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            “Where did you go during lunch?” Viktor asked as he slid onto the bench. He was smoking a cigarette, the smell filled my nostrils and I glanced over at him from the corner of my eye. Viktor offered me the stick and I took it.

            “I was walking around,” I replied as I took a drag then handed it back to him.

            “Just walking around?” he asked as he held the stick between his fingers.

            I sat up and pushed back strands of my black hair. Turning to face him I smiled and nudged him with my shoulder. “Why? Where you worried?”

            Viktor rolled his eyes. In the month that had passed since the first night he and I slept together, it became a frequent thing. Eventually, the others found out due to Conrad blurting it out one night as we headed towards a party in the town over.

            He wasn’t so cold as he was before and a part of me liked to think it was because he had dropped his walls just a tiny bit.

            “No.” he replied with a straight face and I arched a brow. Viktor stubbed out his cig and flicked it over the table. Out stretching an arm he pulled me into him. I was practically sitting on his lap. “I just thought we could have some fun. It’s been a few days.”

            “A few days and you’re already acting deprived?” I asked with a laugh. Viktor narrowed his eyes as we could the attention of a few people walking through the quad. “Why did you just call one of your booty calls?” I asked. “It’s not like we’re exclusive, Viktor.”

            Viktor didn’t reply. He just tightened his grip around my waist so I was now sitting on his lap and pressed his lips to mine.

            “Where have you been?” he asked against my lips.

            Although his kisses tended to make me lose track of the lies I told him, I found it that this time I remembered what I had told him. “I told you. I was at home.”

            “Why be at home when you could be in my bed?”

            I chuckled and gripped his hair between my fingers and pulled his head away from my exposed skin.

            “I was at home,” I told him looking him right in the eyes. It was a lie but I had gotten good at the act years ago whenever I had to cover up for Mia. The truth was, I was at David’s. Over the weeks that had passed, I had been observing him along with listening in on Viktor and Conrad’s sketchy conversations.

            After putting all the clues together, I found out that I had a hunch about who knew what really happened that night. I had pointed that David and Conrad had a small discussion the night my sister was killed nearby where the spot of my sister’s actually murder was at.

            David and Conrad might have of saw something that night and out of the two boys, David was the one I could get talking easier. Or so I hoped. I had been spending an awful amount of time with him. When I would end up leaving his place, I always went home and took extra long in the shower. I hated how disgusting I felt after being around him.

            I never felt that way when I was with Viktor. It was odd because I thought the roles would have been switched. But I felt comfortable with Viktor and uncomfortable with David.

            It was as if every time David touched me, I felt as if he were leaving some sort of secret on my skin. As if the answers were right on his hands and every time he touched me, he left them behind. I couldn’t explain it. But I just didn’t like it.

            “Are you coming over tonight?” he asked.

            “After I finish shopping with Carrie and Bay.” I told him.

            Viktor smirked against my lips, “Getting something special to wear tonight?”

            I rolled my eyes, “Like you even let me be dressed for that long.” I laughed.

            Viktor’s lips were on mine again and this time, I let my walls down. I let the kiss take me over. I let it consume me entirely. It wasn’t until Mark cleared his throat that Viktor and I pulled away.

            “You know, just because no one can see you unless they round the back building doesn’t mean that there isn’t camera’s. The people in the office was probably enjoying the little show you two were putting on.” He smirked and winked.

            I rolled my eyes and pushed myself away from Viktor. Sitting on the bench once again, I slammed my book shut, gathered my stuff and stood up. “I’m late for class.” I told them. “I’ll see you guys later.” I said as I shrugged on my backpack and headed towards the main building.

            I closed my eyes and squared my shoulders.

            And for some reason, I couldn’t help but feel as if things were about to go very wrong.

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