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            My father was on the morning news.

            He made a statement about the recent findings of corruption in the Grove Companies in Crimson Heights, along with other findings that were still under investigation.

            I had been sitting behind Conrad’s kitchen counter. Viktor was cooking breakfast.

            I still hadn’t gone home and it had been a week.

            I guess my father guess I couldn’t be home.

            And the moment you stepped into the school you could feel the difference in the air. People saw. People knew. It was like Mia’s death all over again, except today people weren’t talking about a murder, no they were talking about the corruption in our town.

            And the second Stephanie walked into the school, loud conversations erupted. They didn’t even try to be discrete about it all. They spoke loudly. They pointed. They stared.

            A part of wanted to feel sorry for her as I caught sight of her walking with her head ducked.

            But then I remembered what she said to me the day I watched strangers lower my twin into a hole six feet deep.

            “I always told her Karma would bite her in the ass.” She laughed and flipped her hair over her shoulder. “Guess instead of biting, it whacked her over the head.”

            Stephanie Grove didn’t deserve to felt sorry for.

            Stephanie Grove made a lot of lives hell.

            Stephanie Grove was a complete and utter bitch and much like my sister, she held things over people’s heads.

            Stephanie Grove fell from her thrown.

            And pretty soon, her father would also fall.

            Pretty soon, everyone would know Daniel Grove wasn’t a family man like he pretended to be.

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