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"Oppa... why is he like that?" She voiced her curiosity. "He had gone through a lot Cupcake That's why... Want to know about it?" Baek-hyun asked to which she just nodded. "Come... Lets talk outside..." He took her out.

"Want to have something to drink?" Baek-hyun walked towards the vending machine. "No... tell me about him" she was too curious about Kai and his past.

"Too curious about him... " Baek-hyun teased her and sat on the bench near by. "You guys told me I have to spend my whole life with him... so I should atleast know about him right?" She walked towards the beach and sat near by him.

"We never told you that... we just told you that he wont survive without you" He was teasing her badly. "That leaves me without any choice... how can I let someone die...." she sighed.

"That true..." He smiled at her innocence. "Oppa... tell me..." she was loosing her patience. "As you know... 12 of us are re-incarnations and we are born again to break our curse... And we were sent to earth for that and to complete a mission..." He started.

"Once we reaches 10 years our birth parents send us to earth. To be accurate... we were send to woobin who was already living here even before Xiumin hyung was born. He was the one who found us our foster parents..." He said.

"As you know... we were born in different years... so we came here in different time and he send us to different places... like 8 of us grew up here in Korea where as Tao, Luhan hyung, Kris hyung and Lay hyung got adopted by Chinese parents" He added.

"We never met each other until he gathered us one by one and made us join here in SM as trainees. We grew up in different situations and spaces... some of grew up in rich families. Like Suho hyung, Kris hyung, Tao, Sehun... some with middle class... but everyone was happy with their life except for Kai..." He sighed.

"Kai got adopted to a childless couple. They loved him like their own son. But when Kai was 15 they died in a car crash. His foster Uncle tricked Kai and kicked him out of the house." He looked at Hae-won who was contemplating every details that he told her.

"But... he was 15... Didn't he knew? I mean about being cheated?" She voiced her surprise. "In our planet there is no cheating or lies... you will be punished... even though our IQ level is higher that earthlings we never used it for negative thoughts... he didn't even knew what cheating means." He said.

"Oh... then what happened?" She looked at him curiously. "He wandered here and there... after a few days woobin hyung found him near by a waste can searching for food. He brought him to Suho hyung who was a trainee at that time. Kai also got in here after going through auditions... But again, he got tricked by our first manager..." Hearing it Hae-won snapped her head in his direction.

"Yeah... you are right... same guy who killed your mom and brother. One day he took Kai to a club and left him there. It was a stripper club for men and women... Kai was forced to strip and someone even tried to molest him" he wiped Hae-won's tears which was dripping without her knowledge.

"But before anything bad happened Lay hyung felt Kai's pain and informed Suho hyung. He was fast finding him and brought back... But after that Kai lost his trust... He thinks that humans are same... cheaters. And you did the same too..." Baek-hyun concluded.

"I can understand now... why he was hostile towards me from our very first meeting onwards... I think I should work double harder to gain his trust. To be honest... I don't want to loose him too" she shyly accepted. "I know..." Baek-hyun patted her head.


"Yaaahh... be quite. she will wake up" Baek-hyun scolded Tao. "Hyung why are we walking like cats? She is sleeping anyway..." He pouted.

"We cant risk our plan" Chen muttered while walking out of the dorm along with Baek-hyun, Tao and Kris to complete their mission.


"DO... you know what you have do right?" Suho as usual double confirmed it with the younger. "But hyung, what will we do with Hae-won? If she finds out about this, she wont let us do anything..." Chanyeol voiced his concern.

"Leave that to me... I will take her with me when I go for my schedule" Kai confidently stated. "Okay... first part is done... Now what next?" Xiumin asked.

"What are you guys doing early in the morning?" Before Suho could answer Xiumin Hae-won came to dining room and sat besides Kai to have breakfast.

"Going somewhere?" Luhan asked noticing a fully dressed Hae-won. "I'm going to visit my mother and brother" She gave him a sad smile and drank milk one shot.

"Drink slowly... you will choke yourself..." Suho showed his concern. "I have to hurry..." she stood up. "Eat something before you go" DO 'omma' told her. "I will have something on my way" Before he could nag her she rushed out of the dorm.

"Aishh... this girl... she never listens to me" He voiced his frustration. "DO... you really sounds like a mother... 'DO OMMA'...." Chanyeol commented earning a smack from DO.

"Guys, Focus... We should complete our plan before she returns" Suho told them with an extremely serious face.

'They are upto something... I'm damn sure about it' She thought as she walked out of dorm.


I was on my way back to dorm when my phone rang. "Hello..." I answered. "Enjoyed your trip to grave? Don't worry soon you will be laying beside them... I will make sure to built you a good and nice looking grave" He mocked me.

"Yaahh..." I shouted and then noticed people in my bus was looking at me. "How dare you? you are not gonna do anything... Idiot..." I whispered.

"Don't worry girl... you wont die now. I will make sure to kill those 12 boys before you... they are together inside the dorm right... shall I blast a bomb? Naahhh... I will slaughter them..." his laughter was like sharp knives piercing.

'Noooo... i cant loose them... no...' My heart was pounding faster. I noticed it was my stop. Before my mind can contemplate my legs were automatically taking me to the dorm.

'Guys hang in there... don't leave me...' my tears were flowing down non-stop as I ran as fast as I can. I rang the door bell twice and waited for them to open the door for me.

"Oppaa.... open the door..." I was crying badly, but no one answered. I entered the code and open the door to find an empty apartment. "Oppaa.... where are you... no... this cant be..." I ran around the dorm to find them.

"Hae-won ah..." I heard Beak-hyun oppa's voice from his room and ran over there to find Beak-hyun oppa and chen oppa in a pool of blood.

"Noo... what happened? oppa..." I placed his head on my lap. "Someone attacked us... i don't know where others are... don't stay here... go... run..." he tried to complete his sentence with a lot of difficultly.

"No... i wont. Chen oppa..." I tried to wake him. "He wont wake up Hae-won... he is gone... and I... ughh... I don't have... ughh... much... time left... you should... escape... run... please... for me...ughhh... for EXO... ughh... bye hae-..." he closed his eyes with a smile.


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