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             “I haven’t seen much of you lately, Malia.” My father greeted the moment I walked into the kitchen. It was ten at night and I had been about ready to head to bed but I had gotten thirsty and decided to grab a glass of water before falling asleep.

            I hadn’t expected to see my father home. I figured he’d be at work trying to solve a murder that seemed to be at a standstill.

            “Busy,” I replied as I poured myself a glass of water and took a sip.

            “Your Vice Principle called,” he replied with a hard tone. “You’ve been skipping most of your classes.”

            “They’ve just noticed?” I questioned.

            My father narrowed his eyes, “What’s happened to you?” he asked. “You’ve changed so much since-,” he stopped talking then and I knew it was because he was about to speak about Mia.

            “Since what, dad?” I asked. “Since Mia died?”


            Heels clicked against the tile in the girls bathroom as I was about to open the bathroom stall I had been in. Laughter stopped me when I recognized Stephanie’s laugh was among the few I heard.

            “She’s stupid if she thinks she can pull a fast one on us,” she spit out. “She thinks she has David wrapped around her finger just because she opened her legs for him.”

            I glared at the white stall door as if it would somehow pass and burn her in the back. I wanted nothing more than to push open the stall door and pull her hair out but her next words stopped me before I could.

            “If only she knew it was her he had wrapped around his finger.”


a/n: thoughts?

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