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            Night had fallen.

Bay and Carrie were inside the house Conrad told us to stop at. I sat outside on the porch steps, head in my hands as I tried to put everything together. I couldn’t wrap my head around everything that Carrie had just told me. My sister died because she knew something, something that had to be dangerous enough for someone to put a hit on her. That someone just so happened to be Stephanie Grove’s father.

            What the hell could Mia have known about Stephanie’s father that would get her killed?

            I sighed in annoyance and picked up my head just as I caught sight of a car racing towards us. I quickly stood up, on high alert all over again.

            “Bay!” I yelled out. “Carrie!”

            The girls quickly stepped out of the house, “What’s wrong?” Bay asked as she stood to my left and Carrie stood to my right.

            I nodded in the direction of the dirt road, “Looks like we got company.”

            Viktor’s car came to a stop behind Carrie’s Hyundai. Rocks and dirt flew everywhere and I coughed a few times before the dirt cleared up and the guys slid out of the car.

            “Clear?” were the first words out of Mark’s mouth.

            “Clear.” Carrie replied as she bounded down the stairs and jumped into her boyfriend’s arms. I watched as Bay followed her and started talking with Conrad. Mark, Carrie, Bay, and Conrad walked past me and into the house. Mark patted my shoulder and threw me a small smile as he followed his girlfriend into the old house. Conrad met my gaze but didn’t say anything as he walked in behind Bay and closed the door behind him.

            I stood on the stairs, arms crossed over my chest as I stared at Viktor who held his phone to his ear. He paced before his car and ran his hand through his hair every so often. It wasn’t until he ended the call and slid his phone back into his pocket that he looked up and met my gaze.

            We stared at each other for a few seconds before Viktor started towards me. He stopped at the bottom of the stairs and despite the fact that I was at the top of the stairs and he was at the bottom, he was still a few inches taller.

            “Did they tell you?” he asked.

            I nodded.

            “Everything?” he questioned again.

            I shrugged, “Depends on what you consider everything.”

            “What did they tell you?”

            I pushed back loose strands of hair and sighed as I ran a hand over my face. I didn’t care if I smudged my eye make-up at this point. I just wanted this nightmare to end.

            “The guy following us killed Mia. David watched. Stephanie Grove’s father ordered her dead.” I summed up.

            Viktor stared at me, his dark eyes studied me intently. “Are you in shock?”

            I stared at him with questioning eyes. “What kind of question is that? Of course I’m shocked!”

            “No, are you in shock?”

            I shrugged and hugged myself. “I don’t know.”

            “How do you feel?”

            “Confused. Numb. Hurt. Angry.” I listed.

            Viktor sighed before he moved up two steps.

            “Well at least you’re talking so that’s a good sign.”

            I rolled my eyes before I closed them and tilted my head back. I finally knew what happened to my sister. But even though I knew who her killer was I wanted to know why Mr. Grove put the hit on her. A part of me knew I should call my father and tell him everything but as Viktor placed his hands on my hips, I knew that I couldn’t make that decision alone.

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