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            “He’s not my boyfriend.” I snapped as I glanced over my shoulder at him. “Where the fuck did you get that idea?”

            Viktor lounged in his recliner, arms crossed over the other as he studied me across the room. “I overheard him talking to his buddies in the locker room.”

            I completely turned around and placed my hands onto my hips. “What else did you hear?”

            Viktor smirked. “That he has you exactly where he wants you.”

            “He said that?” I asked.

            He nodded, amused.

            “What else did you hear him say?”

            “I don’t think you want to know the things he said about you in there.”

            “I think I do,” I replied with narrowed eyes. “Tell me.”

            “I really don’t think you want to.”

            “Just fucking tell me,” I snapped.

            Viktor remained silent in his seat. We stared at each other for what seemed like minutes before I finally grew tired of standing there like an idiot.

            I twisted his doorknob and flung open his bedroom door. I was half way down the hall when I heard him call after me. I stopped and turned around to face him.

            “I don’t care for you,” he started and I narrowed my eyes.

            “Really? I thought you did.” I replied sarcastically.

            Viktor rolled his eyes and continued. “But I know the others like you and if anything happened to you they’d be pissed at me for not warning you.”

            Warning me?

            He cleared his throat, “So just be careful.”

            I gave him a long, hard stare before I turned on my heels and walked down the stairs. What the hell was going on?

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