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A/N: Hey guys! Thanks so much for giving this a read. This is my new novel. It's been something I've been playing with in my head for awhile and recently I've decided to give it a go. I always have trouble with titles but I got help from a very good friend of mine. This is dedicated to MiraclesExist because she suggested the awesome name, along with a few others. So thank you, again. :)

I hope you guys like this. Warning, this is the first rough draft of The Out Crowd so there will be mistakes. When this novel if finished I will go back and edit but for now I'll be writing first and doing minimal editing as I write chapters.

Again, thank you for giving this a read and I hope you like it. ♥



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      When Mia Hart was murdered, her twin sister Malia lost her way. Not in the sense that she dropped the act of who she was before and turned into some badass with a straight up 'fuck you' attitude, but in the sense that she dropped who she was before because it was all a lie.

     The further away she got from the life she once lived with the 'In Crowd', the closer she was pulled into a new life in the 'Out Crowd'. A life filled with lies, lust, dark secrets, and one truth that could change everything for Malia.

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