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"NOOOOOOOOOOOOO..............................." I shot my eyes open. "No... I cant let that happen... I cant loose my family again..."I looked around and noticed that I already missed my stop.

"Ajushii... please stop the bus..." I get down from the bus and started running back to the dorm without minding it was raining cats and dogs. I ran as fast as my leg can take me... my tears streaming down...

"Noo... guys... wait for me... I haven't confessed my love for him yet... I haven't had that much time with them... I cant loose them..." I barged into the dorm without any notice to find it empty and silent.

"Oppa... where are you... Baek-hyun oppa... Suho oppa... Chanyeol oppa..." I ran upstairs. "Noooo... it cant be... DO oppa... Sehun... oppa... Lay oppa..." I barged into each of their rooms to find it empty.

"No... Nooo... Luhan oppa... Xiumin oppa......" I screamed aloud but no one answered me. "Chen oppaa... Kris oppa... Tao..." I ran down to the kitchen.

"Kaiiiiiii... no no no no.... I haven't yet told you how I felt about you... please... God..." I was screaming aloud. I felt like my heart was sinking... "I was late... ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... how can you be like this to me God... I just... I never... ev...even got a... cha...nce to confess to him... or to love... them a lot for what... what I did to them... ugh...ahhhhhh..." my screams where echoing inside the silent dorm.

"Hae-won-ah..." I turned around with wide eyes identifying the voice to be Baek-hyun oppa's. But before I could say anything I saw black spots and blacked out.


"Sehun-ah... are you sure she will be here soon?" Suho asked. "I just came back after seeing her bus passing the intersection..." He was too hyped up even after tailing Hae-won for whole day.

"Guys... is everything ready?" others nodded in response to DO's question. "Ughh... hiding is not my style... but I will do it for Hae-won. After all its her first birthday with us..." Kris said with a cold face.

"UH... It was Hae-won's birthday?" Lay asked with a confused face. "Yaaahhhh... Hyung... Did you forget that already?" Baek-hyun scolded his elder brother. "Sorry..." Lay answered rubbing the nape of his neck.

"Come on... lets hide... she will be here soon..." Chen said and everyone went inside the store room and waited for her. "What was that?" Suho asked after hearing the sound of Hae-won barging into the dorm.

"Hyung... its her. See..." Baek-hyun showed him the footage of the CCTV camera's they installed recently. "Why is she barging in like that? Did something happened?" Kai panicked.

"She is fine lover boy..." Chen told him with a smirk. "YAAAH... SHHHH... KEEP QUITE" DO scolded them. ("Oppa... where are you... Baek-hyun oppa... Suho oppa... Chanyeol oppa...") "She is calling for us... come lets go..." Lay said. "Hyung... we are trying to scare her and then surprise her..." Chanyeol whispered.

("Noooo... it cant be... DO oppa... Sehun... oppa... Lay oppa...") "She went upstairs... I think she is searching for us in our rooms and she is sad..." Sehun smirked knowing their prank is working out.

("No... Nooo... Luhan oppa... Xiumin oppa......") "Guys... she is crying lets not take this prank further..." Suho 'OMMA' started to panick hearing Hae-won's crying voice. "Boys... restrain him..." Baek-hyun ordered still monitoring her through CCTV.

"Allow me..." DO walked near Suho pushing away Chen and Sehun who were holding Suho. "Hyung..." he placed one hand on suho's shoulder and started searching something with other hand. "What are you searching for?" Suho asked with a scared face.

"This..." He pulled out a large knife from him back and started scratching his chin. "DO-yahh... its... its a ... kni... knife..." he gulped seeing DO's evil eyes. "Shhhhh... she is coming" Baek-hyun said.

("Chen oppaa... Kris oppa... Tao...") "Hyung she is panicking... lets stop this..." Kai looked at Baek-hyun with a pleading eyes. "Okay... lets go out..." Baek-hyun was about to walk out. ("Kaiiiiiii...) "Hyung wait..." Kai held his hand. ("no no no no.... I haven't yet told you how I felt about you... please... God...")

"OOOOO... Lover boy got an indirect confession..." Tao wiggled his eyebrows making Kai into a blushing mess. ("I was late... ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... how can you be like this to me God...) "why is she panicking too much?" Luhan also started to panick.

("I just... I never... ev...even got a... cha...nce to confess to him... or to love... them a lot for what... what I did to them... ugh...ahhhhhh...") They came out to see a fully wet Hae-won who is crying aloud.

"Hae-won-ah..." Baek-hyun called her. She turned around and looked at him with wide eyes and fell down on the floor. "OH... SHIT..." Sehun was first to react. He ran towards Hae-won and pulled her up into his lap.

"DO... Water... bring..." Suho shouted. But before he finished DO was already there with water. "Did we took the prank too far?" Chen asked with a sad face. "I told you not to..." Suho shouted at the younger brothers mainly at Baek-hyun who just pouted showing his puppy eyes.

"Suho... don't yell... she needs rest... she is just tired... she is okay..." Lay said after checking her. "I will take her to her room..." Kai picked her up and walked upstairs.

"Hyung... to be honest... i don't think she panicked because of our prank... We know how she is... she wont panic that easily. And she was crying like... something have happened to us" after silence of few minutes Beak-hyun said with a serious tone.

"Baek-hyun hyung is right... and it is not the first time this is happening. Remember what happened some days back. She ran to my shooting site in her Pyjama's without any reason..." Kai added.

"I think someone is threatening her... Do you remember that day when we got a parcel with dead rabbit... I told you guys about phone call she attended. Must be it..." information's DO added shocked them.

"We were too careless... we should look after her properly... I'm worried..." Suho said. "Don't worry hyung... I have already planned everything out..." Baek-hyun said with confidence. "Stop joking you idiot..." Chen smacked him. "I'm serious... you troll..." He smacked Chen back.

"Oppa..." Hae-won walked downstairs with an angry face. "How can you do this to me?" she asked in an accusing tone. "Sorry Hae-won-ah... we were trying to give you a surprise. How can you not notice all these decorations?" Xiumin tried to calm her down.

"Is that important? I was scared to death... do you know how much I panicked?" She looked at them with a look that said 'UNBELIEVABLE'

"Why?" Kai asked. "Huh???" She turned towards kai. "Why did you panicked so much? Did something happened? is there something you are hiding from us?" He asked again.

"Ummm... that..." she looked at kai who was waiting for her reply.

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