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"HOW... this... this is my handwriting... " Suho was shocked. He sat on near by chair and looked at the book which had a title 'PROTECTOR OF THE REALM : THE MAN OF TELEPORTATION'. "I never wrote a book on Kai... then how come?" Suho slowly opened the book. 'this is written is EXO planet's script... Its good that we learned how to read it...'


'If you are reading this book then it means... you are my reincarnation. I'm you... and you are me... Every suffering you are now going through is all because of me. We were happy... Me and my brothers... I know without explaining you will understand whom I'm talking about. My life used to be as bright as sun because I was with my brothers'

'But when she came to our life... slowly everything began to change, My brothers drifted apart from each other. They fought with each other... they started avoiding each others gaze. But time healed and revealed her truth...'

'It was too late when we realised our mistakes. Two innocent life got sacrificed... and... me and my brothers got cursed. We lost our powers... it all started, when she wanted to gain something which wasn't meant for her, the crowned prince...'

'I know you are getting confused. I will tell you... You are well aware about the fact that EXO planet consists of 2 Kingdoms... Kingdom of Ordale and Kingdom of Ereama. These kingdoms lived prosperously and happily for centuries.'

'But when King Claudius dethroned his father and came to reign everything changed. Claudius was greedy and as a matter of fact he created problems for our kingdom. He wanted to rule entire EXO planet. At that time every werewolf possessed some kind of power. He used his power for his greed and some of his men followed his orders'

'To prevent EXO planet from more disasters Moon goddess detained the special abilities of werewolves and punished those who have committed crimes by turning them into nefarius, who later got exiled to forests in no man's land... but still continued to disturb the kingdoms'

'Claudius used blackmagic to stregthen his army's power and our king died defending our country. People prayed to selene for help and she send 12 angels who killed claudius... they gave a sceptor and promised to take rebirth in each 500 years to protect EXO planet'

'They kept their promise and took birth and defended planet from evils... But King of Ereama became jelous and tried to wage war again, but selene interviened. She promised to make first born of the kings of both kingdom to be soulmates...'

'But during our time... Prince's soulmate wasn't princess of Ereama... But someone else... Apparently King's illegitimate daughter... Prince fell in love with her... But princess wasn't ready to accept this...'

'Her love for the prince slowly became her obsession which turned her into a Nefarious... she started her evil tricks from Kai who used to be her best friend...But when he came to know about the truth he helped others to capture her'

'Kai tricked her into a trap... she cursed him... He used her trust and trapped her... so he got trapped inside the curse of distrust... He became sceptical day by day... until one day he killed his own soulmate and committed suicide'

'I don't know how the curse is going to work in next life... But if curse doesn't breaks then... we will reincarnate... so... you should record your life... which will be useful for others... May be the next you...'

'I have kept 12 records for each one of us and a history book... So you will know how to face curse... Or to break it...'

Suho flipped to next page which was written in Chinese characters. 'why is it Chinese characters now?' he traised letters with his hands.

"Hyungnim..." Someone tapped his shoulders. He turned around to see Kai... But in ancient clothing.

"Yaah... Why are you wearing Hanbok? Are you cosplaying???" Suho asked. "Hyungnim... What are you saying? Cos... Cos... What???" Kai asked suho with a surprised face.

"Hyungnim is always like this now a days... I think mainly after Kris hyungnim found his soulmate last month..." Chen as usual trolled him.

"Kris??? He found his soulmate??? But Kai is the one who found his soulmate right..." Suho was totally confused.

"I think Chen hyungnim is right... You are really out of it... But... How did you knew I found my soulmate?" Kai asked.

"What do you mean by 'how do I know'? Everyone knows..." Suho looked around to see his brothers looking at him like he had grown 2 horns...

"Wait... Why is everyone here wearing Hanbok?" Suho one again looked his surroundings noticing it entirely different. 'why does this place have an ancient attire?' he was totally flabbergasted.

"Hyungnim... I only found as about my soulmate yesterday... I came here to tell you all ..." Before suho could ask further questions something hit his head hard.

"Hyungnim... Come on... Let's play" he turned around to see Sehun and chanyeol playing with snow. 'when did I came outside?... Ughhh...' he looked down to see himself in another Hanbok... entirely different than first one.

'wait... Don't tell me... I'm time traveling?' suho's thoughts were interrupted by heavy footsteps... He turned to his left to see he was once again inside the room. Beakhyun barged in with tears streaming down his cheeks.

"He is gone... We couldn't save him... We lost him... Come fast hyungnim..." Without realising suho's feet took him out... But soon his footsteps grew heavier and he was panting badly. 'i just ran 10 steps... Why am I panting heavily'

"Suho... Were will we hide these books" that was when he noticed Lay running beside him. "Hide what?" Confusion took over his thoughts.

"These books..." Lay showed him books that he was holding... Suho noticed some in his hands too. He stopped abruptly and looked at lay but couldn't find him... He looked in his hands to find it bare.

'where is also those books I have been holding???' He turned around to came face to face with someone. His eyes locked with a dark black iris which was once innocent... But now extremely evil...

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