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Hae-won woke up from her slumber... she scanned around to find herself inside her own room. "How did I... I went out... Kai followed me... ughhh..." she held her pounding head and started thinking about what happened.

"He... kissed me..." she touched her lips remembering the kiss. "He... confessed..." she blushed thinking about it.


"Hae-won... listen... I LOVE YOU... I have been in love with you for a long time now... but I was suffering because of my trust problem... I'm really sorry that I hurt you badly... I wont do that again... I promise" He kissed again.

"Then what happened... I cant remember..." she felt a hand snake around her waist. "Ahhhhhh..." she turned around to see Kai sleeping on her bed. 'Oh... its just Kai... I got scared' She looked at his sleeping face.

'Awww... he looks really cute... wait... why is he sleeping here? ughhh... my head hurts...' she held her head, that is when she noticed that she was naked.

"Ahhhh... why am I naked?" She shouted waking Kai from his slumber. "What happened?" He opened his eyes slowly. "Why am I naked?" she held the blanket to cover herself from him.

"You don't remember what happened yesterday right?" Kai asked. "Huh?" She started rewinding her memory


"Kai... I love you too..." she tip toed and kissed him. He teleported them to her room. Their kiss became more heated and intense. He laid her on the bed and hovered over her.

"I love you Hae-won..." Kai pecked her lips. "Love you too Kai..." she replied. "Uhuh... oppa... call me oppa..." he said. "Ne.. oppa... KAI OPPA..." she gave him a cute smile.

He kisses her and she pulled him closer deepening their kiss, once again leading to a heated make out session. She unbuttoned his shirt... But before she could undress herself kai held her hands.

"Hae-won stop... if you keeps up with this I wont be able to control myself... And when you wakes up tomorrow you will regret this night..." Kai told her. "Oppa..." She showed him her puppy eyes and unbuttoned her top completely.

"Now whatever is gonna happen is only your fault" He tackled her and...


"Don't tell me... we had..." He nodded his head as an answer to her question. She looked down and blushed. "Do you regret... about what happened?" Kai looked at her with a worried face.

"No... its just that... I don't remember anything clearly... i wanted my first time to be memorable..." she blushed. "Shall we make another memory?" He tackled her into the bed.

"Kyaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh... You are naked... Don't look... I am naked..." she panicked. "I have already seen everything... Don't hide your beauty from me Hae-won" He leaned closer.

Before their lips could meet Hae-won's door burst opened revealing Baek-hyun and Suho followed by other 9 curious members. Kai suddenly covered Hae-won with blanket and shielded her from the view of his brothers.

"What the hell is going on?" Suho lost his temper. "Hyung... its... we... sorryyy..." Kai was tottaly flustered. "Hyung... why are you getting so worked up?" Chanyeol asked.

"Cant you see? why I'm getting mad?" Suho shouted back. "Hyung... she is his soulmate... Its natural for them to complete their mating process once they completes bonding... He is a wolf and wont be able to resist their mates pull..." Baek-hyun reasoned.

"He is right Suho... mates pull becomes stronger once bonding is completed... And no one can resist it" Luhan supported Baek-hyun's argument.

"Go and wash yourself... DO... lets go and make breakfast" Suho walked out followed by DO, Luhan, Xiumin, Kris and Lay.

"Take care of my little sister Kai... If you hurt her again... I wont be able to keep my anger in control... I will hunt you down..." Baek-hyun warned Kai.

"Aigoooo... my sister is no more an innocent girl..." He walked out teasing Hae-won. "Oppaa... " she whined. "Congrats Kai... being the first man among us..." Sehun winked before exiting with others.

"Go and take a shower... I will shower in my room..." Kai said. "Wanna join?" Hae-won asked before running inside the bathroom and shutting the door.

"This girl is gonna take me to the end of the world..." he sighed and teleported inside her bathroom.


"Aigoo... love birds are here..." Baek-hyun didn't hesitated to make fun of Kai and Hae-won who came downstairs to have breakfast. "Took you too much time to freshen up" Chen wiggled his eyebrows.

"They smells same..." Tao exclaimed. "I washed up in Hae-won's bathroom" Kai made an innocent look and answered. "Or... to be more accurate... you washed up with her" Sehun said causing Hae-won to choke water she was consuming.

"Oh! so its true..." Chanyeol joined earing a smack from DO. "Yaahh... why do you keep hitting me? What about them?" Chanyeol questioned. "Don't worry... i will make sure to deliver their share after breakfast" DO gave them an evil smirk ending their teasing session.

"Hyung where is Lay hyung?" Kai asked. "He went for a shoot... it was a last minute change..." Suho informed Kai.

Their conversation was interrupted by doorbell. "I will get it..." Hae-won opened the door to reveal won-bin with a mad face.

"Oh! Won-bin shiii... come in" she opened the door wide to make way for won-bin. "Hyung what brings you here early in the morning?" Suho came to living room followed by others.

"Have you forgotten why you all are here? Why are you guys so careless?" Won-bin's sudden outburst shocked EXO and Hae-won.

"Hyung... what happened? Why are you so worked up?" Baek-hyun asked. "Hae-won may be Kai's Soulmate that doesn't means you should pull a public stunt like this..." Won-bin threw some photographs on coffee table which shows Kai kissing Hae-won.

"You know you needs your idol cover to protect your identity... If you are popular no one will dare to attack you directly and as far as others are mesmerized by your songs... they will never do any background checks..." won-bin reasoned.

"You should protect your positions... Your mission is more important... if you fails to complete it... you wont be able to go back... Are you wishing to stuck here in earth forever?" Won-bin asked.

"Going back? you mean... EXO planet?" Hae-won asked confused. "Don't worry... not without you Hae-won..." Kai patted her shoulders reassuring her.

"Hyung... how did you got these pictures?" Suho asked with concern. "Someone send these pictures to president and told him to dismiss Hae-won and send her away from EXO... or else they will publish these pictures... Most probably one of your fan" Won-bin said.

"This is bad... If this picture gets published then Hae-won will get attacked by seasangs... we cant afford to see her get hurt..." Baek-hyun voiced his concern.

"What will we do now?" Kai asked. "Hae-won... pack your things and move out of the dorm today itself... You are Fired..." won-bin announced with an emotionless face. "Okay..." Hae-won answered with tears in her eyes.

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