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            Bay hugged me and kissed my cheek.

            I cringed and smacked her arms that were around my neck.

            “What are you doing?”

            “I know I’ve never told you this, but I freaking love you.”

            “I love her more,” Carrie sang as she hung from Mark’s arm.

            “No I love her more,” Bay glared standing up straight. Taking a step forward she pushed me aside and I went stumbling into Conrad’s back.

            He turned and glared but it lessened as he realized it was only me. “What’s up?”

            I shook my head, “Bay shoved me. Sorry.”

            With a single nod he turned away and started talking to a blonde girl again.

            Things between he and I weren’t very well but when had they ever been okay?

            Casting one last look at the girls who were arguing, I slipped out of the kitchen and went searching for Viktor.

            I found him standing outside, smoking what smelled like weed. I closed the door behind me and looked around. There were few people scattering the back porch but none of them seemed to mind that Vik was smoking, in fact, I think I caught sight of a bong on one of the porch tables in the corner where two girls sat making out.

            “They’ve been going at it for eight minutes straight.” Vik stated as I came up beside him and shoved my hands into my jacket pockets.

            “And you’ve been watching the entire time?”

            Vik shrugged as he handed me the joint, I shook my head declining. By the looks of what was inside, I was the one who was going to have to stay sober tonight.

            “They caught my interest,”

            I laughed and shook my head before stepping in front of him and wrapping my arms around his waist.

            “Did you talk to your brother?” I asked, remembering how he had mentioned that he was meeting up with his brother that he hadn’t seen in years.

            “Yep,” came his response.

            “How’d it go?”

            “Alright I guess.” He shrugged. “He offered me a job for this spring.”

            “Oh really? Where?”

            “Greene Lawn Care.”

            “Original,” I teased.

            Vik stared down at me and blew the smoke into my face. I started to choke and glared at him. “Okay, I won’t joke. But really, what did you say?”

            “I took it.”

            “That’s awesome!”

            “I’m just cutting yards, nothing great there.” He laughed as he dropped the butt of the joint onto the floor and stepped on it before he wrapped his arms around my shoulders.

            “A job is a job, babe.”

            “I only took it because it’s fifteen bucks an hour.”

            “Start pay?”

            “I get eighteen in three months. After that I get a raise every year.”

            “Sounds good.” I smiled as I patted his back. “If you take off your shirt they might tip you.” I winked.

            “I get the feeling you’re trying to pimp me out, Hart.”

            “I am.”

            Viktor laughed and I smiled as my heart fluttered.

            It wasn’t often that I heard him laugh whole heartedly but I liked the fact that I could get him to laugh carefree.

            “Did you see your dad?”

            I nodded.


            “We had a heart to heart.”

            “Awe, did my little Malia get emotional?”

            I rolled my eyes, “Me? Emotional?” I laughed. “That’s like saying Conrad isn’t an asshole.”

            Vik chuckled.

            “Even though we didn’t get specific, I heard everything I needed to hear.”

            Vik smiled down at me and kissed my forehead. “Good.”

            “That’s sort of like us right?” I asked.

            “What do you mean?” he asked as he fixed the black beanie on my head.

            “Neither one of us is emotional. And we don’t like talking about our feelings.”

            “Yeah but we show each other we care.”

            I nodded.

            “I do care about you.” He said.

            “I care about you, too.”

            He smiled down at me before he cupped my face between his hands and pressed a light kiss to my lips.


a/n: hey guys. Just wanted to say that there are only a few more parts left to TOC!

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