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            I looked up at Viktor and wrapped my arms around his neck. “I need to tell my dad.” I whispered, hoping that somehow by wrapping my arms around him he’d agree.

            He faintly nodded and tightened his arms around me but something told me that it had nothing to do with my arms around him.

            I studied his face and pushed back his dark and messy hair. “Why didn’t you tell me?” I asked.

            “To keep you safe.” He replied. “I know you only slept with me in hopes you’d get some info out of me.”

            I slowly closed my eyes and sighed heavily. If only he knew I stopped sleeping with him for information after the second week.

            “I’m sorry.” I told him as I reopened my eyes.

            Viktor shrugged, “I’ll admit it. I was weak the first night.” He admitted. “It was a onetime thing but every time I saw you with that David punk, I knew you’d either end up hurt or dead.”

            His bluntness stopped taking me by surprise after knowing him for a few months.

            “So to keep me safe you started sleeping with me to keep me away from David?” I asked.

            Viktor shrugged, “I tried keeping you busy for as long as I could. My goal was to tire you out so much at night that you wouldn’t go to David.”

            “And when we weren’t sleeping together?”

            “I had the girls keep you busy doing whatever you girls do.”

            I knew I should have of been mad. But who the hell was I to get mad after I slept with him with the intent of getting information out of him? I wasn’t mad which was kind of weird but I wasn’t going to question it further.

            “I should be mad,” I said.

            “I should too,” Viktor said.

            “But we kind of got each other back… with each other.” I laughed.

            Vik nodded, “How about we figure where we stand later? Carrie and Conrad are fighting.”

            I glanced over my shoulder and fixed my hearing on them. Sure enough, they were fighting. I sighed and nodded as I dropped my arms from around his neck. Viktor didn’t move his arms from around my waist however. I glanced down at him and quirked a brow. “Shouldn’t we get in there? Stop Carrie from picking Con’s eyes out and maybe talk about what happen today on the highway?”

            Like the gun shots I heard and what exactly happened to the guy who killed my sister and was following us.

            Vik nodded, “Just one more thing.”

            “What’s that?” I asked.

            Viktor smirked and pulled me closer to him. This time there wasn’t any room between the two of us. My head was titled back and his was bent down. We stared at each other before Vik leaned down and covered my lips with his.

            The kiss was slow and innocent but it still sent shivers down my spine and left me light headed.

            When he pulled away my eyes were still closed but I could feel his gaze on me. Viktor’s warmth soon disappeared but his large hand wrapped around my tiny one. “C’mon. We have things to discuss.”


            “Can everyone just shut up?!” I screamed half an hour later. Bay and Conrad had been going at it for the last twenty five minutes and if I heard Bay threaten to chop off Conrad’s balls, I was going to flip a lid. Carrie was trying to stop Bay from tackling Conrad and Mark was holding both Carrie and Bay because Bay was freakishly strong.

            The yelling stopped. Mark held Carrie and Carrie held Bay all the while Conrad stood next to Viktor. Everyone in the room looked at me.

            “I think you all are forgetting one little thing,” I started as I crossed my arms across my chest and glared at my group of friends. “I’M THE ONE WHO IS SUPPOSED TO BE FREAKING OUT ABOUT THIS ENTIRE FREAKING THING.”

            Mark let go of Carrie and Carrie let go of Bay.

            “You all have known about this the entire freaking time. You all shouldn’t be fighting over who the hell knows what. I just found out. I should be freaking out. Not you all. So do me all a favor and sit down before I freak out on you all!”

            Everyone sat down.

            I ran my hand through my hair and sighed. “We need to tell my dad. He can help.”

            “What are we going to tell him?” Conrad asked as he stood from his seat on the couch. “We’ll probably get locked up ourselves after we tell him. We’ve known since the night Mia died. We didn’t tell the police for a reason.”

            “And what’s the reason Conrad?” I snapped narrowing my eyes at him. “Huh? Did you kill my sister? Where you watching the entire time? Did you order the hit on my sister? I mean I know she was a bitch but she didn’t fucking deserve to die the way she did! She deserves to have her killer locked up. To have Stephanie’s dad rot in jail for ordering the hit!”

            The room fell silent.

            “My father has worked day in and day out trying to solve this fucking murder. He’s never home and when he is, he can’t even look at me! Why? Because he sees Mia. He doesn’t see me, he sees her. I am a fucking constant reminder that his daughter died and that her killer is still on the loose.”

            Conrad shifted on his feet and ran a hand through his hair.

            “So tell me what the fucking reason for keeping your mouth shut about this entire thing was, because really, I want to know.”

            “Malia,” Viktor warned as he gently pulled me closer to him.

            “I think we all need to calm down,” Bay said.

            Pulling away from Viktor, I walked out of the room and let the screen door slam behind me.

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