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Its been two days but my mind is still unstable because of the threat. I'm currently feeling like I'm sitting on a time bomb which might explode anytime soon.

"Hae-won-ah come and have some food... its been 2 days you had a proper meal... we are worried" I heard DO oppa on my door. "I'm coming oppa..." I replied to him.

After finishing my daily routines I walked out of the bathroom to change my pyjama's I was about to open my wardrobe when I heard my phone ringing.

"I think Kai is the least loved one... He is left unguarded... Let's start from him" caller said before the connection got cut. My eyes widened in shock. 'I should reach there before something bad happens" I ran out.


"Baek-hyun-ah... eat slowly..." chanyeol said to baek-hyun who was eating fast, like someone was going to snatch it from him.

"yaaaahhhh.... who took all the food I cooked for lunch" DO yelled from the kitchen making Baek-hyun choke the food.

"Aisshhh... this dirty fellow. Why did you spit everything out?" Chanyeol complained. "Don't tell me..." realisation hit Park Chanyeol hard. Baek-hyun nodded confirming his doubt with a huge prankster smile.

"YOU IDIOT... HE IS GONNA KILL US..." Chanyeol yelled. "Let's hide" he added. But too late DO was standing next to him holding broomstick and Baek-hyun had already betrayed his brother by running away.

Bark-hyun ran towards the living room to save his life from DO and bumped into Hae-won who was rushing out making both fall hard on the ground. But before anyone could respond she ran towards the car and went to Kai's shooting location.

"What's wrong? why did she went out wearing her pyjama's?" Baek-hyun helped himself from the floor. "Something is wrong... Let's follow her?" Suho said.

"And how are you gonna do that? we only have two cars... Kai took one and Hae-won went out with the 2nd one" Chen informed him. "Shit..." Suho ran his fingers through his hair.


'I should reach there...' my only thought while I was driving the car. When I reached there I saw kai walking through the sideway alone. 'Why is he alone? is he taking a break?' my eyes suddenly noticed a truck coming towards him.

'What the hell' I ran towards him calling his name as loud as possible, but the earphone he had plugged in his ears prevented my voice from reaching him. I pulled him to the side and hugged him tightly. Before I could say or look up darkness consumed me.


After Hae-won ran out of the dorm in her pyjamas Suho who used to be extremely protective towards Hae-won stayed silent entire time. But to everyone's surprise Xiumin started nagging others about not stopping Hae-won, especially at Baek-hyun.

"You should have stopped her from going out..." He repeated it for the nth time. "Hyung... this is the 22nd time you are saying the same thing... Cant you stop nagging..." he retorted back.

"Suho hyung and Xiumin hyung had exchanged their personalities" Chen said. "SHUT UP..." both shouted at him.

"Hyung... I think..." before Sehun can complete his sentence door bell interrupted him. Chanyeol opened the door revealing Kai holding Hae-won in bridal style.

"I told you not to touch her..." Suho shouted. "Then what should I do? Are you saying that I should leave her by the road?" Kai walked in and placed her on the couch.

"What happened Kai.?" DO came with a blanket and covered her. "I was in the middle of filming an accident scene... But suddenly she came out of nowhere and dragged me to the side and then passed out" even Kai was flabbergasted from her behaviour.

"You should have asked someone else to carry her... WHY DID YOU TOUCHED HER?" Suho was raging from anger. "Hyung... what is the problem here? Why are you scolding him for helping her?" Beak-hyun asked.

"Small kids doesn't have anything to do with this... Go inside and play... We elders know how to handle this" Xiumin said pointing beagle and the other three.

"He is right... we will deal with this go inside" Suho authoritatively said. They looked towards Luhan expectantly like lost puppies.

"I can have a say in this right? After all I am older than Suho..." Luhan smiled at Suho and Xiumin.

"When I said 'KIDS' it meant mentally and physically childlike people... and you have a baby face Lu" Xiumin tried to avoid Luhan with some petty reasons which succeeded with Luhan pouting and leaving the room.

"I don't want to hear anymore nagging... I'm off from here" Kris walked towards his room avoiding 6 puppy eyes which then diverted towards Lay who was still there.

"Actually what are we discussing about? What should I say?" Lay once again forgot their conversation in between.

"Expecting something from Lay hyung is our fault..." others nods their head in agreement to Chen's comment. They decided to leave the room before Xiumin and Suho starts their nagging again.

But before they could leave Baek-hyun noticed mark on Hae-won's hand. Tao looked at him and followed his eyes seeing Hae-won's glowing mark.

"Hyung... Hae-won's hand" before Baek-hyun could complete his sentence Suho covered his mouth. "Hyung Hae-won's hand is glowing..." Tao screamed gathering everyone's attention. Suho and Xiumin face palmed.

"What happened? Why is Tao screaming?" Kris came back running hearing Tao's scream Luhan hot in his heels. Tao pointed his fingers towards Hae-won's hands.

"aaahhhh..." Hae-won shot up from the couch gaining everyone's attention. "Hae-won... you okay?" Suho held her hands in an attempt to cover the mark.

"Ughhh... my head hurts..." She held her head with her hands. "Wait here... i will bring you medicine" Suho walked towards his room after eyeing Xiumin who within a second held Hae-won's hand earning a smile from her.

"Here... have some" Suho came back with a tablet and some hot milk. She drank her milk and consumed the medicine... "Hae-won can you tell us what happened?" DO asked for an explanation.

"Ummm... I got an anonymous call... he threatened me to harm Kai... I got worried and... nothing else... i wanna sleep... I'm really tired" she looked at Suho and he just nodded and helped her to her room.

"Sleep well cupcake" Suho tucked her and walked outside after confirming that she slept. He closed hr door and turned around to face Kai who was waiting for him.

"What are you gonna do now?" Suho asked. "What should I do? Tell me..." Kai wasn't sure about his own mind. "Accept her... Don't let her suffer... Please... this is your hyung's request" Suho held his hands and said.

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