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I started working as EXO'S manager again from last week. Me and DO oppa are now cooking partners. Today DO oppa went early for his schedule and others went for practicing. Now I am left alone to cook and carry all the food for them. But how can I complain when they love me like their own sister.

"Hey guys... lunch ready..." I entered their practice room where they were resting after their practice for next concert.

"Yea... cupcake is here" chanyeol oppa came to me and grabbed some bags from me. "yaah... you should have called us for help cupcake... these bags are too heavy" beak-hyun oppa said taking rest of the bags from my hand.

"Don't make your pretty hands carry this much weight Choco pie" sehun winked his eyes looking at me. "Sehun-ah... no incest is allowed here... she is EXO's sister except for Kai" suho informed him.

"Hyung... that was brother's love for her. And what's with the exception for Kai? I wont allow my sister to marry some rude idiotic 4th dimensional jerk like him" he said.

"Yaah... who is rude jerk? come here" kai started chasing sehun and was laughing aloud. Its my first time watching him laughing whole heartedly. 'Ah... cute...' what? what am I thinking.

DUM DUM DUM DUM... aishhh why is my heart beating so fast watching his smiling face. I shook my head to clear my thoughts.

"Its after long time I am watching kai's real smile" Luhan sighed. "Oh... I'm on time..." DO walked in.

"Guys... come and have some food... Tao and beak-hyun are eyeing it like eagles" Xiumin called out for kai and sehun who were busy with chasing each other.

"Tomorrow is your first day for concert in Seoul... I have something to tell you... can I speak my mind out... will you misunderstand me if you hear my words" I asked them.

"What cupcake... speak what you want... you can talk to us like your friends. Tell us your suggestions and opinions" Beak-hyun oppa's words were last stroke. I carefully stood up and faced them. Everyone eagerly looked at me, even Kai seems attentive.

"What are you guys doing on concerts and broadcasts?" I started with a smile. "What in the world do you think you are doing?" I shouted aloud making them flinch.

"What happened cupcake? why are you so angry?" Xiumin asked me with a scared face.

"Oh... my umin oppa is not a mute... I thought you were mute... If you can speak then why the hell do you keep your mouth shut during programs?" I yelled at him.

"People are really thinking you are mute" I said. "I always tells him to speak... but he never does" Tao informed me.

"You better not talk about speaking Tao oppa... After concert you are going to take proper Korean lessons..." and I heard someone laughing to what I said. I turned to right side to see Lay... he was LOL ing a lot.

"Lay oppa too... and you are also going to learn how to pronounce each countries names" I dead panned him.

"Why only me and Tao? What about Luhan... he also have problem in speaking Korean. And why should I have to learn name of other countries?" Lay pouted.

"What was that last week??? Ah... philipe... ughhhh" I let out a frustrated sigh because I was too embarrassed to complete it in front of 12 boys. To which other boys chuckled and he was rubbing back of his neck indicating that they understood what I implied.

"And about Luhan oppa" when Luhan heard his name he suddenly looked at me like an innocent kindergartener. "He is my well behaved oppa... There is no complaint about him at all... " I smiled at him

"See... I told you guys... I'm the obedient and well behaved one here. There is no complaint about me because..." He piped up. "Because you are always invisible on the frame..." I completed his sentence. He looked at me shocked and speechless to which others started giggling while trying to control their laughter.

"Do you have any problem with that cute face of yours?" he shook his head to answer NO to my question.

"Then why do you keep hiding from the camera? You should at least talk... so that camera man could see that you are there" he just nodded for what I said.

"He is just another mute cupcake... let him be" chen smirked. "Ahhhh... our byuntae jongdae..." I turned to look at him. "what... me???" he asked with wide eyes.

"yes you... what were you doing on the stage oppa... is chanyeol oppa's butt that good? Why did you kept pinching his butt?" I asked him.

"Me... when?" he was shocked. "Last concert... Your playboy song hit 3 million view... everyone is curious to know whether you guys are Gay or not... I'm getting phone calls non-stop... what should I do?" I asked him.

"sorry... " he mumbled. "I knew this is gonna happen... I told them not to joke around while we are on stage... you will look weird" Kris exclaimed.

"Ahhh... they will look weird... but you are the weirdest one here..." I said. "Me... Never... being weird is not my style" he proudly announced.

"This one... where did you get such lame and cheesy dialogues? Ewww..." I made a scrunchy face.

"Chanyeol oppa... why do you keep destroying props... by last 1 week we had to replace 6 microphones, 2 chairs and 4 mobile phones..." I glared at him.

"But I never broke any mobile phone" he asked. "I broke it... when I got scolded by PD for your mistake I got frustrated and broke 4 company mobile phones... so automatically it goes into your account" I sheepishly grinned.

"Yaaah... how can you do that... it your mistake" he yelled and pouted like a kid. "Stop pouting you did wrong too... stop breaking props..." DO smacked chanyeol's head.

"DO oppa... stop hitting people... last time when you used your jitsu skills on that anchor he had to visit hospital for 3 days... be careful" I said.

"He wont listen to anyone..." suho mumbled. "Do you listen to what people says? I told you not do weird ceremony dances for girl groups on award ceremony's... did you listen to me?" I asked him with hands on my hips.

"She didn't even spared suho hyung..." beak-hyun laughed aloud. "Hyunnie oppa... I was waiting for your chance... what was that yesterday?" I asked him wiggling my eye brows.

"Sorryy... it just came out" he apologized. "How could you talk about sehun's... Aish... this is frustrating... and what about this biting butt and all? This is why people thinks you guys are gays..." I was really frustrated.

"And you... sehun-ah... you really told them to air it?" he just nodded his head with a smirk which boiled my blood.

"Yaaah... don't you want to get married later?" I shouted at him. "Ya.. yaaah??? yaah cupcake... im 3 years older than you" he said.

"First behave like one... don't act like a bunch of idiots..." I let out a frustrated sigh. "What about him? Why is he out of your wrath?" Tao pointed towards Kai. I looked at him. He was looking at me without an emotionless face.

"If you guys keeps doing this... Either I am gonna die because of hyper tension or I will be starved to death after loosing this job. I'm fed up always cleaning up your mess..." I sat on the chair.

"That is what you are for. Don't be full of yourself. You are paid to do so. You are our manager not our mother. Behave yourself and try to be respectful" Kai shouted at me. I was totally surprised about his outburst. A single tear escaped my eyes.

"Sorry... I forgot that I was just a manager who gets paid for doing her work... I am sorry for my rudeness everyone... " I politely stood up and bowed before running out of the practice room with tears running down my cheeks.

He is right... I overstepped my boundary. Even though they treat me as sister I should have been more careful... I was walking towards dorm when someone suddenly pulled me to the side. I looked up to see


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