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Hae-won's POV

I woke up with a heavy headache and tiredness. I looked around and noticed I was inside EXO's dorm. 'how did I ended up here? I don't remember coming here... way to go Hae-won... you got drunk again... that too badly. I hope I didn't do anything stupid when I was drunk' I was about to wipe my face when I notice my hand being unmovable.

I raised up my head and saw someone sleeping on my hand using it as pillow. 'don't they have any spare pillow here... using my hand like a pillow... idiot' I slowly removed his hairs from his face and noticed that it was kai... his face was so peaceful and cute looking. I was too mesmerised to notice that he was wide awake staring at me and my hands were still on his forehead holding his hairs.

"ah...sorry...I was trying to wake you up..." I removed my hands awkwardly. "are you alright now? you had a heavy fever yesterday" he informed me. I noticed wet towel on my forehead... he was looking after me whole night? I thought he was just a rude jerk who didn't knew meaning of the word humanity.

"oh! thank you... for taking care of me" I never thought I will be ever thanking this jerk for something. "where are others? don't you have schedule today afternoon?" he looked at me like I suddenly grew some horns upon my head.

"you don't remember what you did yesterday. don't you?" he asked confusing me. 'Did I do something weird after being drunk?' "No, I think I blacked out... I only remember having beer and boarding a taxi... nothing more" I informed him.

"come downstairs... I will call others... they have something to talk to you about" he suddenly gave me a betrayed face and walked downstairs. 'what's his problem? Aishh...' I walked towards the bathroom and brushed my teeth and after doing my daily routines I walked downstairs.

Living room: Hae-won's POV

I saw everyone sitting on the couch waiting for me. Most of them had a disappointed face and some of them was angry, ''Did something happened?'' I looked at them confused. "Hae-won shi have some milk" DO came to me with a glass of milk. "oh... thank you DO shi..." I received it and had milk in one go.

"Hae-won shi... Are you here for taking revenge from us?" Chanyeol's bluntness surprised me. "Don't try to deny, you already blurted out everything yesterday" Tao shouted. I just nodded my head in reply.

"How dare you? How could you play with someone's health and life just for your petty revenge. And what is it about this whole revenge drama? did we do something wrong... hell... we don't even know you before you joined as our manager then what will we do to you to make you to do this? tell me... I want to know" Lay who was always been calm and quite shouted.

"what have you done?" I smiled at them sarcastically without any emotions. "You guys ruined my life... my family... you made me an orphan" my tears started to flowing down like a stream. "what? we did...?" kai voiced his confusion when others stood there with a confused face.

"Its been already 5 years... so you must have forgotten about it easily... after all universal stars like EXO have a lot to worry about... then when will they get time to think about a mere accident they have caused during their debut period... even if it took two people's life... its still irrelevant for you guys... but for me... I have never forgotten that day... when your van crushed my dreams... my family..." I put my hatred and anger in each word.

"accident... Hae-won shii what are you saying... can you please relax and talk clearly about it... its really true that we don't remember anything... if you want to resent and reprimand us then do it... but at least give us the reason..." xiumin's frustration for not being able to remember it was clear in his words. I looked at him, he was right... I should make them remember so that they will resent their doings for their rest life.

"my family was a small, me, my mother, father, and my little brother. My father used to run a small business and we were happy. But everything ended when my father started gambling and having drinks. He gambled everything... we lost our business and mom started to work in a small company. even though we were poor, we were happy together" my memories came crashing into my mind.

"me, my mom and brother... we used to come back home together. That day... we were walking through the alley when my wallet suddenly dropped... I was about to take it when I heard the sound of car screeching... next thing I knew is me being pushed aside... when looked around... I saw my mom and brother... blood... all around... I... I... was" my voice never came out. I was sobbing badly.

"Hae-won shii..." chanyeol was about to touch my shoulders when I slapped it away. His eyes became sad which made me sad. He always treated me like his little sister... if we have met in a different situation I am sure that I would have accepted him as my brother.

"The car that took everything from me... that was EXO's. I saw your emblem in that car's back... you are all murderers... I would have forgave you if you had took my mom and brother to hospital. They didn't make it because I couldn't take them to hospital on time... you should have taken us...m if only... if only" my sobs were increasing. I ran out of the dorm towards my home.


She ran out of dorm sobbing. "Hae-won shi..." beak-hyun was about to stop .her from leaving when suho stopped him by holding his hands. "beak-hyun ah... let her go... I will explain the rest" suho said.

"hyung... are you saying that we really caused an accident?" Tao asked. "Not really... but we are one of the cause that it happened... if we have done what we should have... it wouldn't have happened" suho informed.

"hyung... don't make puzzles... we cant understand a thing" sehun complained. "Do you remember that day when our van went missing?" he asked.

"hyung... our van never went missing... that old cheat manager of ours... he tricked me and took the van... actually he stole it" Tao reasoned. "is it that important now..." chen scolded tao. "Hyung... continue... what about that van" chen turned towards suho and said

"that day... he caused an accident taking 2 lives... hae-won's mom and brother" he informed. "so our old manager caused it... but... why does she hates us so much" kris voiced his confusion. "because she thinks it was us... and we indirectly cased it so... we are guilty too" he said

"if we didn't cased the accident... then how will we become guilty?" beak-hyun asked. "we should have reported about that manager way too early, but we didn't... mainly for Kai... then we delayed to tell M members about our manager getting fired... if had done it Tao wouldn't have given the keys..." suho sighed.

"more over... I had to cover up the whole incident using money... I gave her father some money to cover it up... and..." he dropped his head low. "hyung... don't you know we aren't allowed to tell lies or cover up for bad people? are you trying to join Nefarious?" chen shouted aloud.

"Chen... use your words carefully..." luhan scolded him. "sorry guys... I never thought about truth and false at that time. it was inevitable... we had to become famous for being safe and to easily complete our mission... we worked for 7 years and debut was only 1 week away... I did it... even if I go back I will do same..." he sat on the couch with his head on his hands.

"hyung... what will we do now... you will have to receive punishment" DO said. "I already received punishment for that... my power leakers are gone..." suho informed with a sad smile. "hyung... you were suffering alone till now? you should have told us..." kai hugged him tightly... other members following him.

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