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            In a room full of five people, I only wanted to talk to one person. So when Carrie and Mark went to their room, and Bay went to hers, and Conrad went out for a smoke, I slowly crept into the living room and sat next to Viktor. He stared at the fire that someone had started with a beer in his hand.

            He glanced over at me before he turned his attention back onto the fire.

            “Where are you going to sleep?” I asked breaking the silence.

            “Here,” came his curt reply.

            I flinched at his tone and took that as my cue to leave. Clearly, he didn’t want my company. Gathering the blanket around body, I slowly walked back towards my room and curled up in a ball in the middle of the bed.

            I stared out the window and noticed that there was now snow falling. I shivered as I realized there was no heater in the room. Curling up into a ball tighter, I pulled the blanket closer and tried to stop the shivers that racked my body.

            An hour passed before I felt my eyes slowly start to droop. I was just about to fall asleep when a noise woke me.

            Behind me, I heard the door creak open and heavy footsteps filled the silent room. I should have been scared but Vik’s familiar cologne filled the room and my tense body slowly loosened up. He closed the door behind him and started to kick off his shoes. The bed dipped and soon I felt his large frame press against my back. He wrapped an arm around me and pulled me closer. His chin rested on my shoulder and I could feel his heartbeat on my back. His hand slid over the material of my shirt and without thinking, I slipped my hand over his. His fingers laced with mine and I closed my eyes.

            “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to be rude to you.”

            I softly chuckled. “You’re sorry you were being rude? Holy shit, the world is going to end.”

            Viktor chuckled and tightened his grip around me, “Believe it or not, I’m actually a really nice guy once you get to know me. And I’m even nicer to the people I like a lot.”

            My heart fluttered at his words and the words I though left my lips without permission.

            “I like you. I really, really like you.”

            Viktor remained silent but his grip never faltered, in fact, it only tightened.

“I’m sorry if that freaks you out.” I whispered.

His cold, wet lips touched the bare skin of my collarbone and lingered for a few seconds before he pulled away. “It’s okay. Not a lot freaks me out lately.”

“I’m scared, Vik.” I admitted. And I was for more than just the obvious reason.

“I know.” He sighed against my neck.

            I squeezed my eyes shut, “What are we going to do?”

            Silence met my question.


            “I don’t know.” He replied, voice cold. “I don’t know.” He repeated.

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