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     When I got home, my father wasn’t around. His car was still in the driveway, yet after I searched the house from top to bottom he was nowhere to be found. A note however was left in stuck onto the kitchen counter.

     If you get home before I’m back from my run, just a heads up you’re in big trouble. –Dad.

     I sighed as I read the note. Of course I was in trouble. I skipped school, went to a party and stayed over-night without answering any of his phone calls. Even though chaos had gotten loose in our worlds, he somehow managed to stay in the fatherly role he had always been in.

     Leaving my bag on the kitchen counter, I headed up the stairs and decided to take a shower before I faced my doom when my father got home. It wasn’t long before I was standing under the hot water, eyes closed as I let it run over my face and body.

     The night before couldn’t stop replaying in my head. The events that went down left me wondering what the hell had happened in the time that I had been upstairs asleep. Conrad had gotten into a fight, Viktor had stepped in and saved his cousin and whatever happened they didn’t want me to know about.

     But the curious part of me wanted to find out what happened. A small voice inside my head told me that maybe, just maybe it had something to do with Mia.


     I was lying on my bed when my father knocked on my bedroom door. It had been about half an hour after I had gotten out of the shower that my father finally came back home. Drenched in sweat, my father slowly pushed the door open.

     “You’re home,” he greeted.

     I pushed myself up onto my bed and nodded, “Yeah.”

     “Where were you?” he asked.


     “Where?” My father had always been straightforward. He never beat around the bush. I guess it came with being an officer of the law.

     Sighing, I pushed my wet hair away from my face, “I was at a party.”

     “Who’s party?”

     “A friends.”

     “Malia,” my father began.

     “I’m sorry I didn’t answer you calls.” I cut him off. “I just needed time to think.”

     “Think about what?”

     “About everything! Dad seriously our life has turned into chaos ever since Mia died! I can’t sleep. I can’t think. I can’t go through a day without wondering what the hell Mia did to get herself killed!”

     “I’m trying to figure that out, Malia.”

     I didn’t respond. I didn’t know how to respond, so I stayed silent. After a couple of minutes my father sighed and walked out of my bedroom.


     Monday and Tuesday I actually attended every single one of my classes. It wasn’t until Wednesday that I headed down to the basement. Walking into the room, the stench of weed hit my nostrils and I had to cough a few times before I could fully step into the room.

     Mark and Carrie sat on the couch, a lit joint caught between Carrie’s fingers when I walked in. Both of them smiled when they saw me, a goofy grin taking over their features.

     “Heeeeeeeeey,” the both greeted as the stretched the ‘e’ longer than needed.

     “Hey,” I replied as I dropped my bag onto the couch and sat down.

     “Where have you been?” Mark asked. “We haven’t seen you the last couple of days.”

     “I have,” Carrie said through coughs as she passed the joint to her boyfriend. “I have class with her.” She smiled.

     Mark rolled his eyes, “Where have you been?” he asked ignoring his girlfriend’s comment.

     “Around,” I replied with a shrug. “Things have been sort of hectic lately.”

     They both nodded. Carrie leaned back onto the couch and Mark took a hit from the small roach before he offered it to me. Shaking my head no, I leaned back on the couch and exhaled deeply.

     “Hey,” I began curious as too just how high these two were. Could I ask about what happened Friday night and get answers or would I get shut out. There was one way to find out and that was by asking and now was the perfect chance to. “So what happened to Conrad Friday night? Saturday he looked like he got into a fight.”

     From the couch Carrie and Mark remained silent for a few minutes. I wasn’t sure whether it was because they had realized I was being nosey or because they had fallen asleep somehow.

     Mark cleared his throat but it was Carrie that answered.

     “He got into a fight with a guy,” she said sounding sleepy.

     “He looked pretty beat up,” I added. “What was the fight about?”

     This time Mark answered, “An agreement they had went wrong. Hey do you know what’s for lunch?”

     Sighing I told him no. I knew whatever chance I had to get some more answers was gone. The munchies kicked in with Mark and I knew he wouldn’t be answering anymore of my questions until he got some food into his system.

     After I curled up onto the couch, it wasn’t until fifteen minutes later that Conrad and Bay showed up with food from McDonalds. “Hey,” Bay greeted as she took the seat next to me after she lifted my feet and placed them onto her lap. Conrad took the seat next to her after he dropped a bag onto Mark’s lap. He and Carrie had fallen asleep shortly after he asked if knew what the school was serving for lunch.

     “Hey,” I replied giving her a small smile.

     “Haven’t seen you around much,” Conrad said as he opened up his bag and passed Bay two wrapped burgers. Bay passed me one before she unwrapped her burger and took a bite.

     “Been busy,” I replied with a shrug as I unwrapped my burger and took a bite as well.

     Taking a quick look at Conrad’s face I noticed that most of the small cuts had healed. His busted lip wasn’t healing as quickly as the other cuts on his face. The black eyes were now a faint shade of yellow which surprised me. He was healing quicker than I expected.

     “Like what you see?” Conrad smirked.

     I rolled my eyes but decided to play along for some reason. I wanted to know what had happened, and if it meant getting closer to Conrad and the others then I would get closer.

     “A little,” I replied with a small smirk.


A/M: I don't even know. Haha. Sorry about the long wait with this chapter. April was a hectic month but it's finally over and I've graduated. I've also managed to finsih Flawless so, yay! Anyways, I'm not sure where this story is going but I think I've got an idea. Thoughts on this chapter/story so far? Feedback is greatly appreciated guys!

-sincerelycass. ♥

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