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Hae-won's POV

         "Because I know who you are even before you joined as our manager" he said with a serious expression which struck me like a thunder bolt.

       "How???" Xiumin asked curiously before I could. My heart was beating faster... I had a feeling that its going to burst soon.

         "Did you forget that I had gone through résumé of each and every applicants... But I forgot her face... That's why I wasn't able to identify her on first day" suho explained.

         "Its new that you forgot something" luhan said. "Ah... I wasn't paying much attention to photographs... Just the Data's ..." He reasoned himself.

         "Can't you please stay quite... We are watching a movie... Don't disturb" lay whined. "Hyung... It should be 'Stop talking I can't sleep'..." Chen said to which everyone nodded and laughed.

          "I wasn't sleeping... I was watching the movie" lay said slightly pouted. "I never knew you could droll while fully awake...just like a little baby" sehun pinched lay's cheeck.

         Everyone went back to watching movie... But I was unable to concentrate. I was still stuck with what suho said... How did he know each and every information about me?

After 1 week- hae-won's POV

            Its good that I got injured, EXO K was currently on their trip to Philippines. EXO M was doing their practices in SM building and I got more time to search information about EXO members. but even though I searched for a lot i was unable to find any.

one thing I am sure about is that they do trust each other a lot, so if I want to take any revenge, I should break their unity. and is my first step towards my long waited revenge

"what are you thinking about?" xiumin asked as he came near and sat beside me on the couch. currently we are in SM building. I was arranging next schedule for their comeback stage.

"Tao can you mail this schedule of today's live TV program to suho? I forgot to bring my phone today" I asked Tao who was sitting on the chair across the room. "okay... I will..." I walked towards him and handover the schedule paper. 'I'm sure that this piece of paper will fell like a sword upon their trust'

"when are they coming back?" chen asked me about EXO K. "They will land at Incheon by 12 PM today" I replied. I saw Tao sending today schedule to suho through Email.

    after 1 hour I went inside EXO's practicing room and searched for Tao's phone. I found it inside his bag. they are currently having snacks break and went outside, I should complete my plan before they returns. I reschedule the timings and resend email to suho and deleted message. 'Now its going to to be fun' I smirked evilly.

Make-up room- hae-won's POV

             Hae-won shii, where are they? Are they still not picking up your calls?" Kris asked me from behind. 'How will they pick up... If i have never even called them.

       EXO M was really tensed... EXO K was running late on their schedule for live broadcast. But I was relaxed knowing my plan worked out.

      "I'm still trying to reach them... But couldn't get through the line. What am I gonna do now? How will I explain this situation to PD?" I faked my tension.

         "Did you send someone to our dorm to search for them... Its already been 2 hour they landed in Korean... See its all over the news... They should have been here by now" lay remarked showing EXO'S new update on internet.

         "Tao ah... Did you send them schedule correctly" xiumin tried to confirm each and every information.

       "Yeah... See... I have..." He showed his message inbox as his proof.

After 1 hour

          EXO M is currently facing all the questions alone about EXO K's absence. I can sense distress and anger emitting from Kris who have to apologize now and then for EXO K's absence.

          Currently they are removing their makeup and Kris was fuming. " where the hell are they?" Kris turned towards me.

           Exo K came inside the makeup room with a wide smile. "Ah... it's good that we got time to rest after flight. Why do our makeup room have a deadly atmosphere" baek-hyun strolled inside.

          'Its gonna get deadly soon...' I smirked internally. "You guys were resting till now? Unbelievable... Can't you guys show some more responsibility???" Tao said furiously.

       "Oh! Look our coward Kung Fu Panda had grown up a lot in 2 days" chanyeol made fun of Tao which only ignited the fuel even more without my help... 'Thanks chanyeol...' I internally thanked him for his help.

           " shut up chanyeol, first look at yourself then make fun of others" Kris shouted aloud.

          "guys stop, it first ask them why they got here so late..." Luhan tried to make situation yes harder.

        " late? how come??? we have one hour more right? to get ready and practice" sehun tried to process the information.

         "one hour??? we already finished broadcasting. Are you guys are out of mind??? How come you didn't properly check your schedule?" Kris said.

          "What?" EXO K didn't tried to cover their surprise. "finished??? but I got..." Suho's  glance turned towards me who was busy smirking. My smirking face turned serious. 'Did I got caught smirking?' My heart beat sped up.

         " if we got late then its Tao's fault. I think he pranked us. How could he prank us using our schedule" kai blamed Tao. "I send you proper schedule" tao showed his phone to them.

           "Oh! at the end of the day it's suho's fault. I think he got to emerged in to stardom and leadership that he keeps forgetting things" Kris snapped back. Suho was standing there silently looking down much to my amusements.

        "Hyung, don't say like that its been 5 years he had never made any mistakes up until now... After knowing him for all these can you blame him?" DO asked Kris.

        " it's all your fault" kai grabbed Tao by his collar. "Say the truth you idiot" he started shaking Tao.

      "why are you blaming him? he send you right schedule and we all saw that. it's your fault that you are late" Chen, who came out of toilet, shouted.

        Kai was too fast that even my eyes didn't notice him walking towards Chen. Its as if he teleported in front of Chen all of sudden. I involuntarily rubbed my eyes. "then you are the one who did this prank are you that low to do such a thing?" He shouted at Chen.

          "I. HAVEN'T. DONE. ANYTHING. LIKE. THAT Kai..." Chen said through his clenched teeth. Suddenly a lightning hit startling me...

          "Stop it guys" DO walked towards them and tried to pull them away from each other, but he got hit in process and fell down. "Chen..." Chanyeol called out. Suddenly earth started shaking.

       "Guys earthquake... Run" I tried to reason them but none budged from their position. "Stop it... It was my mistake" earthquake stopped and I let out my breath which I never knew I was holding.

          "See... I told you... Its Suho's fault" Kris said. Suho just looked at me and gave me knowing smile... 'What the hell... Why is he smiling at me like that?' I thought.

       "Let's go back to dorm..." Xiumin said and he turned towards Suho and nodded knowingly. 'This time you may have saved the situation... But I'm not going to back out... I will strike again... Soon' my smirk widened.




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