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Suho tucked Hae-won and walked outside after confirming that she slept. He closed the door and turned around to face Kai who was waiting for him.

"What are you gonna do now?" Suho asked. "What should I do? Tell me..." Kai wasn't sure about his own mind. "Accept her... Don't let her suffer... Please... this is your hyung's request" Suho held his hands and said.


Same time others were interrogating Xiumin with harsh questions about what had happened earlier.

"You knew everything?" Xiumin just nodded his head to answer Kris. "Then why didn't you informed us?" This time it was Luhan.

"Kai wasn't ready to accept her and we wanted to confirm everything before telling you" Xiumin told them the truth.

"Is this really possible?" Even DO was having difficulty in accepting the truth. "Enough with the discussion... Go and sit on the couch silently... Suho will explain the rest" Xiumin ordered and walked towards the stairs and sat on 2nd step in an attempt to block them.


"Hyung... This is pure torture... You are not allowing us to go to our room or to talk..." Baek-hyun complained.

"Better you shut you mouth... Or else I will use another method to shut it" Xiumin threatened. Baek-hyun closed his mouth and sat on the couch silently in a blink of an eye.


"You should face this... Xiumin won't be able to hold them down for more time..." Suho said.

"I know hyung... And i am really thankful that you and Xiumin hyung are here to help me through this... Let's go downstairs..." Kai walked down to face others.

"At last... How is she?" Xiumin was relieved to see Kai and suho. "Sleeping" suho sighed.

"Kai... Why didn't you informed us about this... Are we not your brothers
..." Sehun was really disappointed in his brother.

"Its not like that Sehun... I wasn't ready to accept this myself... Then how will i..." Before kai could complete his sentence Hae-won's scream captured their attention.


She was having the same dream again, but this time she shot up feeling the pain of whiplash. She ran hands through her hair.

'What is this...' She noticed mark on her hand and tried to rub on it making it glow. "Ahhhhhh...." She screamed in shock. Suddenly Kai appeared in front of her making her scream again.

" get here without o..opening the ddd...ddoor?" She stuttered.

"Well..." Before kai could complete his sentence door burst opened revealing others. Hae-won looked at them and then Kai in a confused expression.

"What happened..." Suho asked. "Oppa... This... Look at this... What is this mark... I... I don't like this... Its not going" she tried to rub it again.

"Stop doing that... It won't go like that..." Suho held her hands in an attempt to stop her from rubbing it.

"But I don't want this..." She said. "Kai got rejected... Indirectly..." Chen added seeing Kai's stare.

"What does that mean?" She looked at Kai who was standing there with a dejected expression.

"We will talk about this downstairs... Come on" they walked downstairs and sat on the couch, chairs and some on the floor.

"You want to know about this..." Suho asked pointing the symbol. "Yea... I want to..." She confidently replied. "Will you hear it out calmly?" She just nodded to answer suho's question.

EXO: INCEPTION Where stories live. Discover now