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"Agashiii... Is this correct address?" Taxi driver asked me seeing an old abandoned place ahead. "Ne... I'm here to sell this place..." I lied to him to avoid suspicion. I don't want to take a risk at this point.

I walked towards the building shaking badly. I hope Lay oppa is safe... Today is most probably my last day... I wish I could see EXO and spend some time with them before I die... but its a relief that I saw Kai for the last time.

I pushed the door and went inside to see Lay oppa tied up on a chair. "Oppa... oppa wake up" I tried to wake him. He was hurt and was bleeding badly.

"Hae-won... wh...why... di...did... you... go... run... save... yourself... go and bring EXO... run..." He mumbled half consciously. I opened knots and freed Lay oppa.

"Oppa... lets go together..." I tried to pull him up, But he way too heavy for me to carry alone. I tried again but in vain.

"Need some help?" I turned around to see a man in suit. "Who are you?" I growled at him. I could feel anger surging inside me after seeing Lay oppa.

"Oh ho... you forgot my name this easily... I told you my name just an hour ago..." He gave me a grin. "Cha ji-hun..." I mumbled. "Bingo... " he walked closer.

"Now that I'm here... let Lay oppa go... I will sign the papers to cancel complaints..." I was amused about the confidence in my own voice.

"Sorry to disappoint you princess... I wont leave him... I have some old debts to settle with them..." He gave me a sinister smile. "What do you mean by that?" my voice echoed in that lonely building.

"Calm down princess... I will tell you everything... anyways you are gonna die..." he snapped his fingers and one of his minion brought a chair for him to sit.

"So... I used to own an entertainment company. Shadows was one of the leading band I owned... Company was just a cover for my drug dealings... shadows were my main drug carriers... but after these scum's debuted shadows lost popularity... so I wanted to create scandals and I used their manager... who failed miserably..." He said.

"Why did you kill my brother and mother?" it was one of the question I really wanted to ask. "I just wanted to create troubles for EXO... That's why I told their manager to create accident using their van... I'm sorry for your loss" He smirked at me.

"You bastard..." I rushed to hit him but before my hand could reach him his fist came in contact with my stomach making me double in pain. I saw my phone lying on the floor i crawled towards it.

"No.. no..." He crashed my phone by stepping on it. He pulled out a medicine and injected me forcefully. I could feel my whole body becoming numb.

"Poor thing... you are gonna die today. Don't worry... I will give you some good time before you die..."He gripped my face and was about to kiss me. But before he could a foot came in contact with his face making his tumble away.

"Don't you are touch her..." Lay oppa spat blood. He was trying hard to stand straight. "Oh... look... what we have here. Injured knight... But sorry you are outnumbered... Hold him" He snapped his fingers and 3 4 men came running and held Lay oppa.

"Princess... Don't worry that medicine wont kill you... it was just morphine which will keep you numb" he held my hands and dragged my limp body aside and started kissing me. I could feel his lips on my skin but I was unable to move my body.

"Enjoy the show..." He told Lay oppa who was struggling to free himself. I felt like burning my skin wherever his lips and hands roamed. He tore my top away and kissed my now exposed skin. I felt like screaming aloud but my voice only came as muffled voices.

EXO: INCEPTION Where stories live. Discover now