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Even after 2 hours its still pin drop silent, no one was really talking. There was an awkward silent in between members. even chanyeol and beak-huyn were utterly silent, which made me feel guilty for I have done to such cheerful people. 'But I'm sorry... I don't have a choice in this... I don't even know who all were involved and who all are innocent... my only choice is to bring you down as group...' my mind was swirling in thoughts.

"I will go and cook some food for everyone" DO snapped me out of my thoughts and walked towards kitchen. "I have a phone call to guys take some rest" I faked a smile and walked towards my room. I have to call hye-sun... its been a while and moreover I was feeling stuffy around such grumpy atmosphere.

I walked towards the balcony so I could talk to her without any interruption. "hello..." hye-sun answered with a sleepy voice. "guess what... I got my first strike" I happily announced. "really..." she said widely awaken from her slumber.

I explained about today incident... which made her happy. After the death of her parents my mother took care of hye-sun. she was like her second daughter and hye-sun also loved her like her own mom.

"Hae-won ah... I was thinking... why didn't suho showed others that second message that you send him... it will prove that he is innocent... right?" hye-sun voiced her concern. even I was thinking about the same.

"I think suho really thought that its Tao's fault and wanted to save him..." I informed about my conclusion which I formed after hours of thinking. I heard hye-sun yawning... "oh! sorry hye-sun ah... I forgot you had late night duty this week" I apologised to her for disturbing her sleep because of my excitement of my first victory.

"its okay hae-won ah... we only have each other left in this world... even though I'm on the other side of world... I'm always near by you... now let me go and sleep... bye" she said. "okay... bye" I hung up the phone and looked down to see suho sitting on the bench alone.

"suho... what are you doing here alone" xiumin came out with a sweet smile. "just having some fresh air... I'm feeling stuffy inside... its usually cheerful inside... but today..." he dropped his head down as he said that, like some guilt was weighing him down.

"suho... I know you lied today morning... is it really Tao's mistake? are you covering up for him" xiumin pointed out his doubt. "To protect someone that we are feeling guilty... we will even go down upto throwing our life" suho's answer was something that me and even xiumin couldn't understand.

"what did you do to make you feel so guilty toward Tao?" kai came out even before xiumin could complete his conversation with suho. suddenly kai looked up making an eye contact with me. it was as if he felt my gaze upon him. I turned around and walked inside.

suho and xiumin are more observant and patient... so breaking them apart is near to impossible... even all those seeds of confusion I saw may go waste if these two tries to resolve everything... I should be more careful around them' my brain storm was increasing.

I went to kitchen and saw DO cooking food alone. "Want some help?" I asked him. "help me to cut some vegetables for soup" he asked me politely. As I was busy gathering vegetables for soup I saw some mushrooms inside the refrigerator. my evil brain started to weave new web for revenge. 'I'm sorry DO... but my next step is going to hurt you badly' my evil smirk widened.


"Here you go..." he placed tray with soup bowl upon table. "DO you are too good..." chanyeol shouted. "have it before it gets cold" DO said wide smile. "you looks like a mother who is happy watching her children having food" baek-hyun earned a smack from DO for his comment.

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