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Yesterday I got fired... I'm not sad about getting fired but sad that I got alone again. Even though its only a day I'm missing them like hell. I'm not used to silence anymore... Without them I'm feeling alone.


"What will we do now?" Kai asked. "Hae-won... pack your things and move out of the dorm today itself... You are Fired..." won-bin announced with an emotionless face. "Okay..." I answered with tears in my eyes.

"Hey don't cry... this is temporary. I will come and visit you every day..." Kai tried to cheer me up. "He is right Hae-won... its just for your own safety" Suho also tried to calm me down too.

"I will go and pack my things..." I walked upstairs tears streaming down. I slowly packed my things remembering each and every sweet memories shared with EXO in this dorm. I was really happy with them.

"Done with your packing?" DO asked from door step. "Yeah..." I tried to give him a smile but failed. "Don't worry... we wont let you be alone for long... we will make sure to bring you back..." He took my luggage and walked out. I followed him and looked around once more and walked downstairs.

"We will visit you... promise..." Sehun promised. "what if your fans finds out..." I was scared about being dragged into spotlight."Hae-won... did you forget about Kai's superpower? we will visit you..." Baek-hyun hugged me tight which made me smile.

"There you go... always smile like this..." Baek-hyun said. "I will drop you.." Won-bin walked out soon Hae-won followed him.

My thoughts were interrupted by a phone call. "Hello" I attended it. "So... you were thrown out of their dorm... Glad to see that.." I recognised the caller. "Yaaah... if you had guts you would have already disclosed your identity you coward..." I yelled.

"I'm not a coward..." He sounded annoyed. "Then tell me who you are..." I really wanted answers from him. "I will tell you who I am... you are not gonna be alive for long... my name is Cha Ji-Hun... I used to run an entertainment company until EXO debuted..." Ji-hun said.

"So... what do you want from me? Why do you keep calling me and threatening me?" I was getting more and more frustrated. "I have already told you that... I want you to cancel reinvestigation on your mother's and brother's death and I want you dead... nothing big right..." He said.

"HAHAHA... Very funny... you really have sense of humour... do you think I'm a fool? you will tell me what I have to do and i will do it?... nahhhh... not gonna happen" I mocked him.

"What if I say one of your favourite oppa is here with me..." He asked me. "Don't lie to me you bastard... I am not gonna believe you..." I hung up the phone in haste. 'I should call them...' I dialled Baek-hyun oppa's number.

"CUPCAKE...." his voice came as a high pitched scream. "Opppaaa... don't scream. You have a schedule tomorrow..." I remembered him that he was one of EXO'S main vocal. "Mianhe... i got excited..." He said possibly with a cheeky grin.

"Yo... cupcake we miss you..." I heard chanyeol oppa screaming in background. "Miss you all a lot... I'm really lonely..." I sighed.

"Hae-won don't worry... we will get you back... just wait for sometime..." Sehun said snatching phone from his hyung. I could hear rustling sound and whining from other side... 'They are fighting for phone' I just chuckled imagining the scene.

"Oppa... what are you all doing? where are others?" I asked. "Me, Sehun and chanyeol are watching TV...DO is cooking food... Suho hyung is reading newspaper... Xiumin hyung is in shower... Kris hyung and Tao just came back after morning exercise... Lay hyung is still in china... Chen is practicing inside... Luhan hyung and Kai nim are still sleeping..."Baek-hyun oppa said.

"Thank god... all of them are safe..." I mumbled. "What did you say?" oppa asked. "Nothing oppa... when is lay oppa gonna come back?" I asked him.

"Today... actually he is late... He said his flight lands here by 6.30 AM..." Baek-hyun oppa sounded confused. "Baek... its Lay hyung we are talking about... It must be 6PM... You know how he is... " I could hear Chen oppa in background.

I could hear al of them laughing about it... but my mind was anxious... 'Was he talking about Lay oppa...' "Oppa... I will call you later... Bye..." I hung up the phone not waiting for their reply.

'No... no, Hae-won you are just getting worked up for nothing...' I tried to calm myself. But all of my anxieties came true when I opened my phone to check my MMS that I just received. 'Oppa... ' my eyes teared up seeing Lay's photo along with an address.

My phone rang again. "Want to save your oppa? Come alone to the address" Caller said. 'What will I do now? Should I call them? No... no... I should solve this alone... these are all my fault...' I dressed up and was about to go out when someone tapped my shoulders.

"Ah... that scared me..." I sighed when I saw kai. "Hey... missed me?" He was giving me his cute smile. I really wanted to hug him tight and cry my heart out. 'No... no... get hold of your heart Hae-won... you have to save Lay oppa... I should hurt you now kai... so It wont hurt you more when you hear about my death...'

"Why are you here?" I asked him with an indifferent tone. "I am here to see my girl..." he hugged me tight....'I am gonna miss this warmth... sorry Kai...' I pushed him away.

"Who is your girl? me? Don't joke around... I don't remember agreeing with you to be your girl..." I scoffed... but inside I was breaking into pieces. "Hae-won... W..wha..what... are you...saying..." he stuttered in shock.

"You didn't understood? I will explain... I just used you to escape from that stupid curse... Pabo... you believed me? Poor Kai..." I laughed at him and turned around when tears threatened to fall. "I never loved you... never come back here... I don't want to see you anymore" With that I walked out.

'I'm sorry Kai... I'm going to die today and I don't want you to suffer because of me' I hailed a taxi and went towards my destination. It took me 15 min to reach there. I was hesitating... i sighed... 'you can do this Hae-won'


Kai appeared inside the dorm with tears streaming down. "Yaaahhh... wea... why are you crying?" Baek-hyun was the first to notice. "Nothing... move aside..." Kai pushed Baek-hyun and was about to go inside. "Hyung... suho hyung..." Baek-hyun held Kai's hand and called his hyung.

"Why are you screaming Idiot..." Suho rushed downstairs hearing Baek-hyun. "Hyung Kai is crying..." Baek-hyun said. "Kai-yahhh... what happened?" Suho hugged Kai. Which made him burst into tears.

"Hyung... Hae-won... she... she just used me... She said... shhh... she doesnt love...loves me... She jus... just wanted...ttto break curse... she told... told me...ttto ssttayyy away from her..." He said in between sobs.

"What? Cupcake? Seriously? no way..." Baek-hyun denied what kai said. "Hyung she didnt even bothered to look at me... she just turned around and said not to go there to visit her..." Kai's outburst startled Baek-hyun.

"Yaahhh... why are you shouting at me... And for your information... Hae-won was totally happy when i called her this morning..." Baek-hyun retorted back.

"Baek-hyun is right... She even asked for everyone... Did you visit her yesterday? I mean after she was send away?" Chanyeol asked Kai. Kai just shook his head to answer.

"See... she is mad... she even told us that she was lonely. Kai-yahhh she lost her job and became lonely... and you just bothered to visit her today... pabo..." Chanyeol made fun of kai. "You think so hyung?" Kai looked at chanyeol to which the latter nodded.

"Our cry baby... You came back even without thinking twice... You are 23 Kai... not 3 Grow up..." Chen said patting Kai's shoulder. "Just when i thought he became a man..." Kris mumbled.

"Kai... she is just mad... because you didnt visit her... give her time... everything is gonna be okay..." DO encouraged him. "I think i should give my maknae position to Kai... He suits more... cry baby..." sehun said sipping his buble tea...

"Yahhh...." Kai started chasing Sehun and again their dorm became bubly and cheerful. Everyone was laughing aloud withot knowing the tragedy which was about to unveil infront of them soon...

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