them were busy bickering.

"Why?" Sehun asked curiously. Hae-won picked up a Panda doll and showed it to the others.

"Here comes our dumb and dumber duo" Kris said making other laugh. "Take that big one..." Kris said with a cheeky smile.

"Is that your's?" Hae-won asked. "How did you know?" Kris had a surprised look on his face. She showed a black elegant purse.

"We have dumb dumber and dumbest trio over here..." Suho smirked. "What about you oppa?" She waved school admission papers​ for next year making suho scratch his neck with an embarrassed smile.

"What's this hyung? How can this be a gift?" Baek-hyun sighed at his hyung's ignorance. "Why? It's from one of Korea's best college" suho said.

"Whoa..." She picked up a purple dress and was mesmerised by its beauty. "Oppa... You bought me two gifts?" She asked suho.

"No... It's not mine..." He informed her. "Then who else knows my favorite colour?" Involuntarily her gaze met with Kai who was shooting daggers.

"Oh! It was Kai???" Baek-hyun who noticed Kai's expression announced it aloud.

"Sorry... I thought you hates me... So I never thought you would buy me a gift" she said. "I don't hate you... its just that... leave it... there are lot more gifts waiting... open it..." he tried to smile to conceal his hurt.

"This one... DO oppa..." She smiled. "it too obvious... no one except DO chooses black onesie..." Baek-hyun added. "Actually I got confused with colours... so..." he scratched his neck.

"When he gets confused with colours, he always finalises with black..." Sehun patted DO's back earing a smack from the later.

Hae-won opened another box pulling out a mobile phone. "Thank you..." she hugged Baek-hyun. "How did you... I thought you will get confused with mine and chanyeol's" Baek-hyun was totally surprised.

"Oppa... i saw your phone... its same..." she pointed at his phone which was on the table. She picked up another gift and unwrapped it to see a Black sandals. "Nice sandals... this should be either Sehunnie or Luhan oppa... I will go with Sehun..." she put it on to check the size.

"She is good at guessing" Sehun complimented. She open a long box with 12 sets of earrings "Xiumin oppa... as usual, like DO oppa he also got confused by colours and bought every colour..." she gave him a victorious smile.

"Not yet... open other three... and guess it and answer together" Luhan challenged her. She opened remaining three parcels. one was a wrist watch, second one a gold pendant and last one was a Bluetooth head phone.

"Bluetooth headphone is obviously from Chanyeol oppa... and from that weird drawings on the gift wrap its from lay oppa... and... this gold pendant... who could it be?" she started playing with Luhan who was eagerly waiting for her to say his name.

"Hae-won... think... its easy...." Luhan encouraged her without knowing her evil intention. "But... but I said every name... who could it be?" She acted like thinking hard for the name. "Think... come on..." Luhan encouraged her.

"Yaahhh... you are playing with me?" he asked her noticing her evil smirk. "That's what you gets for challenging me..." she started laughing others soon joining her.

'your smile wont stay alive like this too long Hae-won... my boss will make you suffer... soon' someone was spying them from outside the window.

EXO: INCEPTION Where stories live. Discover now