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I walked toward the stairs, suddenly I felt like someone hit my back of head and I felt light headed. I tries to hold to my composure but in vain. Slowly darkness consumed me.

I was walking through the same garden that always appears in my dream. But suddenly someone grabbed my hairs and started dragging me. I looked around to find something, anything. But darkness was the only thing that invaded my eyes. Only sound that accompanied me was that persons footsteps along with my cries.

I was pushed harshly into the floor. I looked up to see a small glim light that lit up the surrounding revealing it as a prison. I was currently in the state of having panic attack... I noticed a man in the far right corner of the cell holding a whiplash. He raised his hands to whip me.

"NOOOO...." I screamed and waited for the excruciating pain... but nothing came. My eyes opened to meet 12 pairs of anxious eyes.


Hae-won was about to ascend the stairs, suddenly she stopped in her track and was about to fall down. But chanyeol, who was currently hiding from DO near by stairs, was fast in his reflex. He caught her before her head hits the floor.

"What happened? Lay hyung... just see what's wrong with her" Kai started to panic. "Don't worry... she just fainted" Chanyeol picked her up and laid her on the couch. "I don't think so chanyeol... she isn't breathing" Lay informed after examining Hae-won.

"What are you saying Lay?" Suho walked near by Hae-won and examined to realize what Lay said was right. "But... she was okay 5 minutes ago" Tao's eyes started to tear up.

"I will call an ambulance..." Sehun picked up his phone. "NOOOOOO..." everyone was startled to hear Hae-won screaming. They all gathered around her anxiously.

"What? Why are you looking at me like that?" She asked feeling intimidated from 12 pair of eyes watching her with anxiety.

"Are you alright? You just passed out and we tried to wake you up. But you weren't even breathing. Then out of blue you screamed and waked up. What happened? Mind sharing with us?" DO asked.

"Its nothing I'm just tired. I'm going to take a nap" Hae-won walked towards her room leaving the boys dumb found.

"Something is really bothering her... what could it be?" He looked towards Suho who was currently calm about the whole situation. 'He knows something... Usually he is overprotective towards Hae-won. But now even after such a situation he is still calm and composed' Xiumin decided to confirm his doubt.

"What do you think Suho?" Xiumin turned towards Suho. "Huh? wha... what?" Suho was caught off guard and his voice slightly betrayed him by wavering a little bit. "Do you know what is bothering her?" Xiumin asked his question again,0 this time more accurate.

"No... she didn't told me anything" He walked out of the dorm before Xiumin shower him with more questions. 'He does knows something. That's why he is trying to avoid my questions' Xiumin confirmed his doubt from suho's behaviour.

'I think I should ask him directly before making more assumptions' Xiumin was totally absorbed in his thoughts that he missed to notice kai walking out of dorm. Xiumin also walked out of the dorm in search of Suho to clarify his doubts.

"Does this even makes sense? How can a human being survive even after not breathing for a whole 5 minute?" Baek-hyun voiced his doubt to other EXO members who were still carrying out their discussion without noticing that three of them went outside in between.

"I was about to call an ambulance, I thought she died." Sehun was still holding his phone near by his ears and was in utter shock. "I thought the same too" Tao wiped his tears.

"If I was in my right state... No one would have panicked like this" He hung his head low and walked towards his room.


'I think I should ask him directly before making more assumption' I started to walk out in search of Suho. Others were still discussing about Hae-won. Really... we all nearly had a heart attack.

"I told you not to go near her and to keep distance" I heard Suho shouting at someone. 'His sound is coming from garden' I turned right and went to our small garden. I saw Kai with an angry looking Suho. 'Why is he shouting at kai' I decided to watch before I interfere.

"Hyung... I didn't do anything" He was desperate to prove his words. "Kai... You know right? what will happen to her if you keep doing this... If something happens t her I wont be able to save you too... If something happens to her I wont be able to save you too... I don't want to loose both of you" Suho sighed.

"Hyung..." Kai turned around without completing his sentence most probably sensing me. Suho also turned around both of them were shocked to see me.

"What's happening here?" I questioned them. "Noting..." Kai averted his eyes. "Xiumin... We have something to tell you" Suho told me with a concerned voice.


My mind was currently a mess... It felt like I was inside a maze with lot of problems. 'Who is the person that is threatening me? Most probably those who are the reason for destroying my family... But what keeps bothering me is something else... Why am I seeing same dream?' My thoughts were cut shot by a phone bell.

"Hae-won-ah..." I knew who it was from the voice Even though I picked up the phone without looking at the caller ID. "Hye-soo..." my once sour mood became bright one when I heard her voice.

"Yaaah... how can you do this to your sister? When you go your angel and 11 other brothers you forgot about me right?" she started complaining.

"Hye-soo... I didn't forgot about you... actually I was pretty much busy... And for your information its 10 brothers..." I added.

"What... kai is still angry?" she asked. "Its not like he is still mad... its just he still doesn't trusts me..." I informed her.

"Ohhh... well we cant blame him... After what you did..." she sighed without completing her sentence. "Anyway... how are you..." she changed the subject. "I'm good... what about you?" I asked her back.

"Good... actually I called you to tell you a good news..." She sounded happy. "my vacations starts in 2 month... i will come and visit you..." she added. "Really..." I squealed.

We talked about a lot of things for an hour and then she had to go to her class. After I hung up the phone I felt good... my tensions and stress long forgotten. I changed into my pyjama's before going to sleep.

EXO: INCEPTION Where stories live. Discover now