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            I found David standing at his locker. He was alone and I mentally screamed out in joy. Getting him away from his friends had always been a problem.

            I fast walked down the hall and zeroed in my vision on him. He wore a pair of khaki shorts with a red Polo shirt. He was switching books out of his backpack when I walked up to him and cleared my throat.

            “Oh, hey Malia.” He greeted and flashed me his million dollar smile.

            “We need to talk,” I replied as I got straight down to business. I was over beating around the bush. I needed answers.

            He eyed me for a few seconds before he zipped up his backpack, slung it over his shoulder, and slammed his locker door shut.

            “C’mon, let’s go somewhere else.”


            “Are you keeping something from me?” I asked the second David shut the classroom door behind him. He hadn’t even fully turned to see me before I spoke up.

            “No,” came his instant reply. “Why? Do you think I am?”

            I shrugged.

            “I never lied to you when we were together,” he reminded me. “Why would I start now?”

            I didn’t make a move. I just kept staring at him with an unreadable expression written on my face.

            “Are you okay, Malia?” he questioned.

            I shrugged and leaned back against the table behind me, “I’m tired. Stressed. Confused.”


            “Everything,” I replied truthfully. My mind was being pulled left and right and I didn’t know how to react. I was tired of all the double meaning comments. I was tired of doubting and questioning everything. I was just freaking tired of everything.

            David stepped closer to me and ran his hands up and down my bare arms. I had decided to wear a tank under my jacket but taken it off back in the basement. He sighed and pushed back strands of hair behind my ears. I shivered but it wasn’t because his touch affected me in a good way. I shivered because his touch felt wrong.

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