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            I had never been a big person to believe in my own religion. I was raised Catholic but that was about it. I never went to church, I never read the bible, and I never prayed. But right this second? I found myself with squeezed eyes, clenched fists, and the Lord’s name on the tip of my tongue as I prayed Carrie didn’t kill us.

            I opened my eyes just as Carrie jerked the car into the left lane. From the corner of my eye I could see a familiar looking Mustang pull up in the middle lane.

            “Oh thank fuck. They’re here.” Bay sighed from behind me. I quickly turned my attention out the window and saw Viktor driving behind the wheel of his car. Conrad sat in the passenger seat and Mark sat behind.

            My phone began to ring on my lap.

            Conrad was calling me.

            “WHO THE FUCK IS FOLLOWING US AND WHY THE FUCK ARE THEY FOLLOW US?!” I yelled the moment I pressed the phone to my ear.

            I heard Conrad chuckle despite the situation we were in.


            “Chill, babe. Listen put me on speaker phone.”

            I did and held the phone between Carrie and I.

            “Carrie you hear me, babe?” Conrad asked.

            “Tell me what to do.” Carrie replied.

            “Stay on this lane until I tell you to move. When you do, you’re going to move all the way into the right lane and exit. When you exit you’re going to turn right at the first light then left at the next one. When you hit a dirt road, run it down exactly one mile then you turn right. You’ll see a house at the end of that road.”

            A few cars honked as Viktor weaved around them.

            “Okay.” Carrie replied all too calm.

            “When I tell you to brake, brake, okay?”

            “We’re going to die,”

            “Shut up, Malia.” Bay snapped from the backseat. “Carrie is a good driver and Conrad knows what he’s doing.”

            “Oh for fucks sake, we’re trusting Conrad with our lives right now?! Do I need to remind you he ate his own snot the other day?”


            The car jerked forward. The seatbelt dug into my neck and I chocked.


            The car jerked to the right. Honks were heard and I cursed as my head hit the glass window. We were off the freeway.

            “Did you guys make it?” Conrad asked from the phone.

            “We’re off the freeway.”

            “What about you guys?” I asked.

            I could hear honking on other side of the line, “Don’t worry.” Conrad replied just before I heard wind hit the speaker. “We got this.”

            Then I heard gunshots and I swore I nearly pissed my pants.

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