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"Suho hyung..." DO's voice made Lay run towards the kitchen to find Hae-won unconscious on the floor and DO sitting next to her.

"What happened..." Lay's concern was evident in his voice. "I don't know... When I came back from store room I saw her unconscious" DO was equally flustered.

"DO... What happened?" Suho came running. "Help me to pick her up" Lay said. Suho and Lay picked Hae-won and walked towards living room. DO followed them with a bottle of water.

"Hyung... What happened to her?" Baek-hyun asked as they entered living room. "Don't know... She is bleeding" Lay placed her head on a cushion comfortably.

"What do you mean by bleeding???" Suho was shocked. "your hands..." Suho suddenly looked at his hands to see blood stains.

"What happened to her???" Kai rushed towards the couch. "She is bleeding... See... From what I see she is inflicted with a wound on her back." Lay showed him suho's hands.

"Kai.. Take her to her room... And lay try to heal her..." Suho instructed. Kai picked her up and walked towards her room lay following him.

"Are you thinking the same???" Xiumin asked suho to which the latter nodded yes. "Why are you guys talking in riddles? This is too frustrating" Baek-hyun revealed his frustration.

"Idiot... They are talking about Kai's rejection... That's why she is suffering" Chen informed.

"But this has never happened before... if a soulmate is rejected they gets mental tortures because of loneliness. But bleeding is kind of physical... so I don't think this is because of rejection" Luhan contemplated the situation.

"He is right... even I don't think this is because of rejection" everyone turned towards stairs to see Lay coming down. "Then what is it?" Suho asked.

"There is a cross whiplash wound on her back and its bleeding badly. And I'm unable to heal it" Lay sighed.

"What do you mean by unable to heal it? Even though you only have power leaker, it is strong enough to heal a wound... then why?" Xiumin voiced his surprise.

"Exactly... that's why I'm dumbfound too... I'm helpless... I have never felt this much helpless..." Lay hung his head low.

"Hyung don't be sad... may be this is because of rejection and we are overthinking about it" Baek-hyun tried to console Lay.

"Baek-hyun hyung is right... We don't know anything about human soulmate and what will happen to her if she is rejected. After all until now human soulmates never existed in our world" Sehun reasoned.

"Who told you so?" An new voice captured their attention. "Oh! you came? we were about to call you... DO tell Kai to come down..." Suho instructed.


"Is this my fault? Even Lay hyung is unable to heal your wound... are you suffering because of me? I... I do love you... but I'm still unable to trust you... i don't know why..." Kai, for the first time was talking his mind out, but to an unconscious Hae-won.

'Will I have the same fate as Chanyeol hyung? NO... I cant loose her just like that... if it happens it will be entirely my fault. Chanyeol hyung is right' Kai's thoughts were dragged into what happened previous night.


"You don't know how it feels like to loose someone you love. If you make them wait for right time... when the it comes they won't be there anymore and that's when you will realize how painful it is... There is no right time, the time that we makes is the right time and it won't wait for anyone" chanyeol who was silent until then said before walking out.

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