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Hae-won shot up from the bed seeing same dream. She again saw the same wolf, the naked man and the man with whiplash. This time too she woke up before he could hit her. Unlike the other days something was different.

'Today's dream... its kind of weird... I'm 100% sure I saw kai's eyes... Does that means... Naked man is kai???' she herself cringed as she thought about that.

'No way... you are over thinking Hae-won... Pull yourself together... You are just stressed out' she encouraged herself before walking to toilet to do her daily routine.


"Good morning cupcake" everyone who were present there whished her. "Good morning oppa's" she sat next to beak-hyun and looked around noticing the absence of kai, DO and Chanyeol.

Hea-won's curiosity was eating her up... she really wanted to confirm her doubt. Once... she really wanted to see Kai's eyes properly to clear her doubts.

'Where is he...' her eyes finally locked with the target she was looking for. 'Ughhh... I cant see properly' she leaned towards right in an attempt to see Kai who was currently helping DO and Chanyeol inside the kitchen.

'What is she doing' Baek-hyun curiously stood up from his seat and leaned over Hae-won's chair to see what she is looking at.

"Are you two sight seeing?" Hae-won's eyes met with an amused Chen. "Huh?" she turned around to see Baek-hyun hovering over her chair. "What...?" she blinked her eyes in shock.

"Nothing... Just looking whether food is ready..." Beak-hyun replied. "Hyung... you should consult a doctor soon... your appetite is too huge for that small body of yours. If you keep eating in this same quality... you will die because of over nourishment" everyone laughed at Sehun's comment.

"Did we missed something funny?" Chanyeol came to dining room along with kai and DO carrying food. "Nothing... Sehun is complaining about Baek-hyun's appetite" Luhan replied.

After placing foo on table DO and Chanyeol walked around to the left side of table and Kai occupied seat left on the right side. Hae-won was peeking glances at Kai and caught him staring at her.

'Its the same' she was still staring at his eyes and he was doing the same. "I heard someone once announcing something daring" Baek-hyun's words caught everyone's attention.

"That person told me that, that day will never come when she will fall for Kai's charms. But it turs out to be a lie..." he sighed.

"Who told you I have fallen for him? I will never..." Hae-won pouted. "I never said I'm talking about you... Why are you shouting at me?" Baek-hyun smirked.

"Kai... don't you have a schedule today" Xiumin attempted to save Hae-won from further teasing and to protect the secret that they are currently trying to hide from others.

"Yeah... " He finished his food and walked towards his room to get ready for his schedule. "Oh! I should get ready too" Hae-won stood up from the table.

"For what?" Suho and Xiumin asked together. "I'm the manager... I should go with him... that's my job" she answered.

"No need..." they answered together gaining everyone's weird look. "We other managers to look after our individual schedules..." their chorus seemed never ending and strangely perfect with sync.

"EXO doesn't have any schedules today... so its my job..." she retorted. "You are not going... its final" Suho and Xiumin shouted in sync.

"Why are you not allowing her to go?" Baek-hyun interrupted after being frustrated about older hyung's unwanted outburst towards his favourite sister.

"EXO's leader is Suho(me)... He(I) said you are not going anywhere and that's final" Suho and Xiumin said. "Why are you guys talking in chorus... did you practiced this earlier? hehehe" Tao started laughing at his hyung's weirdness.

"SHUT UP..." they shouted at him making the latter scared a little. "Hae-won-ah I think they are stressed out because of yesterday... they are worried about your health..." DO wisely tried to solve the situation.

"I have something to do" Suho suddenly walked out of dining room. He knew each minute he spends inside dining room members will start showering him with more questions. He cant risk the secret... atleast not now.

"I didn't showered... I'm gonna take a shower" Xiumin stood up from the table. "But hyung... you took shower early today... i saw you coming out of the bathroom" Tao said.

"That was 2 hours ago... I'm sweaty and wants to wash up again... You have any problem with that?" Xiumin walked out leaving others dumb founded.

"How can someone sweat during winter season? its even snowing..." Tao voiced his surprise. "Something is fishy..." Baek-hyun said.

"You felt it? I felt it too..." Chen and Chanyeol said in same time. "Now you guys are starting it?" Kris let out a frustrated sigh.


Suho and Xiumin are still inside the room in an attempt to avoid question arrows send by the members. "Ughh... he isn't opening the door" Chen who failed in his attempt to bring out Suho came with a frustrated look.

"I think both are avoiding us purposefully... they are hiding something" Luhan who knew his brothers well informed others. Their conversation was interrupted by a calling bell.

"I will get it" Hae-won walked towards the door and opened it to find a gift wrapped box on the door. She slowly unwrapped it after seeing her name on the top.

"Ahhhhhh...." her screams alerted the boys who were in the living room. They came running towards the door to see a frightened Hae-won and a box on the floor.

Luhan opened the box to see what it was and saw a dead rabbit inside. "Must be some saesang fan" he said. Hae-won walked inside without uttering any other words and went to her room.

She was in a trance of fear which was broken by a phone call. "Hel... hello..." Her voice was still wavering because of the shock.

"This time it was just a rabbit... next time it will be one of them..." She threw her phone making it scatter into pieces. Hae-won was trembling and crying at the same time.

'She really has some kind of problem... I should find it out..." DO who was watching the whole thing walked downstairs to inform others about this.

"Guys... I have something to tell you..." he said to others. This time Xiumin was with them and other already told him about the parcel.

"What is it?" Xiumin asked curiously. "Hyung... Hae-won... I think she is hiding something from us. This is just my assumption, but I think someone is threatening her" DO said.

"Who is threatening whom?" Suho walked in removing his headphones. "Hyung if you shut yourself inside a room and stayed wearing a headphone you wouldn't know what's happening inside the dorm" Chanyeol exclaimed.

"Will you explain me what happened?" Suho said. "It could have been some of the saesangs...." Suho tried to be optimistic.

"But hyung... a few minutes ago, I went to Hae-won's room. She was talking to someone and all of sudden she threw her phone and started crying. She was trembling badly... I think someone is threatening her" DO added.

"Who could it be...?" this time Suho was confused too, because until this time he thought she may be stressed out about the dream she is having on daily basis.

"Shadows... may be they want her to cancel the petition for re-investigation" Sehun's sudden conclusion shocked other especially Suho.

"If it is the case... we should be alert... we cant let them harm her" Luhan said to which others nodded in agreement.

EXO: INCEPTION Where stories live. Discover now