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            It had been three days since finding out several truths that had changed my life. It had been three days since I had been home; three days that my father hadn’t called me. I doubted that my brief text to him explaining that I was going to be spending the night at Bay’s due to a project we had to do for school.

            He didn’t question it.

            He didn’t even ask when I would be back home. He just texted me a simple, ‘k’, and then didn’t question me further.

            In the last three days, we had been roaming around, digging through some of the files that the guys had recovered. How? I didn’t know and something told me I didn’t want to ask.

            I knew I should have asked questions but I didn’t. I didn’t want to know what the guys had to do in order to point everything at Daniel Grove.  I just wanted to know the end result and that was when he was going to be put behind bars.

            According to Mark, if everything went according to plan, my father would be the one to arrest the sick man.

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