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            “I can’t breathe.”

            “Malia, calm down.”

            “I can’t breathe. Oh god. Did you hear the gun shots?”


            “Did you hear the gun shots!?”

            “Listen to me,” Carrie started as she cupped my face between her hands and looked me straight in the eyes. “We’re okay.”

            “The gun shots,” I mumbled

            Bay sighed and stepped out of the car. The door slammed behind her.

            “I’m going to explain now, okay?”

            I nodded.

            “The night your sister died, Bay and I were near the spot where she was hit.”

            I stared at Carrie with wide eyes. What?

            “I was mad because Mark was being a jackass. Bay and I were walking so I could let some steam go. I heard you and her talking.”

            I blinked.

            “She said something about the truth hurting but lies killing.”

            I nodded.

            “Then she walked off into the woods. She passed Bay and I on the way towards the river. She didn’t even see us. We didn’t plan on following her but we were walking in that direction, so we couldn’t avoid it. When Bay and I got to the river, we found Viktor sitting on a tall rock drinking alone so we went over to him. We were up there for awhile before the three of us heard Mia arguing with two guys.”


            I gulped.

            This was it. I was finally going to know who exactly killed my sister.

            “Who were the guys?” I asked.

            Carrie sighed as she sat back and pushed back strands of her white blond hair.

            “The guy who was following us? Well it was him.”

            “And the second?”

            Carrie sighed again.

            “For fucks sake, tell me Care!”

            Carrie closed her eyes and shook her head. “It was David.”


            She nodded.

            I stared at her and ignored Bay cursing outside the car.

            “Did David kill Mia, Care?”

            Carrie remained silent. “No. The other guy did, David just stood there and watched. He didn’t do anything to stop the guy.”

            “What the actual fuck.” I whispered as I fell back onto the passenger door and ran a hand through my hair.

            “I’m not done,” she said.

            I fixed my gaze onto her.

            “We found out Stephanie’s father was the one who paid the guy to kill her. Apparently, Mia had something over Stephanie’s father- something big, big enough to put on a hit on her back.”

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