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"Do you like him?" Baek-hyun pointed at Kai. "I... I... I like him... In fact I have started to love him... But what to do he hates me" her tears started flooding down even Kai was shocked from her sudden confession.

"Yaahhh... Can't you see... I was unable to trust you at first because of your childish revenge drama..." Kai said.

"Childish revenge drama??? Do you think my mother's and brother's death is something childish???" She stood up.

"Hae-won... It's... It's not like that... It's... Just..." Kai was trying to explain but before he could say more she ran outside. "Kai... go and get her" Chen nudged kai who stood there dumbstruck.

"I will come with you...." Sehun was about to follow Kai who went after Hae-won. "No... let them sort it themselves..." Baek-hyun held Sehun's hand stopping him from following Kai and Hae-won.

"But hyung..." Sehun was about to protest "Baek-hyun is right... Kai should sort it out with her... Now he knows how she feels about him... let him open up for her" Suho patted Sehun's shoulder to which the latter nodded his head.


'How can he be so cruel... how can he say that my mother's and brother's death is just something childish?' I was walking out of the building. I was really mad at Kai and wanted some fresh air to calm myself.

"idiot" I mumbled and turned around the corner of the street. My foots stumbled on a stone and I was about to fall when a strong arm held me back causing sparks throughout my body. "Kai..." I turned around to meet with his apologetic eyes.

"Hae-won... I..." Kai looked down. "I don't wanna talk to you" I started to walk away from him. What does he expect me to do after hurting me so badly. "Hae-won hear me out" he yanked me and turned me around.

"I don't want to talk to you... you are such a jerk... why did you follow me? you don't love me right?" I started bickering. "Its not like..." he tried to say something but I was too mad at him that I didn't even wanted to hear his sound.

You hates me... so what is it to you where I'm going... it doesn't matters to you even if I dies... let me go and die so you wont be burned... I'm just a burden to everyone... no one lov..." before i could complete what I was saying i felt something soft on my lips. It took me sometime to realize that he was kissing me and i stood there in shock.

"Hae-won... hear me out... Hae-won" Kai shook me to bring me back from my trance. "Huh??? What???" I asked in daze to which he just chuckled.

"Hae-won... listen... I LOVE YOU... I have been in love with you for a long time now... but I was suffering because of my trust problem... I'm really sorry that I hurt you badly... I wont do that again... I promise" He kissed me again.


There was a sudden downpour and together with cold rain drops kai felt energy surging through his body. "Hae-won... my curse... it broke..." he hugged her tight and smiled. "Kai... I love you too..." She tip toed and kissed him again.

As they were enjoying the rain and kiss someone was hiding behind a tree across the street taking photos of them kissing. "Boss is going to be happy..." he smirked. Suddenly a van passed through and the couple disappeared from the stalkers sight.

"WHAT? where did they go?" he exclaimed blinking his eyes in disbelief. "Boss... I got it..." he smirked while informing his boss.


"Its already 15 minutes... we should go out and look for them" Suho being EXO's worried mom said. Everyone stood up and was about to walk out when they felt energy surging through them and Lay collapsed.

"Lay... Are you alright?" Kris ran towards lay and helped him to sit on couch. "Kai's curse.. it broke... just now..." He replied in a tired voice. "Is that why I felt energy flowing through my body?" Baek-hyun asked with amused face.

"I felt it too" Sehun smiled like a kid. "Does that means he accepted Hae-won?" Suho asked with a grin on his face. "Yeah..." Lay's smiled widely.

"If it was just about Kai's curse... Then why did we felt energy flowing trough us? And why did you collapsed? Is it a negative effect?" Xiumin asked curiously.

"Pabo... there is no side effects..." Lay chuckled. "Yahhh... I'm your hyung..." Xiumin pouted. "You looks like a squirrel more than hyung..." Tao joked. "Aisshhh... these kids.... shut up" Suho clammed up his kids. "Lay... if its not side effect... then what is it?" Suho turned towards lay.

"Its just that our powers and curses are tangled with each other... so when his curse broke we felt it too... Like you I felt it too... but as for me its amount was different... I felt the same amount of energy that Kai felt... And I am a little weak because I have to heal Hae-won daily... That's why I collapsed..." Lay explained.

"Ohhh...." Xiumin nodded his head. "But still we have to find them... its raining... and it wont be safe for them to stay out long... kai went out without disguise..." Suho was panicking again.


"God... I'm so worried..." Suho walked inside the dorm followed by Baek-hyun, DO, Luhan and Xiumin. "Did you saw them?" Lay came with water for them. "No... Now our only hope is that others will find them..." Luhan said.

"Hyung did they came back?" Chanyeol came inside and collapsed on couch. "No... you didn't found them too?" Xiumin asked worried.

"Today Xiumin hyung is roleplaying Lay hyung... Hyung... do you think we will ask about them if we had found them?" Chen reasoned. "Sorry..." Xiumin scratched his neck in embarrassment.

"Now only thing we could do is wait for them here..." DO said and laid down on floor. "Guys... go to your rooms and sleep..." Lay told them but they were too tired to climb the stairs and go up.

"Hyung we will sleep here..." Sehun said hugging DO who was lying on the floor. "Wait..." Lay walked upstairs and came back with blankets and sleeping bags.

"Atleast use this..." Lay handed over it to others. "Cant complain fans for shipping them..." he covered Chanyeol and Baek-hyun who were already asleep cuddling with each other using blanket. "You are right..." Suho smiled watching them.

"I hope kai and Hae-won are fine..." Lay sighed. "Me too..." Suho laid on the couch and closed his eyes.


"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" Everyone woke up startled hearing a scream. "Hae-won...." Baek-hyun stood up and ran towards the front door and opened it. "Hae-won... are you there" Suho came out following Baek-hyun.

"Hyung... are they back?" Sehun asked aloud. "No... they are not here..." Baek-hyun walked inside along with Suho.

"Then where did that voice came from? Door was locked from inside..." Suho asked confused. "Yeah... I am the one who locked it using key instead of password lock... so that when they comes we could know about it..." Lay announced proudly.

"Hyung... I thought we lost you hyung... you are back... our Lay hyung is back to his self..." Sehun said sarcastically and hugged lay. "What are you saying Sehun?" Tao asked confused.

"Yesterday Lay hyung was talking to us like an intelligent person and now he is back being dumb..." Sehun laughed. "What does it have to do with this situation?" Suho was annoyed by his brothers joke in inappropriate timing.

"Hyung... hahahaha.... He locked the door. As if.... he could...hhahahaha... stop Kai...hahaha... with a mere lock..." Sehun was laughing holding his stomach. "What is it Sehunnie... don't make me loose my temper" Kris was getting impatient.

"Wait... he is right... Kai... he can teleport... we should check upstairs" Baek-hyun ran upstairs after his explanation. "Yeah... he could teleport... how can i forget about that?" Suho smiled and followed Baek-hyun alone with others.

"Is he there?" Luhan asked Baek-hyun who was coming back after checking Kai's room. "KYAAAAHHHHHHHH...." Before he could answer another scream startled them. "Hae-won's room..." Baek-hyun ran towards her room.

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