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"Yaaahhhh... don't play with foods..." DO yelled at Chen and Chanyeol. As usual EXO's dorm is lively. "Hyung... I saw my soulmate..." Tao came downstairs with wide smile.

"Whoa... Really?" Sehun asked with amusement. "I am sure I have seen her somewhere..." He tapped his chin which was one of his habit while thinking.

"Tao-ah... its always like that... you may have not seen her but it feels like you have known her for years..." Chanyeol said with a sad smile. "Chanyeol-ah... I told you not to feel like you have lost her already... what you felt with that girl is just friendship... nothing else... your soulmate is somewhere out there..." Lay stated.

"Hyung... don't try to cheer me up..." Chanyeol was still not ready to believe. "Yaaahhh... I told you I can feel bonds... I still feel 11 living bonds out there and one that is extremely in pain..." everyone sighed knowing lay was referring to Kai's mate bond.

"Its just that I cant know who your soulmate is and feel their pain until you are fully mated with them... but through the brotherly bonds we are sharing I can feel your bonds and pains... if I say your soulmate is alive then she is alive... understood" lay said in frustration and to which chanyeol just nodded.

"How can this idiot not believe me even after me telling him about this for the nth time now..." Lay mumbled making others laugh at his frustrated face. "Why are so pissed hyung... you were never like this..." Chen asked. "Nothing..." Lay dismissed Chen's question easily with that.

"Hyung you should feel how we felt when you kept forgetting and asking us again and again..." Chanyeol retorted back.

"Baek-hyun hyung... why are you so down today? is it because of Hae-won? You know she will get better with time..." Sehun asked his hyung who was nibbling his breakfast.

"Huh? I'm worried about Hae-won but... I... I saw my soulmate too..." Baek-hyun stated gathering everyone's attention towards him. "Me too..." everyone tilted their heads to see Lay.

"Huh? if you saw your Soulmates then its a good thing right? then why are you both behaving like this? One is frustrated and other is feeling down... which is totally out of their characters... it should be opposite..." Chen started trolling.

"Yaaahhhh... its not funny.... I didn't see her face... and what pissed me off is ...." Lay yelled at Chen but let out a frustrated sigh discontinuing his statement. "Hyung... tell us..." Chanyeol encouraged Lay.

"Thanks to someone else our dream got interrupted..." Baek-hyun replied through his gritted teeth. "Huh? interrupted? How could that happened? in EXO planet once we turns 25 we gets to meet our soulmate... and every unmated wolves in 25 sees the dream on same day... full moon. But never got interrupted" Suho was confused.

"Suho... I think its because of curse and moreover we are in earth... So pattern changed... I think now its going in random order and only one can see the dream on full moon" Lay sighed.

"This isn't my style, yet... I'm curious...what was the dream?" Kris asked. "I saw a girl walking through the forest... I walked near her and tapped her shoulder. she turned around and then I saw Tao... smiling widely..." Baek-hyun glared at Tao.

"SAME..." Lay joined glaring competition making Tao cower in fear. "What? Your Soulmate is Tao? So that means the girl Tao saw, who looked familiar was Baek?" Chen being troll didn't let go of the situation.

"No... my Soulmate's face wasn't an ugly one..." Tao strongly resisted Chen's comment. "Yahhhh... Namek... shut up..." Baek-hyun was getting worked up eventually. "So... Tao got to see his soulmate's face..." DO mumbled.

"Where is Kai?" Xiumin asked curiously. "He went to Hospital..." DO informed him. "Already 1 month passed without Her... When is she gonna wake up... I miss her a lot" Baek-hyun said.

"Its all my fault... Kai is suffering because of my carelessness... if I was careful and didn't took wrong Van... I wouldn't have got kidnapped and Hae-won would have been here with us instead of being in coma trying to save me..." Lay's eyes were brimming with tears.


its been four hours, we are still waiting in front of operation theatre... I was sitting on a chair with my badly injured body. "How is she?" I looked towards the door to see Kai talking to the doctor.

"Operation was successful... but currently she is in coma... mainly because of the shock... don't worry its just temporary... she will wake up soon" He patted Kai's shoulders before walking away.

I jolted back to reality hearing someone's phone ringing. "Kai... Really?" Suho looked really happy and he looked towards us with a bright smile.


"Hae-won... I'm back..." Kai came inside with a bouquet of roses like every day. "Hae-won-ah today they are going to meet our new member... I'm not going because I cant concentrate when you are like this..." He sighed and walked near by her bed after placing the roses on the vase.

"I miss you... everyone is really sad and missing you... come back... please. I promise I will protect you from now on... I really want to have you back with me..." He started crying.

"Hae-won... I'm really sorry I failed to protect you... I'm real..." He looked at her when she felt someone squeezing his hands.

"K...kaa...kaii" Hae-won opened her eyes. "Hae-won..." He stood up and hugged her. "Waa...waaate...r" she mumbled. He walked towards the table to take water and helped Hae-won to drink.

"Kai... why are you crying?" She asked. "I just missed you a lot..." He hugged her and cried his heart out. "I will inform Suho hyung..." He takes out his phone and dials suho's number.


Today EXO'S dorm was totally busy... Hae-won is coming back from hospital and EXO is planning a party for her. They are running around preparing for the party which is to happen on that day evening.

"Hyung... we should call Won-bin hyung too... after all today is our Hae-won's party..." Baek-hyun chimed. "I will go and personally bring him..." Suho volunteered.


"Suho-ah... what brings you here?" Won-bin greeted Suho with a pleasant smile. "Hyung I came to take you to dorm for Hae-won's party..." Suho informed him.

"Party? Hae-won is getting discharged today?" Won-bin asked to which Suho nodded his head. "Come on hyung... lets go..." Suho said.

"Give me 1 hour... I have some work to complete..." Won-bin walked inside Suho following him. "Hyung I will spend my time in your library..." Suho walked towards Won-bin's library.

Won-bin's library was really huge... he was the only person who could go back to EXO planet whenever he wants to. So there were many books he brought from there... Suho always wanted to refer each and every book inside this library but never got much time to.

He looked around spotting a bright light coming from a book on the shelf. 'Something is glowing?' He curiously walked towards the rack and saw an old book. He picked it up and flipped through its pages.

'Its empty... aishhh... paper cut' Suho's blood dropped on the book and he saw letters slowly revealing itself. "THIS IS... HOW CAN IT BE POSSIBLE..." His eyes became wide in shock.

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