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     I skipped school and drove around for majority of the morning before I decided I needed to see the person responsible for everything going on.

     Mia’s grave sat on the top of the hill in the far east of the cemetery, underneath a large tree. The shade the tree’s branches and leaves provided were great in the summer, however as Autumn rolled in and the leaves began to fall with each passing day there was nothing to protect Mia from the harsh waters that threatened to come down.

     Dark clouds casted above my head as I parked my car at the bottom of the hill and slipped out. Stuffing my hands into my jacket pockets, I looked up and locked eyes with my destination- my sister’s grave.

     It had been two weeks since we had buried her. I knew for a fact my father came almost every day to check up and leave flowers. I knew he missed her. Mia was a hard person not to miss. She was the life of every party. Always smiling and making everyone laugh. Although Mia had her flaws, she also had her perks.

     Engraved into a grey stone were simple words followed by a simple message.

     Mia Lee Hart

     April 5th 1995 – August 8th 2013

     Loving daughter, sister, and friend.

     Kneeling down, I closed my eyes and ran a hand through my hair.

     “Even six feet under you still cause chaos, sis.” I sighed as I sat against the tree trunk and lifted my knees to my chest.

     “Whoever you were involved with, you sure pissed them off. Even after you’re dead they still want you to suffer.”

     I sat in silence for a few minutes longer, head resting against the tree as my eyes remained shut. In my pocket my phone began to vibrate; I sighed as I slipped it out of my back pocket.

     Party tonight at Conrad’s place. 24 North Pike Avenue. 10 PM. –Bay.

     I shook my head as I closed the text. A party was the last thing I needed but a small part of me said that a party was exactly what I needed. I didn’t want to be home, I couldn’t be home.

     And a party was just the solution.


     Half past ten I stepped out of my car and locked my car. The country looking two story house at the end of block resembled the house from Project X.

     Walking down the middle of the street, I questioned why I even decided to show up. I have never been a party kind of person. I hated large crowds which was why I as I headed up the porch steps I made myself smaller so I could avoid being touched by the numerous couples sucking face or dancing by the front door.

     Inside was no better. The music was intensely loud. The bass so powerful I could feel it run through my bones. Our Last Night blasted through the speakers. Trevor and Matt Wentworth’s voices singing brought a small smile to my face. Whoever was playing DJ tonight had good taste in music.

     Bay had texted saying to find her whenever I showed up at the party, so as I pushed through the crowd, I scanned the rooms as I passed through them hoping to find a familiar face. That didn’t happen until I hit the back porch. Viktor sat on the patio set couch, beer in hand while a redheaded girl sat on his lap.

     I hadn’t seen him since the first day we ever conversed. I tended to keep my distance whenever he was around and tried to ignore him as best as I could without giving Bay or the others a reason to be suspicious.

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